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Everything posted by isded

  1. so he's also a cutie just like me?
  2. thx but im im wai not as qt as u r bby :* :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD
  3. Yeah Aniki said pretty much everything there is to say. I don't think Danny is bad, he just isn't as good as Jontron. I gave him a chance and stuck with Game Grumps a few more weeks after Jon left but it wasn't the same. For me Game Grumps isn't Game Grumps anymore, it's just another game show now.
  4. at least I have you on skype...but still sad that you leave :c
  5. I deleted this post the character limit made it difficult tho
  6. I had that problem quite a few times, but I'll start a new project tomorrow anyways. If I'll run into it I'll send you a PM, thanks dude.
  7. Thanks, but nah, the problem isn't dissonance. The sounds sound consonant but they just don't compliment each other. Instead of fitting together like in good songs they just sound seem to fight for the attention of the listener. It will take you much hard work and a lot of time to make something good, something other people would like to listen to. (Just sayin, I know a lot of people who gave up because it was too much work.) You'll need a program to make music, a DAW (stands for Digital Audio Workstation). FL Studio/ Fruity Loops, Ableton Live and Logic are some famous ones but there are more and it all comes down to what feels the most comfortable to you. Just google for some DAWs, download a few demos and mess around with em. Go on Youtube and search for tutorials on how to use your DAW and make songs, that helped me a lot . Also go to the My Little Remix,a forum for brony musicians. There are great guys over there who'll help you if you have trouble with making music. Please use the search function there though, before making a "new-to-music-how-do" thread there. There are more then enough of these on mlr
  8. How do I make sounds that work together well? Cuz I make these sounds that sound okay when played on their own, but when I play them together they sound so different from each other that it's unpleasant to listen to them.
  9. Let's bring this thread back to life with some Julio Bashmore https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLqWjUWGYFA If you have a bit more time you should check out his Essential Mix. God that mix is awesome, I've listened to it over and over again http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAge1I868kI
  10. Do you think Slipnot is worse then One Direction or do you think One Direction is better then Slipnot?
  11. You heard something on the internet? It sure must be true! There are some Bronys who clop. So, are all Bronys Cloppers? No. There are some black people who are criminals. So, are all black people criminals? No. There are some men rape women. So, are all men rapists? No Just because a few of these people are something doesn't mean that the rest of them are. There are some Molestia supporters who stalk PinkiePony. So, are all Molestia supporters like that? No. You are starting to sound like these brony haters we just look down and sadly smile at. If that is true then probably no one here and no one of the normal Molestia supporters will defend those creeps. Open your eyes, brony. As said, just because some of the people who like Molestia acted immature does not mean that all of the over 50 thousand followers are like that. As I also said in my last post here, "Learn to take a fucking joke" isn't hatemail, it just means that the DWM supporters should learn to take a fucking joke. Nothing is funny about rape. But jokes are funny. You can make jokes about everything and it will always be funny. The question is if the topic is to dark for you to laugh about.
  12. ... ... ... Are you trolling us right now? "Article 19 of the ICCPR states that "[e]veryone shall have the right to hold opinions without interference" and "everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression"" (from Wikipedia) Saying that the Molestia Tumblr encourages rape and is harmful to women is an opinion (a pretty stupid one, but yes it is one). Now if you post an opinion against something on the internet you have to expect and be able to handle some backlash. If you for instance write under a MLP video on Youtube: "OMGZ MLP SUCKZ FUK TIS SHOW!!!!1!!11" You have sucessfull stated your opinion. But people will reply to your comment and say "Technically it's pretty good, it has even won prizes for it's good animation." (if they are intelligent) or "NO FUK U, MLP ROKS" (if they are fucking dumb) These people are arguing with you by stating their opinion. Now how big this backlash is depends on what you're saying and where you saying it. If you post your comment about how bad MLP is under an Anti-Brony video you will probably get a few or none negative responses to your comment. If you post the same comment under an MLP video you will get very many negative responses, because people who watch MLP videos usually like them and therefore are much more likely to disagree with you. So far nobody has done something wrong because everybody is only stating their opinion. Now if you get many negative responses you've probably posted your comment in the wrong neighborhood or what you said was pretty fucking stupid or even both. But nobody supresses you. If you can't handle that many people disrespect your opinion too fucking bad, maybe you just should have ignored the whole thing and not have started the arugment. At the end of the day these messages are just text form strangers, nobody will hurt you no matter how dumb/unfitting/controversial your comment was. Now taking down the content you don't like, just because you don't like it isn't just opinion stating anymore, that's the freedom of speech and expression. Because telling people to stop being butthurt is E-war and forming a fucking movement to take down a Tumblr isn't at all. Seriously? Telling someone to "learn to take a joke" is silencing? That isn't even an excuse that's the fucking truth. Why would they want to excuse rape jokes, the Tumblr is called "Ask Princess Molestia" for gods sake. No, if the haters would have been more mature with handeling people criticising their criticism, that's when the whole drama would never have happened
  13. Welcome pix! I would love to be your friend If you want to meet new ponies, how bout checking out the Skype Exchange Thread. Just add a few people to your contacts and start talking. Btw love your profile pic
  14. You do that, dude! People like you make the world a better place! I'm sure if you manage to take down the Molestia-Tumblr all the raping in the world will stop. ... See, this is why I don't like modern feminists either. If Anita Sarkeesian makes ten new videos about how videogames portray women in a wrong way, thats good for her, she found something to pass time and can scam poeple over Indigogo, Kickstarter or what ever the fuck she used to "fund" her videos. But does she make the world a better place? No. She just wastes her time on stupid shit like telling the world why a harmless video games opresses women while she could be on the street protesting, so that women get the same wages as men. Or that men get the same time in jail in men if they broke the law, if she would be for equal rights. Same fucking thing here. Why do people always get their panties in a twist if they hear a rape/racist joke? If they don't want to laugh about it because they think the topic is to dark to make jokes about it, that's totally okay. But they shouldn't get mad about it because it will hurt nobody. Racists hate black people/asian people/whomevertheyhate because they are dumb or brainwashed, not because they heard a stupid joke. Rapists rape woman because they want sex mot because they heard a stupid joke So for the love of Celestia, if you don't like something and want to boycott it, stop and ask yourself: "Does this harm anybody?" If the answer is no then LEAVE IT THE FUCK ALONE!!! You know how you can actually help? You can be useful and donate something to organisations who actually help. Here you go: http://www.womenshelters.org/ https://www.childwelfare.gov/ Everything DWM art will acomplish is waisting your time and maybe ruin the fun for the people who like the Molestia Tumblr if you somehow manage to take it down. For stupid people (and most of the media) we're 30yo-fat-virgin-horsefucking-pedophiles. If we make a too big fuss about the whole thing we also will be rapists in the eyes of those people. Intelligent people will still cut straight to the bullshit and don't judge us by the actions of single persons. Nothing will change.
  15. 1. Ramune (Japanese Soda) 2. Afri-Cola ( like normal Coke but german and better in my oppinion) 3. Dr. Pepper Seriously, you haven't lived until you've drank Ramune
  16. Yes! Zedd's pretty cool, but Wolfgang Gartner is just awesome. His music sounds just so clean and at the same time dirty and energetic. He's my favorite Electro House producer. Here, have some more Wolfgang Gartner http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JFkom6Rq6Ug http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPucjMJosj8
  17. Good mix, awesome music, but not very chill. Porgressive House and Electro House are to energetic for a Chillout House mix, Deep House or Tech House would be more suitable.
  18. To create a sonic boom you have to travel faster then sound. Even if you could break the light spectrum by reaching a certain speed, that speed would logically be faster than the speed of light and that's physically impossible
  19. - I also didn't hate Mare Do Well - I like Gilda - I don't like Spike Episodes, I think they're extremly boring - Chrysalis > Discord - I don't find baby Applejack cute
  20. That sounds more like Deep house and not like Tech House, but whatever, it's good music. Speaking of Tech House, here have two songs. Format B are great They're two of these artists who never dissapoint me. The second one doesn't sound like typical Tech House to me, but it's still great http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7RxhzoZQOw4
  21. This is a bit disapointing. I'm neither a COD hater nor a COD fanyboy. While the multiplayer in BOII was better then in MW3 the singleplayer in both games was complete garbage. I didn't play the singleplayer modes in the previous games, but I heard similar things about them. Everything you have to do is press W and run through a narrow corridor. It's just script event after script event. Inbetween you have to shoot a few people, but that's just a filler between the script events. You don't have to use any strategy and it's way too easy. If you set the difficulty to "hard" the enemys won't become more intelligent. They just do more damage which turns the singleplayer into an annoying "take cover, shoot, take cover, shoot,..." game which still is no fun. The enemys and are all the same. They behave all in the same way and have mostly the same armor weapons, so you don't have to have to use any fancy tactics or different weapons (not that you have a variety of weapons you can use tactically) to kill them. Not many people care about singleplayers in games like COD or Battlefield, that's probably why the developers don't put much effort into them. But Call of Duty: Ghosts should push the new consoles. It should be the reason buy a XBOX One or a PS4. The graphics of the game may be a bit better but I don't think you need a new console for that, the could have done that on the PS3/XBOX 360. So I Kinda hoped they would get creative and make a new singleplayer, something to make this COD not just another COD, but a new and inovative one, a strong launch title for the next-gen consoles. So I watched a recording from the livestream they did. And what did I get to see? Corridores and skripted events. The underwater level was a complete disapointment. Swim, watch, shoot two guys, watch, swim, watch, swim. Challening and inovative gameplay? Nope. And while the part with the dog was a bit more interesting because there was an enemy with a flamethrower and the guy playing could control a dog it still seemed sooo linear. I would love to see a bit more of the singleplayer to see if my worries are really necessary. But what they've shown so far does not make me want spend 50 or 60 Euros for a new COD. If I would be a console gamer I wouldn't see why I should buy a new one. In the end it will depend on the multiplayer if I buy it or not, but it's kinda sad to see how the singleplayer seems to be bad again. But that's just my opinion.
  22. Yes! More Deep House! I discovered this one recently. It's one of these Tracks I listen on loop for weeks until I get bored of it: And here's some more Boiler Room! I was looking through their videos and found a Frankie Knuckles set. You should watch it, the track selection is amazing.
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