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Blog Entries posted by Hypereddie

  1. Hypereddie
    Oh right, I was suppose to write one of these things everyday or something.
    Isn't it funny how I forget things?
    Its funny how just only last week, I had no projects to do what so ever, so I would just stare at the computer for a few hours, and then go to sleep. And now I have my plate full to the point where I get no time to myself. Which is why I couldn't really make these blog posts.
    Anyway, my week has been good. If you couldn't tell by my profile, I've joined the Poniverse dev team. I bet you're asking "What do you do?". Weeelll....I do...stuff....secret...stuff...
    I've also targeted PHP and ruby as my next 2 programming languages to master (hurray for website programming!). The lava toaster (Lavoaster) is gonna teach me PHP and one of my other projects is in ruby so I'll learn from that...hopefully.
    My goal is to one day master every programming language known to man! (Even Shakespeare!)
    I'm still trying to figure out when to write entries for this thing...I guess I'll aim for everyday, but meh, one can dream...
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