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Bhending the Rules

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Everything posted by Bhending the Rules

  1. I have now sat through a One Direction song because it was a PMV with Fluttershy in it. Damn, the things that loving a character can make me willing to endure. Oh, and you're the most outspoken Fluttershy fan? Good to know, buddy. Our favorite pony is back within a handful of votes! Let's find every Fluttershy fan we can, and complete a comeback for the ages! And next time hopefully I'll get a mention when the subject of "outspoken Fluttershy fans" comes up.
  2. I come home from work and see that the tournament's ultimate death battle went down to the wire! But we pulled it out. YAY! Victory sandvich now, All of the hat tips to the Derpy Brigade. I'm sure she couldn't be prouder to have a dedicated group like yourselves. You fought gallantly, honorably, and fiercely. This is my dedication to you fine folks; such a noble effort deserves nothing less. Now, everyone vote for Fluttershy! She'll give you a free hug.
  3. I'm definitely going to revisit this thread at some point, as I am without a sig on both this site and Pony Fortress 2 and would love to have one. The thing I'm unsure about is whether I want to create an OC and put that in my sig request, or come up with something else entirely. But I'll have an idea and a request soon. I'm sure waiting won't be an issue, as it appears you already have plenty on your plate.
  4. AJ fans, keep it up! Don't let any surge of Derpy's brigade demoralize you. Look to the words of the great Lombardi and we will be truly in-Vince-ible. "I firmly believe that any man's finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is that moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle- victorious." We've seen Applejack live by these words; now it is our time. We must not let her down! As Herb Brooks said in that one movie about hockey, "This is your time... now GO OUT THERE AND TAKE IT!" ...and I just ripped off the format for a counter-post. Does that make me a double-idea thief? Also, I have made two horrible puns in one night. But I REGRET NOTHING!!!
  5. It would appear that posting pictures of tanks is the happening thing to do. Nicely in keeping with the battle theme we have going, I guess. Well, what's a guy like me to do? Other than contributing, of course.
  7. A Babs song would be okay, but there's so many possible song ideas that would also be great. I want a Rainbow Dash solo song. A Fluttershy solo song that's more than a minute. And yes, more Rarity please. Because she's the best singer of the Mane Six. So yeah, I want those first. Priorities.
  8. If you're looking for proof-readers I'd be glad to help. I love to read other people's works and ideas and my feedback is always of the entirely honest variety.
  9. Yup, that's exactly what happens. Each set of voting lasts a day. Tomorrow the results for the current matchups will be finalized and we'll go to the West region. Speaking of that, APPLEJACK SUPPORTERS!!! PREPARE YOURSELVES, FOR TOMORROW WE GO TO WAR!!!
  10. I... just... can't... even... THEY ARE BOTH SO ADORABLE. WHY. WHY ARE YOU PEOPLE DOING THIS TO ME. WHY AM I BEING MADE TO CHOOSE BETWEEN THESE. Such are the travails of my existence, I suppose.
  11. Your guilt trip is no good here. At all. Not even a little. Spike is best pony. That's my story and I'm stickin to it. DEAL WITH IT. (No big deal. Sweetie's probably gonna win anyway.)
  12. The Crystal Empire: Um... the songs were good. Yup, gonna roll with that, because coming from me anything else would be a reach. Too Many Pinkie Pies: Most hilarious concept of the season, possibly of the entire show. One Bad Apple: Effective introduction of a potentially interesting new character, giving the CMCs someone new to interact with. Magic Duel: Best episode of the season. Even if all of the other episodes sucked, this would have made it all worth it. Sleepless in Ponyville: Effective and long overdue character development for Scootaloo. And Rainbow Dash too, really. She comes out of this a lot more relate-able for me. Wonderbolts Academy: It was awesome to see some actual development of the "Dashie wants to be a Wonderbolt" subplot. Apple Family Reunion: Great usage of the entire Apple family in one episode. Spike at Your Service: Lots of really good small funny bits here. Keep Calm and Flutter On: It has Discord. Nuff said. Just For Sidekicks: Loved seeing all the pets in the same episode. Games Ponies Play: The idea of an inter-quel episode is really interesting, and here it was well done. Magical Mystery Cure: It's better than the haters want everyone to think.
  13. I have nothing profound or insightful to say beyond this: your username is awesome. It made me giggle a bit. XD
  14. HOLY COW I FORGOT ONE WHEN I MADE MY FIRST POST. And this is the best one! Okay, so it was last year at No Brand Con in Eau Claire. I dressed as the sniper from Team Fortress 2, and the artist alley at the con had multiple people selling pins with MLP characters. By the time Sunday rolled around, I had 16 pins on my vest. (13 ponies and 3 Doctor Who.) So I walk into the con on Sunday before noon, and as I go through the lobby someone spots me and the following dialogue ensues. Him: "You're a sniper AND a brony?" Me: "Yeah!" Him: "I want a hug." I obliged. XD
  15. Stellafera, my sword is yours to command. Lead on, and we shall conquer all the foolish background ponies that think they can stand in AJ's way. If it's a glorious battle they want, it's a glorious battle they shall get. They were barely able to hold off the banner of Octavia; they are no match for us. PREPARE TO DEEEEEEE-FEND YOURSELF, DERPY BRIGADE! I GOT YA OUTNUMBERED, ONE TO ONE!!! Wait, almost forgot something. *votes for Fluttershy* There. Wait, what was I talking about?
  16. I don't see a thread for this anywhere, so... anypony else following the NCAA tournament? I do it every year: fill out a bracket, watch as many games as I can, and cheer on my Wisconsin Badgers. (Unfortunately, I will be missing the Badger game today, as I work 11-6 and Wisky has the early game. Sadness.) Also, here's a video related to the tournament that I just made. For the record, my Final Four is Louisville, Ohio State, VCU, and Indiana. Louisville over Indiana for the championship. Semi-related PS: Everypony should find the thread for the Pony March Madness tournament here on the forums and vote in that every day, if you aren't already.
  17. The hate for the fandom has everything to do with our (collective) obsession with binary gender divisions in pop culture and, to a lesser extent, a male-oriented worldview. This is why it's cool when girls like "masculine" things (video games, Batman movies, etc). But if a guy likes MLP, or romantic comedies? That's to be viewed with rejection and scorn. The sooner we (collectively) get rid of this obsession, the better EVERYONE will be. Quality entertainment is quality entertainment, regardless of who it was marketed/intended for.
  18. I can only recall two instances where I randomly met a brony in public. (i.e. not counting my friends, though I was kinda surprised to hear that pretty much ALL OF THEM were bronies, so... there's that, I guess. XD) -The first was this past fall when me and two of my buddies went to the Mall of America. We were in the giant LEGO display, and for reasons I don't remember, the subject of "Death Battle" came up, which of course led to a mention of the Starscream vs. Rainbow Dash fight. When I mentioned that, a random guy standing a few feet away heard me and said, "I'd give that fight to Rainbow Dash". Then we spent the next few minutes talking about how awesome it was to have randomly met a fellow fan. "Bronies: you never know where you'll find them," my friends said. -The second was about a week ago, while I was at work. I have a job at Wal-Mart in the photo lab, but I frequently find myself working in the toy department, putting stuff out and straightening out the shelves. While I was in the aisle that has all of our MLP stuff, a couple came by and went straight to the $2 pouches. Turns out they were looking for two specific ponies, and the woman had a page pulled up on her phone that listed which numbers were the ponies she needed. So we went through the packages looking for the two she needed. As they started walking away I said "brony on". She hears that and asks "you're a brony?" To which I replied yes, said something about Fluttershy being awesome, and they were on their way. Would that I could have experiences like that every day I go to work.
  19. I almost don't care what they do with the Dash-Scootaloo thread, as long as they do SOMETHING with it. I figured there'd be another mention of some sort late in season 3 but that didn't happen. It definitely needs to be expanded on. If they leave it hanging it'll be like another question that everyone in the room is too polite to ask. Kinda like Spike and Rarity... that got its "big reveal" episode, and since then it's kinda gotten ignored, and almost feels completely irrelevant. (Though the lack of a Rarity episode in season 3 is probably the reason for that. Apparently Spike at Your Service was supposed to be the Rarity episode and that plan got scrapped.) So yeah... do something with this. It might actually be worth the effort.
  20. Don't worry about a thing. Dashie is gonna stomp with relatively little effort to the next round. Shining Armor, on the other hand, is another matter entirely. Us Shining Armor fans better get out the vote if we want him to advance.
  21. Boy, would I love to see that. Fluttershy is my favorite of the Mane Six, but Dashie is a very close second. I'd be satisfied with either of them winning.
  22. Looks like Daring Do and Lightning Dust will be the first two ponies to pull an upset win. I actually thought about picking Daring Do to win but eventually went with Big Mac, so that'll be my first missed prediction of the tournament. It's a foregone conclusion that Discord will crush Lightning Dust, but I wonder how strong Daring Do will be in the next round. Might he be capable of giving Luna a run for her money? We'll see...
  23. Cuter and more interesting? Sorry, but I find Silver Spoon (and Diamond Tiara) to be just about insufferable. Babs has a lot more room to grow as a character, as she has only appeared a couple of times, while Silver Spoon likely will remain strictly an antagonist to the CMCs. Babs FTW, at least in this round. I feel no shame at all.
  24. My reaction to the bracket: -YES! Fluttershy draws Photo Finish, Rarity faces Opal, Shining Armor and Queen Chrysalis are almost a lock to meet in the second round, and Fluttershy and Spike aren't in the same region. Everything I wanted to happen when the seedings were listed, HAPPENED! -Pinkie Pie and Discord have, by my estimation, MUCH easier paths to the Final Four than Celestia and Twilight. I could be wrong, but that's the impression I get. -First round upsets? Braeburn might beat Octavia. Iron Will has a good shot at beating Granny Smith. I think Lightning Dust will beat Mayor Mare. Daring Do is an intriguing choice against Big Macintosh. Other than that, I see chalk pretty much all the way down the line for round 1. I'll do it whether we have a contest or not. Here's my predictions for who is going to win.
  25. Oh, man... the CMCs are all 5 seeds. Given the history of 5 seeds failing in the NCAA Tournament, I find this... POSITIVELY FRICKIN HILARIOUS. Being a bracket nerd, I find the seeding... interesting. I applaud you for making the gutsy call of giving characters other than the Mane Six 1 seeds, and even dropping three of them down to the 3 line. I didn't expect that. I look forward to seeing the first round pairings... Rarity against Opal? Fluttershy against Photo Finish? Might Shining Armor be set for a second round matchup with Queen Chrysalis? I'd love to see all of that play out. The only qualms I have, personally, are that Spike and Big Macintosh are too low. I really feel like Big Mac should come in ahead of Spitfire and Soarin. (Don't get me wrong, they're cool. But still.) The fact that Spike is behind Vinyl Scratch and Derpy shows better than anything just how out of step I am with the conventional wisdom of the fandom as a whole. XD But hey, no one's gonna agree 100% with any bracket. You did a great job and I look forward to participating. GO FLUTTERSHY/SPIKE!!! P.S. Please don't put Fluttershy and Spike in the same region, that'd just about kill me even if one of them loses before they have to face each other. XD
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