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Midnight Dragon

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Status Replies posted by Midnight Dragon

  1. Hey guys. I am willing to make banners for you. All you need to do is tell me a theme (fav pony/s etc) and I will work da magic! I have nothing better to do at the moment so...

    1. Midnight Dragon

      Midnight Dragon

      What exactly are banners? (I don't think I've seen them before)

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. If the sound guy on Johnny Test had somehow gotten his hands on another show (EEnE)...
    1. Midnight Dragon

      Midnight Dragon

      Yeah, but it's ridiculous when it's being used for every single bodily movement...

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  3. Being in love should be a happy thing. But for me it's more like sitting at the gates of Hell...(because I know I have no chance of being with her.)

  4. Well that's weird...I got a friend request, but when I clicked on it, it said the user was no longer active. O_o

    1. Midnight Dragon

      Midnight Dragon

      The username was "Amaranternal". (I usually check out the profiles before deciding to accept--but obviously I couldn't, since the account isn't even active.)

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  5. I just got the idea to use the audio from this with clips from a certain horror anime:

    ...is something wrong with me? XD
  6. I feel like crap right now...

  7. To all of you Sonic fans out there...LOOK AT MY FREAKING WALLPAPER!!! IT'S HILARIOUS XD!

  8. I had to eat my Lucky Charms without milk... Can you think of a worse fate than that?

    1. Midnight Dragon

      Midnight Dragon

      I've been having a massive sweet tooth lately and I have no idea why

    2. (See 60 other replies to this status update)

  9. I had to eat my Lucky Charms without milk... Can you think of a worse fate than that?

    1. Midnight Dragon

      Midnight Dragon

      Haha I had some Reese's recently...I want more though :( Ahhhhhh the cravings won't stop!!!

    2. (See 60 other replies to this status update)

  10. I had to eat my Lucky Charms without milk... Can you think of a worse fate than that?

    1. Midnight Dragon

      Midnight Dragon

      A worse fate?




      How about having to go weeks without chocolate (or whatever else you're practically addicted to)? :( I've barely survived...

    2. (See 60 other replies to this status update)

  11. Can I live in Equestria? I hate the world I'm currently in :P

    1. Midnight Dragon

      Midnight Dragon

      Second, my aunt won't leave me alone...and she's making me feel really depressed as well. The last time we talked, she just kept pointing out everything she thinks is wrong with me (and most of it is total baloney...also, she seems to be "projecting" the things that are actually wrong with her, if that makes any sense :P)

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  12. Can I live in Equestria? I hate the world I'm currently in :P

    1. Midnight Dragon

      Midnight Dragon

      I've just been depressed and angry lately...


      First of all, people are pretty nasty towards the games I make...not even realizing that I actually worked pretty hard.



    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  13. I'm almost ashamed to call myself a gamer, considering that most gamers have said really mean things about my games...not even caring about the fact that I'm new to gaming. Seriously, I hate my life; nobody even appreciates me -_-

    1. Midnight Dragon

      Midnight Dragon

      Oops, my message got cut off :P I think you should get the idea though, right?


      Also, I don't really have any confidence...I get that I'm not that good. But I'm sick and tired of it being rubbed in my face!

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  14. I'm almost ashamed to call myself a gamer, considering that most gamers have said really mean things about my games...not even caring about the fact that I'm new to gaming. Seriously, I hate my life; nobody even appreciates me -_-

    1. Midnight Dragon

      Midnight Dragon

      @Keiichi Particularly my Sonic themed games...a few people were nice, but a lot of others were like "OMG this is some stupid sonic.exe rip-off whoever made this put no effort into it blah blah blah".


      First of all, I actually work pretty hard on my games.


      Second, even though they're a bit inspired by Sonic.exe and include some similar things, they're not "ripping it off". (If they are rip-offs at all, they'd actually be Luna Game copies, becaus...

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  15. Was the website down for anyone else? Because it was down for me all day...

    1. Midnight Dragon

      Midnight Dragon

      Yeah, it was down for a few hours for me O_O

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  16. Creator's block. I can't write, make art, music, or videos. Of all the things that could happen to artists, this is the WORST. POSSIBLE. THING!

    1. Midnight Dragon

      Midnight Dragon

      I'm with ya there :(

  17. Saw your signature and was wondering, if you don't mind, what are your religious beliefs?

    1. Midnight Dragon

      Midnight Dragon

      I'm a Christian.


      I'm not the really strict kind--I'm actually kind of laid back. I love fighting games and dark stories.


      Also, I don't have the traditional view on the whole gay issue...I actually support LGBT people. However, I don't really like getting into discussions about it (especially because I'm terrible at debating/explaining my beliefs, so I end up looking like I don't know anything). I only mentioned this because I want to be honest...

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  18. *sigh* My dreams of being a somewhat famous internet person are being crushed more with every attempt...I know I shouldn't give up, but my depression makes me feel that no one will ever like me...I just want people to like having me around and enjoy my hard work...why is that so much to ask? T_T

    1. Midnight Dragon

      Midnight Dragon

      It's not exactly the fame I want...I guess I just want people to appreciate what I do...

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  19. *sigh* My dreams of being a somewhat famous internet person are being crushed more with every attempt...I know I shouldn't give up, but my depression makes me feel that no one will ever like me...I just want people to like having me around and enjoy my hard work...why is that so much to ask? T_T

    1. Midnight Dragon

      Midnight Dragon

      I guess what I'm saying is that when I die, I want lots of people to remember me fondly for something good I contributed to the world...instead, only a few friends and relatives will remember me...[sorry, I'm in a real funk right now]

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  20. "I want to come inside!" -Rainbow Dash

  21. I wish humans and MLP ponies could live together in the same universe...that would be awesome.

  22. Is it just me, or is "A Canterlot Wedding" the greatest thing ever?

  23. *sigh* I just hate it when people have nothing nice to say and instead of keeping it to them selves they actually say it...in a mean way...BUCK YOU IF YOU DO DAT!

  24. IM WATCHIN DESPICABLE ME!! lol..I love that movie!

    1. Midnight Dragon

      Midnight Dragon

      I love that movie too lol

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