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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Quilava

  1. Gimme JK points

    1. LowfatEnvelope


      Yo same I want some

    2. MrJK


      falling down stairs atm

  2. Curiosity has led me back here, and curiosity leads me to posting here as well :3c

    1. ShadOBabe
    2. Castle Bleck

      Castle Bleck

      You could not live with your own curiosity... Where did that bring you? ...Back to us.


    3. Quilava


      They time is a line, but I'd say it's more of a loop. New experiences stray you from your current path, but eventually, you'll be lead back to where you were most comfortable.

  3. hahahahahahHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

  4. I typically write with people who aren't uneasy when it comes to the ability of writing text walls, and I am no different. Though, it truthfully depends on the character and how much information they relay to me for writing. Some like many paragraphs, some only want a single short paragraph that tosses away all the poetic filler and says what's necessary in the most blunt way possible. Though I guess I feel there is no real way to qualitatively evaluate my writing ability through the same medium without it sounding like I'm bragging or simply exaggerating my actual abilities.
  5. As my decision was made, the voices of everyone else that disagreed with my choice, and the underlying reasons against my decision kept my head throbbing with opposition. What reason did I have to go through with this? Nary an answer could be found, but I felt like it should be done. "I'll deal with the repercussions later..." I said to myself, the thread creation screen loading in front of me... Hello all. For those who are quick and observant, you may have come to the realization that I am not a real "new" member based on my badge. Though, I haven't frequented this website at all for an insurmountable time span. For those who might happen upon this thread and remember, my original and more renowned username, was ~Lugi~ and was also once a part of the staff here. There's really not much to say about me that hasn't already been at some point or another. I am an advanced role-player, adept tulpamancer, and recently been promoted to the role of Organizer in the RuneScape clan Brotherhood Legends. I don't know how much I'll be posting or anything in regards to my activity levels, but there could be a future for me here once again. The air possesses something I find much appealing~
  6. *laughs*

    1. Lisa





  7. The fact I'm still where I am both surprises me and intrigues me. It's actually rather comical~

  8. I'm just as confused as the above with this post. Would you be able to enlighten me on a backstory that may have been covered in pages back? The way you write is a bit unconnected and also makes it a bit tough to fully grasp what you're trying to say. I see your basis, but I like being ~95%+ sure of things :3
  9. I for one don't even use that button. I suggest using the 3rd mouse button. That is, if you're using a mouse (not sure if laptops have strong scrolling features that are comparable to the 3rd mouse button). Clicking on the scroll wheel on a mouse will give you a scroll that is as fast as you put it to the top or bottom of the monitor (depending which way you wish to go). Much simpler, and can be very rapid, especially for the threads with pretty decently long posts.
  10. Actually, there already exists a button for this feature. Though it is rather transparent and can be a bit hard to see at times, at the bottom of a thread there is an up arrow that will take you to the top of the page. (I'd place a screenshot but I'm currently on mobile so I have no decent method of doing so :\) As for the additional subcategories, the recent addition of the Print Media subsection is an example of how the staff here adds more classification to the forum. For the most part, we only add more categories should there be enough consistent content being created about the general subject.
  11. Indeed there is quite a bit of context missing X3. For one thing, I never really stated that Isra, Valium, Ammo, Twyst hurt me (least...not physically)~. All I stated was that shifting into them (though Twyst is safer due to his role in my pysche) is not safe. All of them are fine really. My inner world rivals that of the known universe in size so they rarely turn their heads around me unless they have an RP they'd like to take part in or my emotions entice them to take advantage of the weakened walls. As for convincing them not to be evil? I would never. Though...that isn't to say I haven't tried. At first...I couldn't like Isra. Her being was far too complicated and I couldn't understand her enough to have her around and learn her actions. Everything about her was merely an image without a soul. I tried ignoring her, but eventually she came back up and now, though I don't understand her, I can at least feel her essence and understand her that way. I love and adore all the beings within my head, both good and bad. There's no harm in having evil as long as the evil is wise. Remember, we help teach these beings right from wrong. If that's true, then we can teach them what's smart and what isn't. For what reason would they harm their life source? Sure one of them would rather just challenge me to a duel and claim my life solely for the sake of fighting, but that's beyond the point. Live and let live.
  12. @ , If you're using the word "waste" as I feel you're using it, then I'd stop right now. :\ Because with the creation of a tulpa you'll be "wasting" a lot of hours in the creation process. It's not something that is willfully silly all the time. It's meditation and isn't something that should be looked at as wasteful. If not, then no, you don't. Active forcing can be done in small bursts (10-30 minutes) with any form of consistency. Passive forcing is the other way you can interact with your thoughtform. Simply narrating to them or VisuaLizing them tHroughout your day is all that's really necessary. Minor interactions are still interactions~ @@Terra Forte This was something I noticed/learned as well when I was beginning. Throughout my life, I always talked to myself. Standard right? But I always envisioned someone, anyone, could hear what I was saying. That my words weren't falling flat or lost to the wind. Helped a bit knowing I was never alone. And yes, learn to control it. Don't be like me. At this point, I'm at 15 tulpa, where, using force time and planning, I've created 3 on my own. The other 12 manifested through fragments of my mind either extracted myself or simply from ones in the subconscious. From the moment they birthed themselves they had their complete persona layed out. I love it though. And not all tulpae need to be good. I have 4 that are actually insidiously evil (intentionally shifting into them isn't safe. For reasons I shall not name). Control is all that's needed. My inner world rivals that of the known universe in size so they typically are in hiding unless my emotions tease and entice them out.
  13. Likewise~ And yes, for the most part, people would always stray from using things that already existed as being the basis for a tulpa. Reason being that they feared for possible identity crises that could follow upon learning they aren't "their own beings" or aren't who they think they are should they find out about the show and such. People still did them, but they were less advised for such reason. Another more common thing was that people would use characters because they wanted to have a real life "x" or something instead of seeing the true reason and struggle it can be to both create and host a thoughtform. Creating a being from scratch would cause you to be more in tune with your tulpa as you sculpted them (until they deviated) and know how they worked. So less "taboo" and "restricted", but more "less advised" to wash out the people who think these creatures are toys for their own amusement.
  14. My...so much has changed since I was greatly and heavily active in this thread. Especially with the sighting of more, "pre-mades", if you will. Quite surprised to see that taboo either washed away or ignored for desire~
  15. Odd how the moment I go for something I felt was right, thinking about the reasons why I was going to do it, gets me incredibly fired up and fuming to the point I'm the complete opposite of what I was about to do...Ugh..Looks like I'll be sticking around in the background a bit longer.

  16. I have yet to have a debate where my point hasn't been overlooked or misinterpreted. Sometimes I wonder why I'm kept :\

  17. Since the topic creator has not logged back on since around the time of this thread's creation, it seems a bit fruitless to have it be left open. Nevertheless, should the user revive their account in the future, this thread contains enough information for their question to be properly answered!
  18. Due to the amount of time that has passed since this topic's creation and the user themselves have no logged onto the forum in nearly two months, it servers little purpose to keep this thread open for much longer :3
  19. Both of the answers supplied here should be detailed enough to get you through to uploading your signature. Also, if you're going to use these methods, it's best to upload your signature to a image-hosting site such as http://imgur.com/ or http://photobucket.com/ . Once uploaded, you will want to take the direct link as instructed above and follow their instructions :3 However, should the automated insert image function not work on the toolbar, you can always use: [img=insert url here] Using this code is the same thing as the toolbar function.
  20. Hello @Griffen Slayer, has using the instructions given by Mabel proved to be any success to your issue?
  21. Due to the time that has passed since anypony has responded to this thread in regards to this issue, I shall lock this up for cleanliness purposes! Should the issue begin to arise again, however, please either send in a Support Ticket or create another thread here!
  22. With quite a bit of information garnered for this topic, I shall mark it concluded and lock it away for proper storage! Have a good one~
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