I do catch flack for liking ponys. Unjustly but form others point of view it is almost a religious following. Some Bronys are The gospel of Twilight sparkle all who watch can learn to love and tolerate.
Plus it has the extra stigma of being a cartoon and you know something is wrong with you if you are into cartoons at your age. As for other fandoms in less its sports its made fun of some were. It's not just ponys anime is still regarded as all hentai and or devil worship by many older gentians. That aside the fandoms them selfs are bad. I freely hate radical anime fans be cause they took the fun out of Naruto, bleach and 5 min in haring about The melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya the big plot twist was ruined. Not even going in to the sub vs dub debate. X(
Fist impressions sick. Fim doesn’t have a good one with a lot of people. A fandom of grownup liking little kid show is still a new idea. It hasn’t sunk in as yet. Anime and gaming is just now fully establishing them selfs as a thing. Hopefully with time