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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Posts posted by Luna4256

  1. I was scared of the darkness as a kid. I remember I had to turn on every light on the way to my room until I got there to turn that light on. Then I'd go back to the begining and turn each light off until I got to my room again. Also I was afraid something would come from under my bed and get me. That's what I got for watching Are you Afraid of the Dark and Goosebumps as a kid!

    • Brohoof 1
  2. Got inspired by lyrics in an Alkaline Trio song to draw this picture.


    I found away over the fear and through the flames, I'm diving in. Don't follow me, stay right here I'll be back for you someday. I found away, it'd be best if you just stayed. It's not safe, don't follow me.

    - I Found Away


    • Brohoof 2
  3. I hate needles when I get shots but I love getting tattoos and I have 3 of those. Tell me how that works. -_- lol anyway I usually just have them do 3..2..1.. Go! and give me the shot. I still hate them though. :/ One time when I was 8 I had to get a shot and I freaked out at the doctors office and was scream that what they were doing was illegal. My poor mother how embarressed she was. blush.png

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