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Everything posted by omnusus

  1. This has got to be the best thing I've read all day. Seriously, I'm saving this so I can read it again and again. You, sir, made my day.
  2. For me, the most attractive ponies are Luna and Trixie, hands down. I mean, there's Luna, the tall, dark, and mysterious made whose quiet yet playful personality, combined with her absolutely amazing looks, make her one of the most attractive. Then, tied for first place, is the G&P Trixie. Her sleek mane and shiny body (I'm tempted to switch those adjectives) and feisty personality are a perfect combination. I've always been attracted to the feisty ones. Although I didn't vote for them, Twilight, Rainbow, and Colgate are all tied for second place.
  3. I'm popular in my own way, and it's the way I like it. Most people in my high school have heard of me or have met me, and most think I'm a funny, nice, smart guy. I get high fives in the hallways a few times a week and I almost never have people being mean or rude towards me. At the same time, I've isolated myself from those who are often considered "cool" because, frankly, they bore me. I have a group of maybe ten or fifteen people I talk to regularly, and they're all great people. I guess what made me popular in this way was the fact that I confused people. I said something that made no sense, people think it's funny, and they like me. It also helps that I'm not afraid to do something crazy, like sing a poem in English class to the Pokemon theme song or tell a few too many Uranus jokes in science class.
  4. Well, my high school theater troupe was at a restaurant after a great performance, and my table went in circles and we each revealed a strange fact about ourselves. I told them I was a brony, and all the girls started freaking out, in a good way. It really made their day. The guys didn't really care, so there was no real negative feedback.
  5. I agree with you. I liked the book much more than the movie. It was the only book I had to read in school that I would have finished reading on my own.
  6. My mom knows and although she finds it a bit strange, she's not against it. My sister knows and likes the show too, so she thinks it's cool. I have a cousin who knows and also likes the show. She was surprised but thinks it's neat. Nobody else in my family knows.
  7. This isn't a legitimate way to find your IQ, but I did it anyway and got 138. It's probably just a way for the site to get money from those who buy their complete profile.
  8. I tolerate as long as whatever a person is doing doesn't harm other people. You like mustard on your pizza? Tolerated. You think all of X Ethnic Group should be killed? Prepare to face my wrath. I don't like to use the word love a lot, considering its strong implications.
  9. Usually around my brony amigos I make too many references. Around non-bronies, I still make some references, but not too many.
  10. All things in moderation, my friend. I don't buy into the idea that they make you violent--if you claim Grand Theft Auto made you steal a car, you had something wrong with you before hand. However, I don't think they're very good for you, either. They could temporarily relieve stress, but I don't think my life has been positively benefited by gaming, besides the fun factor.
  11. I am atheist in the sense that I don't believe in a deity, but at the same time I am agnostic because I think it cannot be known for certain. So, my best description would be agnostic atheist. I am fine with religion as long as the religious focus on the good part of their religion. For example, I think a Christian living day to day following the message of love in the Gospels is great. However, being homophobic, flying planes into buildings, or trying to prevent the teaching of evolution is something that I will not tolerate. Luckily, most religious people aren't that extreme, so 90% of the time I'm fine with it.
  12. People don't expect me to be a brony. I'm kind of big guy, and people just don't see anything stereotypically girly about me. People are often surprised I'm an atheist because I go to a Catholic school. People are surprised when I make mistakes because they seriously overestimate my intelligence. That's about it,
  13. Probably Fluttershy if I was going to marry a pony. I mean, c'mon, who wouldn't want to cuddle that little thing forever? Not only that, but I like animals. However, in the end I'd rather marry somebody I loved. Fluttershy is just the best 'bad' option, if you know what I mean.
  14. I dunno. Every character encompasses a portion of me taken to the extreme, or else I find a quality in them quite appealing. I'd say no Rarity or AJ for sure, and probably not Fluttershy or Rainbow. That leaves maybe Twilight and Pinkie. I can't decide, man.
  15. I had one a few months ago where a humanized Scootaloo was in my old school's cafeteria. It was really strange, considering I don't really care too much about Scootaloo compared to the other ponies.
  16. Probably. When I was younger, I would watch some of the girlier shows with my sister and play with her toys quite often. If she watched it, I would probably enjoy it. However, past the age of 10, I probably would have avoided it like the plague due to the music. I hated that kind of music back then. Ironically, now the music is one of my favorite parts of the show.
  17. Cool survey. It seems that I am part of the norm for most of the questions. However, I think the Love and Tolerate question could be worded better. Some can be hypocrites, while others are not, so the yes and no answers didn't really do it for me. I voted no because I don't want to accuse everyone who uses the praise of being a hypocrite. At least, I'm my mind that's what I would be doing, I'm sure others have different views.
  18. Pope Francis. Just imagine the leader of the Catholic Church sleeping with a Pinkie Pie plushie. I'd totally love him if he did that.
  19. I didn't really deal with it. I saw a few episodes, said, "This is cool." and went on my merry way. I guess this was because I didn't find it weird, so it was about as natural as watching any other awesome show fore the first time.
  20. My view is that ponies could not have naturally evolved. I mean, there would be no evolutionary advantages for a rainbow mane, or a red mane. In fact, they would be disadvantages because the ponies would be more visible to predators. Similarly, correct me if I'm wrong, if their genetics were the same, occasionally you'd get a natural alicorn. That doesn't happen, so I suspect some basic differences in heredity. My explanation: Magic.
  21. There are more atheist bronies because bronies are mostly young people, and young people are more nonreligious than the average. Why younger people are less religious is a whole different matter that I don't know much about.
  22. My favorite mythological creature, mostly due to the extreme impossibility of the concept, would have to be the honest politician. I hear they have one locked away in Narnia.
  23. I once texted my friend the exact same thing at the exact same time. It was freaky. Granted, not as funny as these other stories, but very interesting to me.
  24. I am an atheist, although my secular beliefs are very deeply rooted, and dare I say, spiritual. Not in the supernatural sense, but rather in a more personal sense. I can't really explain my beliefs in a short post effectively, but I'll try: I believe morality is a necessary illusion, that nothing can be known for certain, that there is no one meaning in life and that we all must decide a personal meaning (Or lack of it) for ourselves, and that all things will end no matter what you try. Such a simple descriptions leaves many questions unanswered, though. Although it may not seem spiritual on the surface, I think the personal search that came to that conclusion is how the spirituality awakened.
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