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child of the night

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Everything posted by child of the night

  1. well take a look at her, my oc is like 7 years old, I couldn't tell even if I wanted too...
  2. I am having so much trouble making my profile... thats a request shop that would go well, a profile creating request shop.

    1. Inactive_Now


      What kind of trouble?

  3. @@Sporemane,@@Drago Ryder, Silver Spirit stood from the place that she was sitting before heading off in the direction of the castle exit. She refused to have guards with her as most of the guards gave off a too intimidating feel which she didn't like. Due to this she had learned some attacks and defenses just in case they would be needed. Silver made her way towards the potions brewers hut as neither the brewer or tempest had turned up to inform her of their progress.
  4. *falls asleep in the middle of class and wakes up to a pillow underneath head*

  5. @@Drago Ryder, Mother steadied her daughter with her side and then pushed her in the direction of her room, "Now go and find yourself an outfit. You must have something you would like to wear." Mother turned around and trotted back towards the table, "If you need to go geta new dress please tell us before heading out."
  6. @@Drago Ryder, Mother nuzzled Gales head and then stepped back to look at her. "Now the festivities are tomorrow but you still have to get ready, do you even know what your going to be wearing? You are meeting with the queen after all, it's not every day that you are an honored guest of the queen."
  7. 3704001 I don't tell people anymore watch the show. I have a way of telling people stuff but nobody can remember (I seem to make people forget things)
  8. 370396 the last time I participated was on page 3044...
  9. Spirit woke with a start not quite knowing how long she had slept. Getting out of the bed she made her way to the closet in the room and made herself once again presentable. Heading out in the opposite direction from the barracks she made her way to the garden found on the castle grounds. Once there she navigated the hedge maze until she reached the center where there was a small fountain surrounded by seats. Spirit entered the area and sat on one of the seats fiddling with a rose she had picked on the way there. @@Drago Ryder, "Gale honey I want you to attend the festivities that will be held today and tomorrow. Also to celebrate your eighteenth birthday we set up a very special thing for you." Mother said this and turned to father who was standing just behind her. He nodded for her to continue so she turned back to Gale, "We set it up with the queen that you shall be a special guest during the upcoming tournament."
  10. slowly getting back into the swing of things, glad I can get on in school...

  11. I find it entertaining that 70%-80% of my post count is from roleplays

  12. Spirit made her way down the halls of the castle and eventually turned into her private chambers. Knowing that very few ponies including only some of her closest guards could enter the room she took off the dress and fell onto the bed sighing comfortably. Knowing that there wasn't supposed to be any appointments for awhile she fell into a light sleep.
  13. @, @, @@reader8363, Silver looked down to consider what he said for a moment, "No no no, I just want you to listen to the conversations and tell me later how many you think may join. Don't put yourself under stress though, this isn't something to be too concerned for. I will take my leave my leave now as I have other things to complete today." She gives a small bow to the two ponies in the bar and heads out of the bar and down to the castle once more. As she passes through the door she notices the new dragon who she couldn't remember but continued as there were more imminent pieces to attend to
  14. @, Silver Spirit smiled at the pony behind the table and and shook her head no. "I"m sorry sir I do not drink for reasons of my own, I actually have come here to speak on the later activities. As you are well aware a large amount of my guards will be off duty tonight to either prepare or celebrate for the upcoming festivities. If you wouldn't mind could you take a rough estimate when the guards are here as to who would be joining the upcoming tournament." @ Spirit turned to the pony and gave a soft chuckle offering them a hoof up to stand. She looked the pony over having not seen them before, "do not worry my friend, I came here as a friend and not as a leader so please do not humiliate yourself by having your head on the floor. Though try not to be so rude to the working men." She gave another smile to the pony and turned back to Keep. @@Drago Ryder, (parents haven't been given a name so I am referring to them as such) Mother walked over to her daughters door and gave a light knock onto it. "Gale honey are you ever going to come down to the main hall? Your father and I have something we need to discuss with you about."
  15. @, Silver walked into her room where she changed out of the long flowing dress in to a more formal wear before heading off towards the barracks. She considered quite a large amount of things but her mind at the moment was focused mostly on the new planned tournament coming the next day. Her mind was in such a clutter that she nearly ran into one of the stone pillars before catching herself. Walking up to the barracks she knocked and opened the door only to realize that there wouldn't be anybody in there. Since the men would be partying prior to training for the tournament. Because of this she walked down a bit farther, nodding to the ponies sho passed who would bow, and walked into the building to talk to the pony named inn keep. Walking up to him she said, "Excuse me Mr. Keep, if you wouldn't mind could I have a conversation with you?"
  16. @@Drago Ryder, @@Sporemane, Silver Spirit walked back behind the stage and gave Tempest a quick nod. "Walk with me tempest we have much to discuss in regards to the upcoming festival." She stepped out of the back of the room and walked along the path weaving towards the main building in the castle. Without looking back to see if tempest was following she began to talk. "There is a potion master who lives in this town that I believe is named sporemare. I ordered a set of potions from him for the upcoming events but as you know I can't exactly go and check on the pony myself. If you would please go and check on him, help him if he needs it, and guard him when he delivers the goods to my personal chambers."
  17. The RP is up here:https://mlpforums.com/topic/144037-tales-of-the-children-of-the-night-rp/

  18. OOC: https://mlpforums.com/topic/143995-tales-of-the-children-of-the-night The bell chimed in the Lunar Empires castle's bell tower on the eve of the day that was set to celebrate the end of the great night and day wars. The bell tolled 3 times to signify a gathering in the great hall of the castle to the town surrounding it.. Now the hall wasn't big enough to hold everypony but all the citizens knew what was going to be said so some decided to stay home. The citizens slowly crowded into the room taking up a space wherever it was open making sure that they had a clear view of the stage. Once the crowd had made it most of the way in the stage lit up with torches and some guards appeared follow by the queen. Raising her hoof for silence Silver Spirit claimed their attention and made most of them silent in mere seconds. Quickly looking to make sure everypony was in she looked back at the crowd and addressed them. "Citizens of the Lunar Empire I am sure you realize what time it is," Spirit says as a slight murmur pops in the hall. "As most of you know tomorrow is the festival for celebrating our victory. As such there are some normal events going on as well as a rather new event. As normal the great ball will be held in the field infront of this castle. However we will also hold a new event in the gladiator ring. If you wish you may enter into this tournament where we will be placing people against eachother to find the greatest fighters in this city. Remember that anybody may enter be it a citizen, outsider, or even my castle guard so I wish you all good luck." Having finished what she was here to say she bowed to the people who were in the hall before saying, "please remember that even if safety is held at the highest priority you may and will still be wounded. Now before you leave it is also important to remember that the lunar guard is holding initiation so if you would like to join please go to the training ground found behind the castle." After finishing the speech spirit bowed to the ponies before exiting through the back of the stage.
    1. child of the night

      child of the night

      I would feel narcissistic placing my name in the title if it wasn't based off an old roleplay by the same name :P

  19. Tales of the Children of the Night RP is in the progress of being created!!!

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