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Posts posted by Vexxy

  1. Aw, I forgot it was sunday... Well, I haven't heard of Peter Capaldi before, but I hope he'll be a good doctor, I didn't really like Matt Smith. I really, really, REALLY wanted it to be Ben Whishaw because  he's really cute  I think he would be a good Doctor, and after he said he wasn't, I was hoping for Andrew Scott... Still, I don't think they'd put the role in the wrong hands, so I'll look forward to it.




    He was also in Torchwood! 


    Isn't that kinda bad, since they're set in the same universe? From what I just looked up, he didn't seem like a one scene unimportant character... 

  2. I've just realized, this is gonna put a bit of stress on my bank account... ^-^; I mean, I've heard life, the universe and everything is pretty costly, and then there's Dashie to look after, forever. That's a pretty long time D: 


    I give you one penny, it's all I can afford! :(


    • Brohoof 1
  3. Best present ever! I'll have to keep it somewhere other than on my username though, I don't think a triple X is the best idea... ^-^; Well, it's safe and sound in the last sentence. tongue.png


    I give you the best speakers ever made! Perfect for all your music. ^-^

  4. Before I even CONSIDER doing anything like that, what is the file supposed to do? Does it make you feel like you're a pegasus or something? Is it permanent? 

    ...Well, yeah, that's the permanent bit... ^-^; I tried looking on the documents about it, but despite it being the only permanent one, I can't find any info on it. But I'm guessing that it makes you feel like you have ears, wings, with possibly hooves and/or a tail.

  5. Good to see a few more people are trying it. ^-^ I've realized that I've been really stupid and never said revert to normal, except for once, so I spent the last fifteen minutes saying that, I think I'm back to normal now, but I'm downloading the deprogram all file, just in case. 

    And I've been interested in the Permanent Anthro Pegasus file, and while most things don't scare me, that permanent kinda does, so I was wondering if anybody here has tried it/will sacrifice their mind and possibly body for me?

  6. I tried the new Twilight Sparkle one a couple of days ago, and during the recording, I could feel the front hooves, and I'm finally starting to feel the back legs changing. This is the first time I've tried a unicorn, so I'm not surprised about feeling no horn yet. Annoyed about not having felt any ear changes yet though.

    I started falling asleep half an hour in, and I woke up almost completely after that, so I don't know how well it would have worked without that. But when I did start waking up, it was really weird. It was when the feeling of hooves was strongest, I opened my eyes and while I could see my fingers and recognize it as my hand, it looked like a hoof at the same time. It was preeeetty freaky, but still cool.

    Yesterday and today I think I did better than usual in school, especially today. But alas, I have now reverted to normal. That is, if the code works when you don't remember hearing it. From the looks of what I'm typing, I'm not back to normal. Oh well, time to mess with my brain some more! img-1452300-1-biggrin.png

    • Brohoof 1
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