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About Rainbro-Stache

  • Birthday 1991-10-30

Contact Methods

  • deviantART

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Cupcake (3/23)


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  1. Thanks for the info everypony! Much appreciated haha, must feel pretty awesome to make up a cutie mark and then see it become an "official" mark for a character
  2. Okay so I have been looking up some inkie pie pictures on DA and noticed that people seem to give her the same cutie mark over and over, unlike the CMCs which people seem to all have their own ideas for. If I remember right, the show never had Inkie and Blinkie on screen with their cutie marks, so where did these come from? example: http://browse.deviantart.com/art/Inkie-and-Blinkie-322933630
  3. They'll fight about anything xD Lemme know what you guys think and you can also find the rest of my random pony nonsense here: http://rainbro-stache.deviantart.com/
  4. I end up doing the same thing, I'm a pretty well trained window shopper but as soon as an item gets in my hand to by im just like.... "Screw it lets buy all the things!!"
  5. Ermagerd I love Hank so much.... its funny how I get more excited for his silly little 10 second videos than anything else in my youtube subscription feed
  6. add the two colors that you would want to make a gradient for and then just blur the flop out of it! just make sure you have the selection confined or else youre gunna get color all over your picture
  7. I dont buy the official figures, but I do get some fan made things, which are usually much more show-accurate... can be expensive tho, but totally worth it!
  8. Moop Doop more Cloudchaser stuff go figure xD This is just another reason why he name needs to stay as "Cloudchaser" rather than Stormwalker Other random pony nonsense here: http://rainbro-stache.deviantart.com/
  9. Spiders. Spiders are my weakness Every time I see one I have a heat attack, die, come back as a zombie and then spend the next 30 minutes of my zombie life trying to figure out a way to get rid of it
  10. hehe, i wish, but there are a ton of awesome little guides you can find, this sheet here has helped me out a ton, maybe you'll enjoy it too theres like, a billion of these things on deviant art, just search "pony tutorial" or "pony guide" etc
  11. When I was growing up, there were a lot of kids that were randomly taller than everyone else, but by the end of highschool they were average height and sometimes even a little shorter. People (and apparently ponies) grow at different rates. I always kinda assumed that they chose to make Fluttershy a lanky filly so that bullies would pay more attention to her and make her into the extreme introvert that she is now. Personal head cannon, i dunno
  12. Yep they do! My mother came to visit me one time and I had in a MLP earring in and she asked: "Whos that in your ear?" Derpy "Whats a derpy? A pony. "From what?" My little pony of course! I explained to her a bit about what a brony was and she seemed kinda confused, but about a week later she sent me My Little Pony stickers so I guess shes okay with it
  13. haha, another awesome pic xD I love your sense of humor Do you have a Deviant Art or something so I can follow all this pony nonsense more easily?
  14. I have a little chibi Cloudchaser that I commissioned from here: http://happybunny86.deviantart.com/
  15. Thanks for pointing out the cutie mark thing. I fixed it and took a better lit picture.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Orablanco Account

      Orablanco Account

      New head canon: that's their last name.

    3. Rainbro-Stache


      haha I thought about that too, quite a mouthful tho xD

      Cloudchaser Stormwalker, she sounds like the most intimidating pony ever :P

    4. Orablanco Account

      Orablanco Account

      Lol, it's like Anikan Skywalker or something.

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