I'm an atheist..I do however respect other people's religions,almost all my friends are christian or jew
of course i respect other religions too...no need to hate
I'd like it if you could draw mine,im not artistically gifted like you are XD
Her name is Inkwell and her special talent is writing..pretty much anything if you could draw her levitating a quill that'd be awesome
Her magic is this colour ^.^
anything would be awesome though
V here she is V
it only occurs to me now that I forgot her horn...-.-
shes meant to have a horn anyway..as I said I am not good with drawing..I'm only good with writing
My little cousin was devastated XD
she just kept saying
"But Twi is a unicorn..not a princess,she reads,not rules"
I really want a poster of twilight hunched over a book with
Twilight Reads,Not Rules
I'm looking for more songs for my 'Pone Muzik' playlist...just thinking if anyone could help
me top 5 are:
Discord-Eurobeat Brony
Beyond her tomb-MictheMic
Pinkies Brew-FiW
and It'll be OK-FiW
I also like all the pony themes from fighting is magic!
Hm...Wisdom I would hope,or creativity,I pride myself on my ability not to care about celebrities and get good grades...alot of my friends would probably say the element of insomnia...
I'm pretty sure I am..haven't written anything though.I mainly write ordinary fiction,I was thinking of doing something about RD or Lightning Dust,I love their cocky attitudes
My OC is a unicorn whose special talent is writing stories yet i'm horrible of thinking of names for it! those of the creative nature please help!
(shown below)
I know the basic anatomy of a pony and its features and I can draw them..on paper..where do I go from here?
I have a digital art tablet (A G-PEN F610) But i'm not very good at using it..i use SAI paint tool and i'm still kind of learning...
Hey everypony!
Im Soliloquy
My friend reccomended the site to me and it seems super fun so far!
My favourite pony is either RD or Rarity
I also like Colgate,Octavia and Lyra
Can't wait to get started!