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child of the night

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Everything posted by child of the night

  1. child of the night

    general questions Old Blogs

    thanks for the information!
  2. child of the night

    general questions Old Blogs

    I used the blogs awhile back for random reasons. Now I have a couple random blogs that serve no reason for being there. I was wondering if there is a way to delete blogs or if the just fall into the pack of lost items on the forums that don't get looked at?
  3. In my opinion I thought while equestria girls didn't do too bad it had a really flushed out story...
  4. Started crying in math class, literally crying, like with real salty tears. (I have an odd qwirk about me where if I yawn hard I tear up and math is boring so it makes me yawn...)
  5. someone go to my profile and read it please... I could really use some help...

    1. catnet


      I'm afraid I don't have much in the way of advice to give, sorry :( I'd recommend making a topic in Life Advice (https://mlpforums.com/forum/38-life-advice/) about this, though; that way, more people can read about this and hopefully some of them will have some ideas that can help :D You seem like a really nice guy, and from what I understand, good friendships that have lasted as long as yours often transition well into relationships; I sincerely hope this goes well for you ^.^

  6. I wish some things would just go my way, after all my luck when from bad to worse in recent weeks, only one or two things have gone my way.

  7. I have a growing problem That I really wish was fixed

  8. What do I do on ingress if I am a resistance with a jarvis virus...

    1. UltimaX


      You do what ever you want. Plus, I thought you didn't watched the show anymore.

  9. One day I will come back for more than a day, that day will be far in the future unless something pops up to cure my boredom...

  10. I am having trouble staying on the forum, I just can't find something to keep me on as all of my rp's have died

    1. Monsoon


      I know what you mean

  11. One of my best friends recently became single which is surprising because their relationship was going really strong.

  12. These tears of mine are screaming out, "I found you on this gray world without any blue"

  13. It's all about the jelly beans, there is no other candy that could appease my sweet tooth!
  14. I'm sooooooooooooooooooo bored, someone help appease this bordom monster and give me something to do... PLEASE!

    1. NothingIsEverything


      How about listening to some music? I sometimes get lost in music. :3

  15. I had a test in sign language class today. It went well until grading, I had my friends test and we want to grade it. How it goes is that the teacher will sign a word and we have to write it. The word was nuts, looking down at the paper I saw my friend wrote Dez nuts... I wanted so badly to slap him.

  16. Life certainly is strange! (just got a new game named life is strange)

  17. You know you have been playing tf2 too long when you can crit axetenguisher a pyro

  18. If I could save a life, no matter what I needed to do, I would do it.

    1. Pone


      what if it meant losing another life?

    2. JonasDarkmane
  19. I wish that some of my rp's still went on. The children of the night rp (not made by me) was super great even the reprise. There was also the code lyoko rp which was amazing for the time it lasted. I wish someone would bring these back but oh well.

  20. I need assistance, I play tf2 and I tend to main medic, I named my kritz "red stained cherry blossoms" but I can't figure out a name for my other medigun... I want to keep the same theme

    1. Mars Orbit

      Mars Orbit

      Blue stained violet.

    2. child of the night
  21. Its not what you do to me but what you do to my friends that hurts the most...

    1. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      *hug i know the feel =/

  22. (OOC: sorry I have been away for awhile and I couldn't get quite enough time to respond...) Synth had been listening intently from the start of the conversation but wasn't too interested in what they were saying. She stood when she was told and saluted when it was important to do so but at the other times she wasn't quite in tune. Sitting back down at the corner of the tent she listened intently to what her new commander was now telling her. After awhile she heard herself being labeled as number five and quickly popped up,"Can I not be number 5 please, I have a bit of a bad history with that number and yes, I am superstitious."
  23. sticks and stones leave broken bones but words leave shattered souls

  24. Synth heard the other ponies talking but didn't bother to listen. Looking at the colt she had picked she didn't want to bother with it so she sighed and put it back into her carrier. Puling out her sword she unsheathed it and layed it on the ground in front of her so she could check it. Looking it over she cleaned it while looking down the other ponies to judge their skills.
  25. So many new friends recently!

    1. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      Friends are happy thing to have =)

    2. child of the night

      child of the night

      It's always great!

    3. 碇 シンジン
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