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Nature's Spell

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Everything posted by Nature's Spell

  1. Right. The President doesn't rule Washington DC. It has its own mayor. Different levels of government.
  2. We know very little about Equestrian government, but I've always felt that every town and city in Equestria has a mayor (maybe not one named "Mayor Mare") and it's never been made clear exactly how the princesses govern exactly what they do beyond the obvious (sun, moon, love, and friendship). However, I have a feeling that the mayor would defer to Twilight and respect her rank, but at the sametime I don't see Twilight pulling rank.
  3. Yeah it is surely a case of making it easier for the demographic to releate. The writers might (a big might) think about these issues, but I'm positive that they storyboard artists don't and neither does Meghan or the directors. Never forgot that the crew does not see the show as the fans do. We don't have an obsessive George Lucas like creator at the heart of the show either. Instead we have talented people doing a job as best they can. They just don't think of everything or every detail.
  4. Two interesting things about Princesses Spike. One, why is Twilight so busy (is she involved in stuff off camera) and two is Spike randomly asking for things in Twilight's name or being asked to make decisions in her name? The write-up implies the later, but who's asking the questions?
  5. If Celestia has humor Twilight has (used to show) that sarcastic impatience. I hope they keep Celestia with her sense of humor and they bring back Twilight's sarcasm. But to answer the question I don't think she's a troll.
  6. Which is your right, but many will disagree and again I think at times none of the Mane 6 add anything to the show. Let alone secondary characters. Ensemble shows are like that.
  7. Why does anybody like any character? Well written, interesting, relatable in some way (not always!), and dynamic which I honestly think Twilight is. You're asking the wrong question I think. It's not do you like or dislike blank. That's limiting. The better question is do they add something to the show and do they fill their role well?
  8. Sigh. You can find fault or dislike any character. I really don't like Pinkie Pie, but I see and accept that she has a role to play and is just one more element of the show (no pun intended). Twilight is no different. To paraphrase Celestia they all play their part.
  9. Agreed but you could say the same about Earth Ponies or Pegesis. Few of the former are as strong as Applejack or the later as fast as Rainbow Dash. Perhaps beyond the special few all the races are equal, but express it in their own unique ways and can be only situationally stronger.
  10. You beat me to it! Well said! Cadence's power comes from the Crystal Heart and not the TOH. As far as the other things I'm not much for Illuminati as a way to expain things.
  11. I've always thought that unicorns as a group can be dangerous. For what it matters many of the Royal Guards are Unicorns.
  12. It's also possible that Unicorn magic, being more direct, is also more dangerous and thus more of a threat. He needed to stop the unicorns first. The other option is that Earth Pony magic is more deeply buried and harder to remove.
  13. Age, power level, and being linked to celestial objects all seem great reasons, but Twilight's cutie mark is at the center of the Tree of Harmony! That has to count for something at some point!
  14. The best version of anything is the one we have in front of us and not the version it could have been. Faust left-pushed out or not- but what she might have wanted is only important as a historic footnote. With that said the writers are doing what they think is best.
  15. I thought it was a sold episode and did what it needed to do (get Twilight comfortable in her castle), but so far I haven't been blown away by an episode. On another note Twilight doesn't bat an eye when she's called (by Aloe the spa pony) princess. As far as not wearing her crown daily, modern royals don't wear theirs either. In storybooks and cartoons they always do, which is what MLP is fitting in with of course, but I'm willing to give her a pass, although I love the crown on her. However, I'd love for her to win and wear a neckless like the other princesses.
  16. Was it a style or just want it looked like before it was styled? Whatever.
  17. Thank you and that's interesting seeing the comparison of the tree house and castle.
  18. Twilight's "Kingdom" is not a place, but rather the state of being friends and having friendship. The castle is the outward manifestation of the power of friendship and a gift from the Tree of Harmony via the friendship box. I don't expect her to get guards or a staff anytime soon.
  19. It's fine having them deal with being limited for a single episode, but it's not something that you'd want to see forever. Yes in the real world people deal with disabilities and dramatic brain injury were they loose who they are, but that's not what the shows about.
  20. The problem with her returning is that it will be almost impossible for her to get the jump on Twilight again. She took Twilight by surprise the first time, but her return would require a huge power boost (unlikely) or a more powerful accomplice (unfortune for her), so I'll be intrigued to see how the writers bring her back.
  21. ^^^---- This a thousand times. Twilight alone has awesome power and ability, but as she even said her friends made her even more powerful.
  22. I don't think we've seen Twilight's limits when it comes to magic and I agree she's better at her own, and I think what could happen is that she can cast another princesses's spell more easily because she experienced it. That's the basis of her whole talent.
  23. Exactly. She's dead wrong. She was the perfect example of do what I want, but not as I'm really doing. She was harvesting cutie marks and was nothing more than a con artist.
  24. Someone may surpass him, but not everybody will. There are always limits: time, money, ability, luck, mental focus, etc. I still don't see what the writers did wrong.
  25. Well every generation has its genius and the mane 6 are exactly that-the best at what they do. We know for a fact that Equestrian history is full of magically gifted Unicorns, but Twilight is a once in a generation genius. The Einstein of Magic. I could love and study physics my whole life and never become Albert Enstien because working hard is never enough.
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