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Hawk McAdam

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Everything posted by Hawk McAdam

  1. Now wouldn't that be nice if MLP-themed skins and especially lent voices were offered in the game? Won't ever happen, but one can always dream. At any rate, it was fun to make.
  2. Ronald Jenkees being a goober after he plays a song. Even after seeing it many times, it still amuses me.
  3. It's okay. They're so small, anybody would've missed 'em. Discord is a thing, too, so maybe he swiped 'em.
  4. The wingmen on Starfox 64 had some bad ones, if I recall correctly. "Do a barrel roll!"
  5. I don't know if this is where I'd post this kind of thing, but... I made a video that uses quotes from the show applied to Starcraft 2 gameplay. Got the idea from Yudhaikeledai's MLP SC2 gif portraits. It was certainly fun to make, and I hope it's entertaining enough.
  6. Where did you find that information? I love Sunset Shimmer, but she was made specifically for the Equestria Girls universe. I do hope they bring her through the portal a couple of times as I reckon the endeavor to resolve her issues with Celestia and what not would be a sweet story for an episode. Largely because it would further convey the importance of humility and integrity to seek forgiveness, which is definitely prevalent in Rainbow Rocks. Maybe she's the Element of Forgiveness, having learned first hoof of its importance. Ah dunno. But otherwise, she's pretty much the face and integral part of the HuMane 6 (nice to see that someone else in this thread had addressed them as such, heh). Plus toys. S'all about new toys.
  7. This is pretty cool. And it seems like it could be worked into an episode as well. They already pulled a gag where something spins through Twilight's mane to curl it in just such a way that it looks like Rarity. Maybe this episode would involve Rainbow Dash trying to help Fluttershy become more confident, with getting a trim like this being a part of that transformation. I don't know. At any rate, very cool work. Now try 'em out for the other Mane ponies. Perhaps give Celestia, Luna, or Cadence the Rainbow Dash look. Heh.
  8. Wow. That is a spectacular work of art. Very well done. At a certain glance, it kind of makes me think that's how Celestia looked when she was at Cadence's age (I, of course, have absolutely no knowledge of their relative ages, but it just seems like Celestia's been around longer). I agree with the topic of this thread: Moar Celestia!
  9. It would be a pretty awesome experienc to get in on such an awesome show. But in order to keep it that good, it'd probably be best if I didn't subject viewers to my terrible performance. I tend to squawk and honk with my cracking voice, even without having to get so nervous while working along with such a talented, professional cast. Especially if pitted against Discord De Lancie...that guy is so good. But yeah. Still a cool opportunity. Where did we hear that a brony was or will be in the show, anyway?
  10. I really like her...mane? Seriously, great pic and thread. Made me smile smile smile. And then some.
  11. Well hey. That was pretty cool, buddy. Really adds a lot to the songs. Good job.
  12. Anybody think that Fluttershy is a Browncoat, reacting as she did to how (the) Firefly went down?
  13. As if it wasn't already impressive of her to go on these adventures and constantly win the day - by herself - she comes home and writes best-selling novels about it all as well. Silly over-achieving ponies...grumble grumble. Has anybody come across some decent fanfiction regarding this character or anything? Just curious.
  14. Sounds poetic when you put it that way. And colored mud is still special mud, compared to regular mud.
  15. I don't know if this is the right place to ask this, or this has indeed been asked already somewhere, but... How many Daring Do books are there officially, as if written by "A. K. Yearling," in the MLP:FiM universe? It seems to me in "Read It And Weep," at approximately 19:25 in the episode, there are 16 books on Twilight's shelf when she talks about her collection of the Daring Do books, two titles of which being "Daring Do and the Quest for the Sapphire Stone" and "Daring Do and the Griffon's Goblet." The recent "Daring Don't" episode displays another title, "Daring Do and the Ring of Destiny." According to a wiki page (however reliable that may be), there was a "Twilight Sparkle and the Crystal Heart Spell" comic book or something that mentions of another title called "Daring Do and the Trek to the Terrifying Tower."
  16. My goodness that's an amazing picture. It's one thing to appreciate an artist's work at displaying an emotion, but this here really makes me want to actually go find her out there in the rain and hug her. Super duper sad to see Pinkie, of all ponies, cry like that. Heh heh. Well done.
  17. Hee hee. I quite liked that picture of Applejack blushing with regards to the whole Shining Armor thing, and with how the prince "liked this." XD But yeah, love this artwork. So lively and beautiful. Just outright fun! Keep up the good work.
  18. Well this looks fun. Would love to win one of those lovely canvas paintings, but I'll be plenty happy with whomever gets one/them. Would be an honor.
  19. Always like seeing people come up with these signature thingies, and I must say that all of these are quite nice and simple. I particularly like the Rainbow Dash one, with the black backdrop and the chromatic dots poking out from it. There's just something about how that glow effect on a black surface that just looks really cool to me. Keep up the good work!
  20. Dangalism. Or Profanger. Dafessionalisanger? Prodang. Whatever. Heh.
  21. Wow. That is some really great work. It's just so easy to love this character from all the different stages/ages you've laid out there, on top of the vibrant colors and truly unique hairstyle. Or is it mane-style? Please excuse me if I use improper grammar here. Anyway, yeah she's a great character, and frankly I would love it if she made it into the show somehow. Not only because of how lovely her personality seems, but also as a thanks to you and your talent and vision. Sure it's wishful thinking, but what's wrong with that, right? Anyway, keep up the good work.
  22. Wow. That is some really great work there. The choice of colors and text style or font or whatever it's called is very fitting for each character. I certainly wish I could do something like that. Ha ha! I'd give ya a thumbs up, but...hooves don't have thumbs, y'know? *shrugs*
  23. Pretty nice job with the song there, especially for being new to the whole music making thang. Heh. I hope I can get confident enough to attempt making tunes myself someday. Keep at it!
  24. 9/10 Always liked Scootaloo. Especially "Too Cool" Scootaloo.
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