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Posts posted by Avatar tag: shipping

  1. They're all pretty good but quality-wise, the later ones and the fan favorite characters are generally better. Derpy was one of the first ones made but they couldn't be assed to put her cutie mark on both sides. Later ones have them on both. The later fan favorites usually look better as well. The royal sisters are the latest to come out and you can definitely tell that Luna got more attention. From colors, cutie marks, proportions, to her mane and tail, it's damn near perfect. Celestia on the other hand, looks great but they couldn't be assed to even have her rest on her hooves. Her hair goes down farther than her legs so she's wobbly.


    That being said, they're all pretty amazing. Just get your best ponies and you'll be happy. *cough* Luna *cough*

  2. Gun control laws do not work. All they do is punish law abiding citizens for the actions of criminals. A murderer isn't going to get rid of his gun because it's against the law. A robber isn't going to turn away from a gas station because he's not allowed to bring his gun inside the store.


    I support the militarization of the police to a point. Why? Because, whether you know it or not, the streets are a battlefield. You wanna know why you can walk down the streets of your suburb or busy entertainment district? Because there first responders crawling around those areas keeping criminals away and contained. When the police have to venture into those areas to try and stamp them out, they're going to need a little more than a 40 cal. I'm not saying they need flamethrowers and mini guns, but when you've been shot at just because you're trying to save the life of a rival gang member, maybe you'd understand why an mrap isn't going too overboard.


    Lunestia is the best ship. Why should they bury a spouse every 50 years or so when they could be with who they love more than anyone else and can be with them for all eternity? If there are any of those pesky laws forbidding them from being together, a few strokes of their quills will clear that right up. Besides, hot lesbians are best lesbians amirite?


    I don't care about the plight of poor people. I grew up poor, but my family busted our asses and worked hard to make a better life for ourselves. When I see people unwilling to work so they can get free money from the government, it's a slap in my face.


    Equestria Girls and all related movies, merch, and memes are god awful. The show broke the stereotype of girls shows by not being about relationship drama, being pretty and popular, or trying to find a boyfriend. What do they do in EG? Make a movie series set in a high school where they have petty arguments, try to be the most popular in school, and shoehorn Flash Sentry in for good measure. What the actual fuck?

    • Brohoof 4
  3. I played tuba from 7th grade to 12th. During marching season I played a sousaphone. My senior year I was the section leader so I was tasked with leading the other tuba players. By lead, they meant babysit the underclassmen. My best memory was senior year, my best friend and I had been playing tuba for years and we got a serious case of senioritis. Our director wanted us to wear berets because the regular marching hats were too tall and would hit the bell of the sousaphone. It was our senior year, we didn't care anymore, and there was no way in hell we were wearing those fruity berets. So we told the director we weren't going to wear them. Of course he got pissed and said any member not in full uniform couldn't play. Well when all 6 of us showed up to the football game sans berets, he didn't think we'd call his bluff so he let us play. That whole season we were the only members without hats.

  4. The show staff has said that Celestia and Luna were born alicorns. The journal of the two sisters is vague on their immortality. It says that alicorns age differently at a much slower rate but doesn't touch on whether or not they are immortal. The staff is good about expanding the characters without stepping on fanon and since Amy Rogers wrote it, it stands to reason that she did the same here.


    Cadence was originally a pegasus and became an alicorn in one of the GM Berrow books. The show staff has confirmed that is canon to the show and uses it instead of an episode to show how she became one. Since Cadence ages normally, it's assumed that Twilight does as well.


    I personally believe that Celestia and Luna are immortal while Cadence and Twilight are not. I long ago stopped getting too invested in the show's canon and where the books and comics fit in it. I prefer my head canon nowadays. More fun, less butthurt.

    • Brohoof 1
  5. We actually have a few public safety bronies here on the forum. Not only police officers but firefighters and EMTs as well. It's a demanding career field but a rewarding one as well. Glad to see there's more of us out there!

    • Brohoof 4
  6. I'd want Luna because best pony. But also she'd give me an ultimatum:


    She could teleport us onto the ground safe and sound and I'd be free to live my life as I had always done before.


    Or I could take the red pill and join her In Equestria but have to leave earth and everyone in it behind.


    Can I get a glass of water to wash that pill down, your highness?

    • Brohoof 1
  7. Oh this is hard. So many great guitarists but I can only choose one solo. I guess I'll have to go with the final solo on Go Your Own Way by Fleetwood Mac from their 1980 Live album.



    Lindsay Buckingham is one of my favorite guitarists. Partly because he can shred but partly because he fingerpicks like me. The studio version of this song has great solos in it too, but the live version really brings it to life. It's not perfect though. In the studio he used a Les Paul and used its sustain a lot in the solos. He doesn't use one on this version so he constantly has to pluck the stings to keep a note. He makes up for it by giving a performance that needs to be heard at max volume.

  8. In Pinkie Pride, Cheese Sandwich is in a lineup in a police station with a couple cops.




    Dinky is dressed up like a firefighter in Luna Eclipsed




    There is a medic in Rainbow Falls




    They all seem to exist in the show, but don't get much love. Need moar!

    • Brohoof 2
  9. I know how you feel. The amount of respect one gets in a hospital directly relates to the amount of time and money their stamped piece of paper costs. Doctors treat nurses like idiots because they only went through 4 years of school. Nurses treat both their patients and EMS like idiots because we didn't go through as much school as they did. I can't tell you how many times a nurse has told me how much they hate their jobs, hate their coworkers, and hate their patients. Not all nurses and doctors are bad, some are very nice, but going to the hospital has become the worst part of my job.


    Don't even get me started on the things I've seen in nursing homes.

    • Brohoof 1
  10. My reaction to this pic:




    Also this:




    I can't tell what's better: one of my favorite ships being given the thumbs up by the VA or all the people realizing this is srs bzns and must overreact immediately!!!!!!

    • Brohoof 3
  11. Holy cow I wanted to be a 35L and be all high speed low drag top tier!  Well, that's kinda depressing now that you mention it.  Different people have told me different things about MI but everyone I've talked to agrees that flight medics are hot stuff.  Weird.


    On the other hand, 

    promotion points for 68W's are ridiculous.


    The only problem with being a flight medic is that it's a high supply low demand job. There are relatively few jobs available compared to ground units but everyone wants to do it. So pay is usually kind of low. I will never be a flight medic though. I HATE heights with a passion.

  12. As an EMT, my profession has made prime time entertainment for years. What you've seen on tv is pretty much the gist of it. The only difference is that the thrilling explosions, fires, shootouts, car wrecks, and codes make up only a tiny fraction of the calls we run. Most of our calls are fairly routine: old people falling down, dog bites, shortness of breath, and other minor issues. Even then, most of our days are spent waiting at the station for the next call. Sometimes eating, sometimes sleeping, but always ready to go.


    As you can imagine, I have very strict uniform standards so I can't wear any pony gear on the outside. However I sometimes wear a Luna shirt underneath my uniform. It's not visible, but at least I still get to wear it.

    • Brohoof 4
  13. When I first became a brony, Twilight was my best pony. She was a nerdy, awkward, and headstrong smart ass that didn't take shit from anyone. Very similar to me. A lot of what endeared her to me was that she was such a strong pony but was a nobody. For me, it showed that anyone can rise up to the challenges they face. Once Twilicorn hit the scene though, she lost a lot of what I liked about her. She was no longer a nobody that had the strength to rise up. She's now an important figure in Equestria and is expected to do those things. That and how the rest of the mane 6 go the shaft in the whole deal (which the S4 finale seemed to finally give them they're due) kind of turned me away from her. I don't hate Twilight by any means, she's still the same old Twi and still my favorite mane 6. But she changed enough that she just can't be my best pony anymore.


    I had always like Princess Luna from the very start, but not much was known of her in the beginning. Then I saw Luna Eclipsed. Then I saw the wedding episodes. Then I saw the S3 premier. Then I saw Sleepless in Ponyville. Then once MMC came around, I found myself happier to see Luna on the screen more than Twilight. She had what it originally saw in Twilight. She's a dorky, awkward, and headstrong smart ass that doesn't take shit from anyone. Add to that an interesting backstory that makes the fact that she's one of the two most important ponies in Equestria add to her character rather than detract from it, I knew I found my best pony. I'm just glad she got some good screen time in S4.

    • Brohoof 2
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