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Everything posted by Unikitty

  1. The problem here is that you're subtly enforcing your own personal belief system unto everyone else, even if you don't realise it. Consider this scenario: Someone's personal beliefs(non-/religious doctrine, personally chosen morals, position in life, etc. etc.) state that orange colours are bad and should not be allowed in society, but blue colours are good and should be everywhere. But your personal beliefs are that blues are bad while oranges are good. How do you then create a society that caters to both groups? You can't simply 'live alongside' each other, because your personal beliefs directly conflict with each other. It's something that simply isn't possible, and even a simplified situation doesn't help find an answer. Now, if you were to be more reflective of real life: a myriad of colours and just as many groups of people, each saying x or y colours are okay but z isn't. Or x and z are okay but z is only okay if x is around only a little bit. It can quickly can convoluted and divided. When the situation becomes as nuanced and various as real life, this simply becomes an impossible ideal. Because no matter what your personal beliefs are, or how open/closed they are, wanting people to 'get along' only means wanting people to get along according to your own personal beliefs.
  2. Seconding this. It definitely looks like there's plenty of room for avatars to fit in, so it only makes sense to use it all up.
  3. Hopefully. It'll be interesting to see more development take place in the Changeling Kingdom. I'd personally like to see a Spike/Thorax episode where they have to solve some sort of problem within the kingdom. Perhaps Thorax comes to Spike, believing him to have plenty of kingdom experience due to living with Twilight. Of course, things would go awry, but they've fix it in the end.
  4. Maud is a very good character to focus on when creating episodes highlighting family values, as well as the lesson that it's okay to be radically different to others. Her personality and design allow for plenty of freedom with these kinds of episodes, which makes her a top candidate for basing such topics on. She's interesting in the sense that she's so unlike any other character, which creates opportunities for interactions that you wouldn't find in the majority of the MLPFiM cast. Another similar character for this position would be Moondancer, however, her character was centered around a friendship problem, of which they were able to help. Maud doesn't have any problem with her situation, she's just a reserved personality.
  5. But there isn't a Mare Do Well episode coming up, and it's hardly likely that Sunset Shimmer will be coming to the TV series at all. I'd like her to appear in the show, but unfortunately there's no reason to think she will.
  6. Not sure I'm digging this new site format. Especially not being able to see the big list of latest posts anymore. Some aspects are nice, like the reputation identifier. But ehh...

  7. I don't think they could follow that path in the show. Starlight is good now, anyway.
  8. I, for one, welcome our new robot overlords.
  9. None of them. I don't see how it could fit the theme of the series and I firmly think it should remain as part of the fandom.
  10. I'm hoping to get a PS4 the next chance I get, but it won't be for Crash. Could never get into it. Now, if they made a Spyro remaster...
  11. "Sheeple" Generally used by people who believe they are 'woke' to all of life's great conspiracies. People who've spent the night watching YouTube videos and reading debunked articles on dodgy websites, now having become self-proclaimed experts. When people use this term to justify their disagreement with someone, it really goes to show just hwo far down the rabbit hole they've gone. Agreeing with the general consensus doesn't make you a sheep. It just means you have the cognitive capacity to accept the collective results of millions of hours of research. Not everything is a conspiracy.
  12. I don't see this as very groundbreaking. The book'll probably just be covering it as an unconventional family. I have close friends, unrelated to me, that I consider the same as any family member. It's likely that it'll just be this situation, showing that you don't have to be formally related in order to be a family.
  13. Did you want the background completely gone, or just see=through? Also, just to note, here's the original image. http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=59233709
  14. I wish I had. I've certainly tried a lot, yet to no avail. So I wised up and realised it doesn't actually exist. A damn shame, as it'd be cool if ghosts and such were real, but hey, what can you do other than use it as a great base for storytelling?
  15. I would like more worldbuilding IN the show. I don't read the comics, and they're not canon anyway, so it'd be nice to see more of Equestria being explored in animated form.
  16. All of this thread has some great ideas on how to improve your art in general, but I think they're all missing the most important key thing in drawing and improving as an artist. And it is as simple as: Pick up the pencil and draw something. Above all else. Above learning fundamentals, concepts, design elements. It all boils down to picking up whatever it is you draw with, and just drawing. Draw something, anything. Doesn't matter if it's bad. Doesn't matter if it's something you only intend on keeping as a doodle on a drawpad. You will not improve if you don't draw, it's simple as that. And it's okay to not be good at drawing. It's okay to look at each drawing and see all its flaws. As long as at the end of the day, you have something to look at and something to learn from. As long as you keep pouring your heart and passion into it, you'll eventually improve. Everything else will come in due time.
  17. It'll be a feature-length film, and distributed into cinemas. So by definition it'd be a movie, and any personal feelings towards it will be irrelevant.
  18. What if I thought about not dying?
  19. I burn out pretty quickly when it comes to social interaction. I personally prefer just to have time to myself, without the sound of others around me. Because of this, I find internet communication a lot more liberating and enjoyable. It allows me to interact with others(something I do still like to do), but at a casual enough level that I don't get too tired of it. I can switch between having a conversation and playing a game/watching something/etc., without any hassle.
  20. Completely undefined. Their characters have not been developed for that angle, and it's doubtful they ever will. The closest we've gotten is instances involving basic forms of infatuation. There's nothing to suggest otherwise.
  21. You don't just play a Bethesda game and do a single run. Gotta get all those arcs. When I did my first run, I sided with the Institute. If I were there, I'd have chosen them in a heartbeat, as I share their characteristics and vision.
  22. The movie would be a wise choice. It gives you a general grasp on what the series was like at that time, and is easier to digest than the series. It'd be easy to go from that to the series if you happen to (hopefully) like it.
  23. I'm not gonna name names because I personally feel it's rude, even if I didn't like them enough to stay subbed. One of the biggest sub killers for me is people who promise to deliver but don't. I'm fine with irregular/infrequent uploads, but it's always a downer when someone says they're gonna do something but doesn't. Eventually it can happen enough that you just get bored. One channel I followed made very nice LP videos, but had trouble sticking to series. He then switched to a new channel as a fresh start but the issues persisted. Other cases for unsubbing is just growing tired of their content. Just simply losing interest in their personality and videos. And then there's the cases where I sub to someone as I enjoyed some of the videos I checked out. But then realising that I don't really like anything they upload beyond those initial videos.
  24. Why do all these ponies gotta be all these weird colours? What happened to REAL horse colours? Gee fam I dunno. Maybe they're coloured like they are because it's a cartoon, and the colours are reflective of their pony versions. Sounds like a whole lotta crying over nothing. I doubt it had anything to do with the race claims. It's a cartoon not a political statement.
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