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  1. http://www.memecenter.com/uploaded/1Redneck-Pwned_9a99c0df7985182cfd26220de0518c32.jpg (Sorry, couldn't resist it. Might not even be the case here, but I find it oh so funny.)
  2. Blender is cross-platform, so I have no reason to believe the game engine module wouldn't work like that, too. ... unless, of course, you were just talking about that particular game and not the whole system per se. In that case, feel free to ignore me.
  3. Hardy

    gaming Nostalgia Thread

    Sonic had its own TV show? Go figure. Looney tunes, TMNT, maybe some Darkwing Duck and Power Rangers, too. Ahhh, the memories...
  4. Funnily, being a strict teetotaler and knowing the nature of the drink in my part of the world, I was somewhat offended by the theme of this episode. But that's just me and my misconceptions.
  5. I had never even heard dubstep before listening to the MLP fan music package I downloaded from somewhere. Tombstone and especially WoodenToaster had a few really catchy songs there (if these two even count as dubstep ). Other than that, no, I'm not into dubstep.
  6. Unique, indeed. Love the sounds, but there's a bit too much happening at times. The short part starting in 1:20 saved a lot, but damn I wish it was longer - and without the delay messing up the last half x) Nice job, nevertheless.
  7. I'd like to see a MLP clone of the (somewhat) legendary Lost Vikings. Heh, I've actually been designing something along those lines for a day or two now, but haven't quite made my mind up on all the features yet. And with all the real programming stuff leaving little time for personal projects, the completion of this project is still a distant dream.
  8. If you're a SG-1 fan and love those cute little ponies, too, then I suggest you take a look at Bosstone's stories Stargate Equestria: Connection and Incursion (http://www.fanfiction.net/u/2947896/Bosstone). Given the SG-1 theme, these very well written stories manage to combine both humans and ponies in a serious and, well... believable way (as far as that is even possible) that held me in its grasp all the way to the last pages of the sequel. Definately worth reading, and especially so if you know your Stargate ABC.
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