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Sir.Flutter Hooves

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Everything posted by Sir.Flutter Hooves

  1. Guys, if you need some art commissions that are really good and cheap go check Private Eye's. They are really good.

    1. Tia Is Best Pony

      Tia Is Best Pony

      i would get one but i dont want to ask my parents for there creditcard for that....

    2. Private Eye

      Private Eye

      Ahhhhh. Thank you SOOO much for the feature. I'm just really glad people like my art ;-;

  2. There are many things. 1. Scootaloo's parents. Where does she go at night? 2. Alicorn backstory. 3. At least one Rarity episode this season. 4. The truth behind Applejack's parents. 5. Fluttershy's parents. 6. Spike's backstory. How did he get in the hands of the other ponies. 7. At least one episode with the changling queen. 8. The return of Sombra. His horn was not destroyed, so he must be alive. /)
  3. Hello and bro hoof to all! Ahh the background ponies. The ones that we look for in every episode, let it be Lyra, the Doctor, or even Derpy. We all have our favorites, but why choose? Why can't we appreciate all the background ponies, and love them all the same? This thread is to appreciate the great ponies, we bronies call the background ponies. /)
  4. Why she needed so much time to make one flake, is because she was blind. Her vision was gone, and could only work with her touch, she had very keen touch. /)
  5. I would be interested in a Rainbow Dash. How much will you be interested in selling them? RD id my favoirte, and I will be willing to pay arounf $5-$10. Thanks /)
  6. If you don't mind, yes I would love the vest. And I did not know you did not need an account for livestream. Tell me when you do it, and I'll see if I can go watch some. /)
  7. Is this even a question? The right answer is Vinyl Scratch (if you like Octavia more, I support your choice). I never really like classical music, but I love me some wubs, and Vinyl has the best wubs eva! /)
  8. This is really great! One of the best pitcures of my oc I've ever see. I like the pose, and the smile on his face is great! I mean, this is really great! Sorry to hear about the livestream thing.I would show up, but I do not have an account! /)
  9. I am man enough to say this video made me shed some liquid pride. I mean, a great story, orginal characters, top notch voice acting, and the animation was great. I would love to be in this fanclub. This is in my top ten favorite brony made videos. /)
  10. A perfect night would be really late, around 2:30 or 3:00 o'clock at night. Me and me dog are sitting on the chair together reading Creepy Pastas, and watching MLP, Gravity Falls, Adventure Time, and The Walking Dead marathons. I have three huge containers of Sweet Tea, Vanilla Cream Soda, and Coke. Megan Fox is in the room... Better end it there, for the children. *sigh* A brony can dream can't he.
  11. I personally believe that Twilight will not stay an Alicorn. Her issues will take over, and she will give up her wings, and later teach young unicorns. Rainbow dash will be a wonderbolt, Rairty will be a famous designer, Pinkie will be a party coriander, Applejack will run Sweet Apple Acres, and Fluttershy would be Equestria's top animal trainer. That's what I believe will happen to the mane 6. /)
  12. Well, I don't like to put shows into groups for boys and girls. I think all TV shows should be for both boys and girls, so not really anything. Just been watching the same shows I watched before MLP. /)
  13. Loving the name for the daughter. How about for the wife Winter Breeze? Or Spring Set? Or maybe Violet Sky? I think any of those names would be great for his wife. /)
  14. I would love this! You have some great art style, and I for one would love to hang this in my room. I never could afford anything like this. And good luck to every pony! /)
  15. Yea, I know she'a an alicorn. I was just wondering if there was like a plot twist or something. I knew it was a silly question. Thanks. /)
  16. I know this sounds ridiculous, but thing about it. The changelings change shape correct? And what did Luna do in the first episode? Yes, change shape. She changed into the darker wonderbolts, and the thorn in the Mantacor's paw. So, would that somehow make Luna part changing? Or is it just her being a princess thing? And if it is just her being a princess, can Celestia do it to? Tell me in the comments! /)
  17. I would to. Are you talking about my fan fiction I put up, if so I would like to give you a bro hoof and say thank you so much. I like you sig by the way. /)
  18. Well, I had the same problem. What I did is get wax paper and put it on top of the character and trace her/him out. That will give you hand and drawing practice of the character's body type, and size. Hope I helped. /)
  19. Make up any pose you want man. I trust you with this, and know it will be quite awesome when it is done. I cannot wait to see it. Thanks /)
  20. I would start a petition. They just had a petition for Veronica Mars, and that raised over two million dollars and a movie. Us bronies outnumber Veronica Mars fans, and with us we could probably get enough money or signatures to keep the show going. /)
  21. I understand completely where you are coming at. I was alittle mad, but when I rewatched it, I laughed. I just think it's funny how they didn't do there research. Great points by the way. /)
  22. I've said this once, and I'll say it again. SNL makes fun of everything, and I for one take no offense. They were just poking fun at us bronies, meaning no harm. /)
  23. Yes I do. Here is a picture of him: I understand if you cannot. Just really like your artwork. He's real simple, name's Brown Horizion. /)
  24. Yes, you should You really have potential, and if you put yourself out there who knows what will happen? Now, may I ask you for a favor? Can you draw my OC? If not, I understand. /)
  25. Man, these are really good. That Snowdrop one is really nice by the way. I actually don't see anything wrong with any of these. My only recommendation is not to doubt yourself anymore. /)
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