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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by masterchaoss

  1. My hunting rifles not sure ponis hunt but I'm a hunter pony I guess.
  2. well it kinda gives away where I live but i pretty sure that no one can find me in a city this large anyway. PS.Go Dodgers!
  3. I have a weirder one, Panty and Stocking with garter belt, It is absolutely hilarious. This also the one anime I'd recommend the Dub over sub every day of the week. The first two episodes are up on youtube for free.
  4. No for me I feel for doing something but taking forever to get that said thing out, fuck my inability to edit audio!
  5. So as far as I know I'm Spanish, English, Mexican, Irish, Canadian, Austrian, Native American and German. I identify the most with Spanish (my sir name) and English, I identify the least Mexican and native American.
  6. I do penut butter is amazing especially the crunchy kind. I wish those calories had an effect on me I can’t gain any wight ever I could eat three of those things and still be stuck a 160, whitch is really skinny for 6'6", I've been called slender man, walking skeleton, skeletor, ect, all because of my supper metabolism, its also stopped me from playing my favorite sport at a level higher than high school because I can't gain any muscle.
  7. Very rarely but I do get judged for watching the show ever once in a while, it's probably do to the to the fact I live in a more liberal region that I rarely ever get the hate for being a dude that warches mlp.
  8. yeah that's has been the problem, we've had everything recorded for a while now but we haven't been able to put it together, it's been really annoying that has been the only thing stopping us.
  9. Hey guy we are need of some help with editing are show as we only have one curently and he has gotten busier with work, so we need some more help on this end we already have alot of good vocal talent and some great writers so this is only place we are lacking some depth and it's really needed. Here is a link to the channel https://m.youtube.com/user/SilverPonyPlayersso please if you're good with audio let us know you won't regret it.
  10. Go how the mighty have fallen yeah the ucla Bruins are my team and man they have been disappointed with them last five years or so. Still hoping they can do something magical and win it all probably won't make it past the second round though.
  11. Relative hard, I don't to show off my fandoms unless its sports, if you ask me I'll say so, I'm not nervous about I just don't like being a show off.
  12. Well I'm from LA, so it logical that my OC would be from Las Pegasus.not to be a dick but look at map Las Pegasus is LA so let's not be dense about it.
  13. Yes we could greatly use the so if their is anyone interested email Doc as she said above or me at masterchaoss@gmail.com. If you haven't seen the series before and like to now what it is just look up the title or silverponyplayers on YouTube.
  14. This has bothered me for a while is las Pegasus Los Angeles or Las Vegas. The map http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130403195243/mlp/images/c/cb/Map_of_Equestria_April_2013.jpg says LA and I agree but a lot of the fans want to claim it to be las Vegas. So if it ever appears in the show what city do you think it would represent. I would say LA just because of the official map.
  15. The rarity fight club would be awesome, Just the reaction from the other characters alone would be priceless,I also like the Apple jack one.
  16. Hey guys, just letting you know that the auditions end soon, so don't be afraid and try out, we need as many of you to try out as possible!
  17. Probably cut my (future me's) jugguler shouting you're one horiable imposter, as I had cut my hair and gotten glasses and started avidly following sports and not playing as many video games. Basically became the opposite of a brony and a brony at the same time.
  18. Yeah its fine as long as you know when you know when you've hit someones limit. I know that most people don't have my outrageously thick skin so I can that I can make racist jokes about my own race and don't find them offensive at all when other people do. So yeah just remember everyone deferent about what they can take.
  19. extreamly, I've learn't that you cant get anywere in life without being competive, and i try and put out as mutch as i can to be the best in every thing. if you dont your not going anywhere in life.
  20. Dodgers beat Braves! LAD leads series 1-0.

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