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Everything posted by Espeon

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rp_-NSFUGxA Great thread imo Cheese pizza forever, circle pizza is better than square, "American"-style pizza (greasy af) is the worst thing to happen to pizza, buttery golden crust plz
  2. I know it's not as extreme, but did we really need both Ness and Lucas in Brawl? The Mother series isn't exactly big or recent. Why do we have Ice Climbers? Little Mac? "Size" of a franchise isn't the best or only way to decide how many representatives (if any) a franchise gets. How about whether or not the character could make an interesting addition to the cast? Palutena could be really cool, so why exclude her because her resident franchise is too small or unknown? I never played it myself, but from what I hear, Uprising was pretty well-received and continuing the reboot might not be a bad idea. (I agree it's kind of pandering to his franchise but I don't really have a personal problem with that) Palutena almost certainly isn't being added for such an arbitrary reason as "she's female." And if Samus, Peach, and Zelda were the only unambiguously female characters out of a cast of 35 characters on the selection screen (as was the case in Brawl I think, ofc Samus and Zelda are two in one on the selection screen), don't you think it's reasonable to want some gender diversity? An overwhelmingly male cast is something I don't think you'd advocate. Female characters added for any reason, even a legitimate one, would be eaten up because 'moar female characterz.' (Is there some sort of a problem with guys being sexually attracted to females? Serious question here, not trying to mansplain or w/e. Being attractive doesn't delegitimize a char at all? I see what you mean if a scantily-clad female char made especially for Smash were introduced, but this isn't that at all) ___ How about that E3 invitational though? Final Smashes in action looked pretty hype. I didn't really like the Yellow Devil in more chaotic four-player medium-items matches, but I thought it was fine in less crazy matches. Looking forward to seeing a training montage of Reggie before he eventually plays against Hungrybox on the 3DS version.
  3. The poll systematically favors those who like orange juice not only in the obvious "the first question has two pro-OJ responses and only one anti-OJ response" way, but also in the "the second question is has no anti-OJ responses and both questions must be answered to submit results, thus preventing any results from those who don't like OJ" way. Since the poll doesn't accommodate me ( :[ :[ :[ ), I guess I have to post about how I don't like orange juice? Because I don't. I don't like oranges either. Or any fruit, really. Artificial orange flavor is fine by me! I'll stick to water and milk for beverages. Pulp is gross af Edit: /me rejuices at new poll option
  4. Did you guys call me inactive Because that's almost true but not quite And do I have to change my avatar/sig from the old school style :[ I even had this avatar before the revival. Maybe my new avatar could be a burrito?

  6. @@Mutemutt, the cartridge-swapping and move-more-stuff-to-Box-1-and-restart-Poketransfer-ing was an exercise in patience, but I found it pretty easy to maneuver around the Bank app proper. Useful tip if you didn't know, pressing Start until the cursor is green lets you select multiple Pokemon at a time, so you could move the entire transfer box into another box, transfer more until you're satisfied, then drag entire boxes at a time into XY if you have the free space. Of course the tip probably isn't of much use to you if you already completed your transfers... It took me hours to transfer four or so boxes only because my campus internet disconnects me after 90 or so seconds, so I generally had to drag six mons at a time and quit as fast as possible to cut down on load times. Usually I would get disconnected while loading was happening, so the app had to perform a cleanup procedure if the transfer was successful, but at least it worked. The cleanup procedure message was an indication that it worked, but it turns out it has to be done before the process can be moved further along, something I found out when trying to bypass it by transporting more mons to the transfer box. Long story short, I should have waited until I could go home for the weekend and have a continuous connection, but it was a snow day and I couldn't help myself. (of course now my 3DS can't even connect to the Wifi except in connection tests and the browser b/c error code 001-0502, so I can't Wonder Trade these 18 Bold egg moves Chansey I bred or try some legendary exchange on the GTS QQ)
  7. Homura is best pone This should totes happen I watched a p nice quality camrip of Rebellion with decent but weird subs that kind of obscured the meaning even more than it already kind of was. I wasn't sure if the cake song was poorly subbed or if it was actually happening, for example, but I don't think I'd be confident that it actually happened if I watched the official dub even because it's just that weird. From the descriptions in this thread, I understand it's still kind of a mindfuck even without hard-to-follow subs. Suffice to say I was thoroughly confused throughout and I still am.
  8. I know you prob already figured this out, but the FAQ said that you can't transfer Kyurem-W or Kyurem-B, all you gotta do is split them and transfer them individually. There's a punk girl in Kiloude that gives you the DNA Splicers so you can re-fuse them. Was anyone else maybe a bit too hasty in transferring mons? I kinda regret not tutoring Earth Power to my Rash Kyurem for max Kyurem-B shenanigans. Stealth Rock and Knock Off on my Adamant Landorus-T would have been nice as well. Either way I already started using Hyper Voice Mega Gardevoir in the Maison and it's so great omg, I'm leading with it in Super Multi alongside an AI partner with Scarf Eruption Entei and Thick Club 4 attacks Marowak. So far I tried Heatran, Gyarados, and Zapdos as backup, not sure which is best. Max power STAB Eruption and Pixilate STAB Hyper Voice is a cool combo that mostly misses out on Fire-types, which I guess I have Tailwind Zapdos and Marowak for? Really Zapdos is just there for DisQuake with Marowak with added Heat Wave. The Multi trophy is the only one I don't have yet and doing it with AI really sux. In other Maison news I have an ongoing 150 streak in Super Singles because Cloyster is OP, holding off until I can brute-force Super Multi. Sash Cloyster/Lum Garchomp/Leftovers mixed Aegislash 2gud (does anyone have a spare shiny event Genesect with Iron Head and the event moves plz, I can trade a couple shiny Gulpin or a Hasty Sheer Force Landorus or an Impish and Brave Regirock or something)
  9. I used Chrome a while ago but then it kind of shit the bed, so I switched to Firefox. It enables my tab problem (75 tabs as of this post, pls help) by not compressing the tabs and instead giving a scrolling dealie. I'm sure Chrome is fine, but it's p hard to transfer 75 tabs so I'm stuck with Firefox for now, not that I have any problem with that. Do note that I'm not Firefoxing as a boycott of Google+ shenanigans, it's just a lot more convenient with obscene amounts of tabs and smooth scrolling (is it just me or is scrolling on Chrome really rough and incremented, almost like a La-Z-Boy recliner if I remember what those are like). I use mobile Chrome because I think the only mobile Firefox is a not-free app and I'd kind of rather spend iTunes gift cards on Ninja Sex Party albums right now, especially when free mobile browsers work just as well.
  10. I'm really disappointed at the lack on NSP so far. This is the Ultimate Sandwich, no questions asked. A shit-ton of of chicken on a dick-load of ham, an explosion of clams...you can't get much better than that.
  11. Dawn of a New Day, check that calendar

  12. Hype level for XY: so

  13. Reporting back from lunch, just had a big ol' plate of pasta and a tall glass of chocolate milk. Clocked in at 5 minutes 5 seconds. I also had a fortune cookie that I didn't include in the time, but it might have added thirty seconds. Gotta go fast
  14. I'm not even trying here
  15. http://gyazo.com/3dba9711f515a419e2932014b6fec4c7 But Mailmare, I've been here for, like, two and a half years
    1. Crispy


      Mailmare sent me one too. Happens when you get logged out for the first time in forever.

  16. Guys. Guys. This is the best thing that could possibly have come of this. Seriously, I have never seen anything better than this. MegaEvolution confirmed for actually the greatest thing ever
  17. Known for being diligent and pouring hours working on whatever project it is you need to get done; tending to be more booksmart than streetsmart, sometimes coming across as socially awkward, but still being a solid friend eager to help any friend in need with their problems; being quite modest and avoiding showing off, but loving praise and always seeking acceptance.
  18. @, are you trying to imply that I'm inactive? Because that's totally sort of almost not really true or anything. The almighty codex has been struck clean for the sake of making my updated sig less than five lines of text. Sorry, guys. Also, as a note to the new additions, use BBCode for the Eeveelution names. It's basically [ member = 'blah' ], where "blah" is the name of the Eeveelution, and without all the spaces between stuff.
  19. There's really no "breaking" the type chart that can be done. All a theoretical new type would do is add an 18th row and column with its own unique strengths and weaknesses in relation to the others. The supposed new type wouldn't change that, for example, Fire is super-effective against Grass. One could argue that everything was "already sorted and figured out with advantages and disadvantages" back in Gen I when Dark and Steel didn't exist. Those two types were made as countermeasures to the previously-godlike Psychic-type, which was only resisted by itself and was weak against only the extremely weak and scarce Bug-type (Psychic was immune to Ghost in Gen I, but it's not like it mattered that much with only Lick to deal with). Who's to say this type wouldn't be a countermeasure to tear down some of the better current types and build up some of the worse? Keep in mind that it's only a rumor at the moment, but I've heard that this hypothetical new type would be immune to Dragon (adding things that can deal with Dragon very well, currently limited to a single type) and weak to Poison (adding things that make Poison a more worthwhile offensive type, aka something that hits more than Grass super-effectively), a good example of the possible benefits of adding a type in the current environment. The only thing I can see an 18th type shaking up to the point of a necessary overhaul is the Hidden Power system: it's already some fancy mathematics to make sixteen types (Hidden Power can't be Normal) of base power 30(?) - 70 available, so I'd assume fancy mathematics would be necessary to add a seventeenth possible Hidden Power type without changing the base power range or requiring an IV system overhaul (which is infinitely improbable because XY have backwards compatibility; the last time a core stat mechanic was changed, backwards compatibility was severed). Then again, I really don't know exactly what would go into adding a new potential type into the Hidden Power pool, so eh. As you might be able to tell, I'm trying really hard to stay neutral about a new type. I don't see any concrete evidence that it will or won't exist yet. The biggest argument for people saying it's all but confirmed is the whole Pokemon Smash / Sylveon thing that happened recently, but from all the details and translations I've heard, they're staying deliberately and extremely vague about everything. Without anything convincing me enough, I'd naturally believe that there will not be a new type, but I'm convinced enough to not be adamant about the lack of a new type yet not convinced enough to be adamant about the existence of a new type. Here's hoping GameFreak will push me onto one side of the fence or the other fairly soon?
  20. RE: Dragon Dragon has high-power moves (when STAB, but 1. offensive typing discussion usually shafts the use of the type in question as a coverage move, thus assuming STAB, and 2. who uses Dragon for coverage anyway besides, like, Heatran sometimes) and is only resisted by one type. Super-effective coverage is only part of the discussion, and while Dragon doesn't hit much super effectively, it has generally high base power and hits more types neutrally than any other. Is that, combined with the lack of Dragon immunity outside of Shedinja, not enough to be at least one of the top couple offensive types? The "stats of Dragons are generally a lot higher than stats of non-Dragons, thus giving an unaccounted-for-in-post unfair boost to the power of Dragon moves" argument is true, but other types have large offensive stats as well, for example Chandelure, Tyranitar, Metagross, Conkeldurr, Breloom, Thundurus-T, Landorus-T, and Darmanitan, none of which are Dragons and all of which have an offensive stat of at least base 130 and at most base 145 (compare to OU's Haxorus/Latios at 147 and 130 respectively with the outlier Kyurem-B at 170). They're just not as consistently large. RE: Flying I recall that, when Tornadus-T was in OU, someone compared the number of top-20-usage resists of Flying (resisted by three types) and Dragon (resisted by one type) and found that less resisted Flying than did Dragon, even in an environment where Hurricane was everywhere. Torn-T's Hurricane was some crazy stuff, and the things people relied on to take it were typically Jirachi, Heatran, Tyranitar, and Rotom-W. Though Flying may be uncommon, the couple Pokemon that could use it (really mostly Torn-T, Gliscor, and Staraptor because HP Flying is too weak, but also the occasional Dragonite and Archeops) had easy ways to bypass those resists: Fighting/Ground moves in the case of the former two and sometimes Nite, but Nite could also use Water, Ground, Dragon, or Electric in some combo (often Dragon with EQ/Superpower expressly for Steels and Tar) depending on what it wants to specifically do. That was a really messy way to express that, but... I guess what I'm trying to say is that Flying is like Dragon but with better super-effective coverage, less potential abusers, and a slightly different list of resists (considering four or five common Steels and one common Rock are Flying-neutral and Rotom-W is the only real common OU Electric with any worthwhile bulk). Since you don't seem to think Dragon is a good offensive type, I can sort of see why you wouldn't think Flying is that great. RE: Fighting/Ground Yes, they have the most super effective hits on individual types on paper in addition to high-power moves which often have little drawback. Sure, they're super effective against Steel. My major thing with them, though, is that they have entire types immune to them, with Ground also having to contend with Levitate. They're not nearly as spammable (Fighting is pretty close to spammable though, because Ghost is rare: much more spammable than Ground, which has the entire Flying type, a lot of 'mons by itself, and all the Levitate 'mons to deal with), which is definitely a con in my book. Fighting also has the Special side against it, where the strongest common move is Focus Blast, which has an unraiseable-by-any-sane-means 70% accuracy, with only the weak HP Fighting below it and the really uncommon Aura Sphere in-between. I find that each has more factors limiting their potential than other types; they're more "all or nothing" usually. Basically Ground is all set with Earthquake/Earth Power as relatively powerful physical/special moves, but numerous Ground-immunes kind of tear it down a bit. Fighting has less Pokemon immune to it, but has to deal with the unreliable Focus Blast specially. It's all set physically, though, with Close Combat for those that have it and Superpower for those that don't. RE: Other? Also Ice is wonderful as a coverage move and pretty good as a STAB, with the only real downside to having Ice STAB being the inherent defensive shortcomings of the type. Neutral hits on Ferrothorn and Skarmory are cool, too. You got me there. With all that said, one could also argue that some of these types are only as good / not good / average as they are because of how good other types are offensively; the best offensive types will often influence commonness (and therefore importance) of defensive typings. Prime example is early Gen IV, where Dragon was getting the best the best the best of the meta, thus making Steels more necessary and prevalent, which made Fighting and Ground better offensive types than they already were. Ghosts/Flyings and other types stepped in to take some Fighting/Ground moves, etc. etc. Basically all of this is relative to the environment around it, not just relating to typing alone but also to the stats of certain Pokemon allowing them to do things well independently of typing, such as Blissey as a special wall. __________________________________ About the new reveal stuff, meh. I have mostly neutral opinions of everything but the bird and the female protag design, both of which I like more than the other related reveal stuff. They're both pretty unique-looking compared to standard stuff we've seen before, and bird appeals with relative simplicity / girl appeals with relative complexity that isn't overbearing. Nothing that I dislike, but not much that I really love upon first impression either.
  21. Behold, the product of procrastination: Why Water is the Best Type By this guy right here When one thinks of good offensive and defensive types, the first to come to mind for most are Dragon (or Flying) and Steel, respectively. After all, Dragon is only resisted by one type and has powerful moves like Draco Meteor and Outrage, and Steel is that type that resists Dragon, not to mention a whopping ten other types. In fact, Steel is weak to only three types and neutral to two, but resistant to eleven and immune to one! So what makes Water come anywhere close to either of these? OFFENSIVE Offensive capability isn't solely determined by quantity of types that you can hit super-effectively/neutrally or lack of resistant types. It takes a combination of these, along with high-power/reliable moves and the right common Pokemon, to truly excel offensively. Let's take a look at Dragon and Flying, widely considered to be the two best offensive types: Dragon: 1 SE | 15 Neutral | 1 NVE Flying: 3 SE | 11 Neutral | 3 NVE They're about the same in that there's a 1:1 ratio of pure types weak to and resistant to them. A few other types have this ratio (Rock, Ground, and Fighting even exceed it but are hindered by immunities and such), but it's the specific types that put these two ahead of the pack for the most part. Dragon, for instance, is only resisted by Steel, meaning anything that isn't at least part-Steel will be dealing with a powerful neutral move at best. Flying is only resisted by Steel, Rock, and Electric; Electric is really uncommon, there are only a few really good Rock-types, and several Steel/x types are actually neutral to Flying (notably Scizor, Forretress, Lucario, and Ferrothorn). Flying actually has less resistors in OU than Dragon, although it's certainly less abusable. On the flip side of all this is the types that Dragon and Flying are strong against: Dragon and Bug/Fighting/Grass respectively. This doesn't matter quite as much, especially with moves as strong as STAB Hurricane/Brave Bird and Draco Meteor/Outrage, but it's nice to hit things really hard and, in the case of Flying, get some of those aforementioned neutral hits. That's all well and good, but Water has the same 3 | 11 | 3 offensive ability as Flying, just with some rearrangement. Water-resists include Grass (notorious for being a poor defensive type, weak to the Waters' ubiquitous Ice-type coverage moves), Dragon (admittedly a cool and decent defensive type, but often massively weak to standard Ice coverage), and Water itself. Water is SE against Fire, Rock, and Ground. Most importantly, Water is neutral against Steel, allowing coverage moves to be something other than Fire/Fighting/Ground for the sake of Steel disposal. Only Water can reliably take on Waters...sound like Gen I Psychic yet? Also, because I mentioned it for Water but not for Dragon or Flying, another factor of offensive effectiveness is how easily those resistors can be covered. Dragon is as effective as it is because Fire, Fighting, and Ground moves are extremely common for Dragons to have. Flying loves Fighting coverage, but that's only really available in Staraptor physically and Tornadus specially, so as a result it's largely brought down to or below Dragon's overall level of effectiveness. Water's got difficulty covering itself because it's just a damn good defensive typing. Speaking of which... DEFENSE Much like offense, defensive effectiveness is a combination of a couple factors, in this case the type's pure weaknesses/resistances and how easily dealt-with the weaknesses are. For example, keeping positives on the left side: Steel: 1 Immune | 11 NVE | 2 Neutral | 3 SE Nothing even comes close to this numerically. The next-highest amount of resists is Fire, with *only* 5. However, being this much of a defensive outlier also works to Steel's disadvantage by making those three super-effective types all the more common and necessary for opponents. It does help that two of those three types can be dealt with via ability-based immunity and two(with one overlap) can be dealt with via secondary-type-based immunity, not to mention possible resistances offered by secondary types. Water is actually in a similar situation: Water: 4 NVE | 11 Neutral | 2 SE Okay, you aren't able to take 12 of the 17 types with no issue at all, but Water resists Fire (a pretty good offensive type, common for dealing with Steels), Water (deja vu, man), Ice (a fantastic coverage type that works well with a lot of types), and Steel (less common overall, but Scizor's Bullet Punch is always a nice thing to resist). Weaknesses include only Grass and Electric, which are relatively easy to cover with a secondary typing and not extremely common anyway. Grass is resisted by more types than any other (7), and Electric is mostly Special and as such can be taken well by non-Electric-weak Special walls, Ground-types, and anything with an Electric immuno-ability. Both are resisted by Dragon and Grass. Another notable thing about Water is the sheer amount of possible secondary types: there's a Water hybrid with every type but Fire (and Bug if Surskit is excluded for being, you know, Surskit). This means there's a lot of possible variety within the type, and therefore a Water to suit almost every purpose. It doesn't hurt that it's the most populated type, either (but don't quote me on that). But such good offensive and defensive capability is sort of abstract in that it's not always as simple as Water vs. X. It's difficult to portray this more solidly from a defensive standpoint, but let me give you something a bit more concrete regarding offense: MOVES Because what good is perfect coverage if your only move is fixed-damage, right Gen I Dragons? As per the classic "Power vs. Reliability" argument, I'll list a powerful move and an accurate move (if the powerful move isn't really accurate or is a one-off). Standard offensive comparison types: Dragon has Outrage (120 BP 100 ACC, 2-3 turn lock-in with confusion after) and Dragon Claw (80 BP 100 ACC) on the physical side, Draco Meteor (140 BP 90 ACC, -2 SpA after each use) and Dragon Pulse (90 BP 100 ACC) on the special side. If you're Palkia, you have Spacial Rend (100 BP 100 ACC, high crit rate) as a (good) Special signature move. Flying has Brave Bird (120 BP 100 ACC, HP-based recoil) and Acrobatics (55 BP 100 ACC, power doubles with no held item) physically and Hurricane (120 BP 70 ACC, perfect acc in rain, 30% confusion chance) and Air Slash (75 BP 95 ACC, 30% flinch chance) specially. So basically they both have high-power (higher power than many other types have access to on the physical side), highish-accuracy moves with some fairly debilitating drawbacks as well as a fairly vanilla reliable move. Now let's do Water: Water has Waterfall (80 BP 100 ACC, 20% flinch rate) and Aqua Jet (40 BP 100 ACC, +1 priority) physically and Hydro Pump (120 BP 80 ACC), Scald (80 BP 100 ACC, 30% burn chance), and Surf (95 BP 100 ACC) specially. Water Spout is a sparsely-distributed Special move with power based on the user's current percent of max HP and with 100 accuracy. Physically, Water unfortunately lacks any real high-power moves, capping at 90 BP from Aqua Tail (usually inferior to Waterfall) and Crabhammer (worthwhile for the high crit rate, but next to nothing gets it). Waterfall is usually enough to get by for the things that need it, and the flinch chance means it's not all that bad. Aqua Jet, however few things use it well, is notable for its priority. Specially, we're looking at something pretty powerful. Hydro Pump has just enough accuracy to be bearable (hey, at least it's not 70), making it a real potent offensive option for Special Water-types. Scald's burn rate usually makes it superior to Surf despite the lower power, but both are cool options for those that prefer reliability. Water Spout is part of what makes Kyogre the kings of Ubers: it provides just enough firepower to take down Blissey in two uses after some hazards with no setup by Ogre itself, only requiring Choice Specs. The other thing that helps Kyogre out a lot is... RAIN So far, Water might seem like a well-balanced type that's good at everything, but not really a contender for the best at any one thing. Its offensive moves just aren't as powerful as Dragon's, right? Well, yeah, but can Dragon moves get boosted in power by 1.5x by a potentially eternal-until-changed field condition? Hell naw. Many Water-types have abilities that only activate in rain, such as Vaporeon's Hydration or Kingdra's Swift Swim. Put them in rain and not only do they get the benefits of their ability, they also get what amounts to another STAB boost on their Water moves! It doesn't matter what resists your Hydro Pump when it hits off (your SpA here)x2.25 with whatever boost your item gives you on top of that, be it Life Orb's x1.3 or Choice Specs's x1.5 (again). If you're playing by the standard OU rules, you can't have Drizzle and Swift Swim on the same team, but you can have Rain Dance paired with Swift Swim for something like an offensive Trick Room sweep, only actually fast and with all the other benefits of rain. Defensively, rain doesn't do much for the Water-type itself (as it already resists the weakened Fire), but note that the Fire-weakening is really lucrative for the Steel-type: basically, it makes Water better offensively and Steel better defensively, even if the Steels might have to fend off boosted Water moves. But that's not even mentioning the now-100%-accurate Thunder and Hurricane and their 30% secondary effects that help both offensively (increased power) and defensively (hindering the opponent from attacking). This brings the list of types that benefit directly from rain to Water, Grass, Ice, Bug, and Steel, which is quite the collection. Indirectly, anything benefits that has a bunch of counters that don't like rain/the Pokemon that like rain. But I think you get it by now: rain is good. Water is good. Really, I think Water would have been second-fiddle to Dragon overall if it weren't for rain. A close second, but second nonetheless. And you know what Ricky Bobby says: If you ain't first, you're last. None of the above mentions exactly how good some of the Water hybrids are, but take a second to think of some and you'll get an idea. Starmie, Kingdra, Kabutops, Keldeo, Gyarados, etc. ______________________________________________ So yeah, I got really bored and started thinking of this, and what better way to procrastinate writing a novella than type up all this, right? Also I'm aware that Espeon is, in fact, not Water-type. The irony is partially and ironically intended and unintended at the same time, but mostly the first thing.
  22. Keep in mind that I've only played DLC-less 3 and Ultimate Edition (all DLC) New Vegas. Things Fallout 3 has over New Vegas, in my opinion, include relevant karma system, more varied and enjoyable main quest-line, less overall lag when doing things like accessing the Pipboy map and loading new areas, Three Dog/GNR, cool craftable weapons, [broken Steel only] being able to play after finishing the main quest-line, perks at every level-up, and Bethesda mountains. Things New Vegas has over 3: reputation system (however oddly implemented compared to the now nearly-nonexistent karma system), usable iron sights, weapon mods, greater weapon variety, more interesting characters, better voice acting here and there (god damn Lanius, I love your voice), more varied dialogue checks, skill checks being based off a threshold rather than a percent to pass, greater variety in possible enemies, actually worthwhile things to purchase, the trait system, huge perk variety in both level-up and quest-obtained perks, better add-ons (or so I've heard), crafting recipes for basically everything but weapons, and (despite lack of Bethesda mountains) the Mojave being much easier to traverse than the Capitol Wasteland, more specifically referring to the DC subways being hell to navigate even with waypoints. After playing both, I find Fallout 3 to be more focused on the main quest as opposed to New Vegas, which is practically "Sidequests: The Game." The only thing I disliked at all about New Vegas was that, after doing most of the quests in the main game and completing a few add-ons (resulting in a save file of pretty massive proportions), the framerate would drop to about 1/3 frames per second at random, but most often when loading a new area. It remained playable, but resets were frequent. Overall, I can't say I have a preference and while I do acknowledge the faults of New Vegas, they don't break the game and Fallout 3 has faults as well. tl;dr they're both fantastic games that have their ups and downs and are both definitely worthy of playing through a few times.
  23. @@Flareon, I'm answering the call to Eevee. Count me in as Espeon: Now I guess I should actually read the OP. For the curious, I don't have a single OC, pone or otherwise, but Eeveelution shall make its mark on the forum for all time. Let's do this
  24. Asmodeussssss I've only read the first book, but I read it once 7 years ago and again 1 year ago during a power outage. It was as good as I remembered it, but with that re-read bonus too. Definitely one of my favorite books because of all the world- and character-building. It's easy to imagine the events and sympathize with the characters (that aren't Cluny). It kept me interested and on the edge of my seat throughout and had a satisfying end. What more could you ask for?
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