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Philosophy Pony

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Everything posted by Philosophy Pony

  1. Live instruments and software are like peanut butter and jam! (pun sort of intended) If I ever had a pony inspired band, it would consist of instruments and an awesome DJ set up. But that's just a crazy dream I still write pony folk music xD p.s Unique, love the sig! That's one of my favorite Aristotle Quotes! brohoof for philoso-ponies! /)*
  2. I faced a conflict with this episode when writing about a philosophical concept I call Ponyism. It entails that the quest for true knowledge comes from scientific analysis AND philosophical inquiry. Can philosophy develop by itself, without the help of science? Can science function without philosophy? Some people think that the sciences don't have anything to do with philosophy, that the scientist should actually avoid philosophizing because it results in vague theories. If philosophy is given such a poor interpretation, then of course anyone would agree with "Physics, look out for metaphysics!" But that just sounds like nonsense. My interpretation of the episode, I thought , was more based on trusting the instincts of your closest friends before your own intuitive insight. It's not that twilight just gave up and accepted it, she gave up because she learned that she should just trust her friend, in any instance. How does that negate scientific method? Well, it doesn't. Remember, in the episode "It's About Time", Pinkie explains that her Pinkie sense only works with vague instances. She can't spot on predict the future. So random occurence is still on the table for explanation. I mostly agree with Ulrick Raben's post above, the classic cartoon wit of things falling from the sky. That, in my opinion was the goal of this episode, trust your friends and laugh at Twilight's misfortunes as cartoony humor plays out. Scientific inquiry is very important in the episode "MMMystery on the Friendship Express" though.
  3. Oh, non-pony identity day is tomorrow :P lol

  4. I most definitely will! The forums have sparked my creative interests, and I can't thank anyone enough. And I just fond out about the Poniverse, great Idea Expect me at the convention ^.^
  5. Today was another good day for me The blogs entry's will be coming in suuuper slow on the count of a huge ton of studying that I have to implement in my daily routine. Does anyone know a lot about ancient history? Specifically the classical era of Greece ? Ponyism is still driving me mad. I keep adding new components too it, i'ts running me ragid! It should be a doozie when it finally comes out. It, so far, blends the ideas of Humanitarianism, Existentialism, Environmentalism (the fluttershy philosophy) and elements of psychology and a new concept called "Pony understanding". Really getting deep in thought here guys. But remember, its all just fun speculation to keep you thinking. Obviously none of what I say is true to the show and it's characters, well not the creators intentions anyway. Let your imagination come out of its shell for once! And I am really looking into going to BronyCon this year! I love meeting bronys online, but IN PERSON!?! That's just amazing! Plus all the cool merch I can buy, and the awesome music that will be there...aaahhh it's gonna be awesome! Speaking of meeting new bronys, please please please, if your a brony who wants more friends on the interwebs PM me,especially if your a philoso-pony! I love sharing ideas and creating things with other people, or just talking about whatever. I might start a new thingy, maybe a thread I guess, i don't know. But anyway, new thingy, right! (sliding off topic,as usual). I wanna start a help section where people can come to me with there problems and i'll try to help them out or see the problem in a new way. I love the joy that comes from helping someone in need, makes me a happy pony A topic will be posted tomorrow for the 'Fluttershy Nature Fan Club'. The name speaks for itself. If you love this big blue flying dot in space that we humans call earth, then you should read the thread and see what all the hub bubs about. I'ts gonna be everything nature, and everything Fluttershy! All the eco-pony's can come and join in on the fun! So far the only (founding) members are ma new brony bud Happy Plant (Hah, gave you a shout out !! ) and I. More will be looked at with this idea, so stick around internet people, cus this clubs gonna be pumpin!...whatever that means. A new OC was posted by me. It's a crappy MS paint pony called Cosmic Ray. Not my worst pony sketch I did on my computer, but once I get a new job (Lay offs pfft) I wanna get a tablet that's better for drawing with. Or just a better computer with better photo-editing and drawing software. I really wanna start fan fics and role playing, but I got a whole lot going on right now. Future me will worry about it. I know I already gave a quick shpeal about it but BronyCon guys! BRONYCON! I am super siked that I might go! The onlything that will suck is the 8hr drive out to Baltimare, but what the hay, it's worth it! I wanna meet tons of new brony friends from the good ol' US and even meet artists and musicians and writters...Oh My! If you'r attending bronycon this year, PM me and we can schedule a meet up for the dates of the convention. Also, not to sound like a giant loser here on the forums but...maybe i'll meet a special somepony there .That would be truly amazing! I am not an in the closet brony, but when i'm in a relationship, ponies and unicorns and such do not come to mind quickly for discussion. I let that kind of thing ease in, because girls like, well, manly men. I hit the gym and do things girls find attractive, but i'm retty freak'in feminine. I don't see why I should fall prey to gender stereotypes "Me big stong man! Look at abs pretty lady" ugh . If it's the manly man women want, then I guess I will always be single. I'm not worried, I'm only 17 after all I have a whole huge chunk of life to spend on finding the right mate. But it would still be nice..no not nice, AWESOME, if I ever meet a girl that was in to mlp...thats my age of course lmao. Dating a girl into mlp would be more then perfect, it almost seems like asking for too much. This is a long article just rambling, but ohwell! I can't sleep, for some strange reason I thought it would be wise to drink an extra large tripple tripple from tim hortons at 12:30 AM. I'm wired! But I feel a slight tiredness setting in, so i will sign off soon. I am just in a great mood, with bronycon and all. I know,I know, that's waay in august, but I don't care! I'll be siked till the day comes :3 I'm more excited for that then I am for my birthday! Like I said 100 thousand times already I love meeting new people! If you went to my school or work, you would think I'm anti-social. But in reality, I shut myself off from people that are negative and, well, essentially real life trolls. I don't respond with disgust or anger, just a nonchalant sort of content expression, to show that I really don't care. Since I've entered the brony communities I learned that everypony, and I mean everypony so far, is extremely nice! There's no one I know that's a brony who I would have issues with! Heck, I even post and tweet a lot of hard core atheist things and I'm still friends with a lot of religious bronys! Before being a brony, I WAS an in the closet atheist. Where I live, there's a lot of religious folk who don't take it kindly to question there beliefs. But the brony's are soo smart! I can have a long rational discussion on religion without anypony flipping a table! Coming from horrible past experiences with my religious journey, the brony community has welcomed me, and I love it! So I guess I'm done here. I'll see everypony tomorrow, and Happy Plant and I will get on making a topic to post for you awesome pony's. Good night!! ~FluttershyForPeace This is me in 5mins
  6. My first OC posted could be better but eh, I did it ina day. Next one will be 100x better,promise! :3

  7. My OC's taking forever! :/ First one so I guess I do need a lil practice :S

  8. *Takes muffin* Crazy awesome! Now I don't feel so isolated I have nearly created a few more bronys at school but there opinions are pending
  9. Those books are neat! I read one aaggges ago but I can't remember for the life of me what it was about. I know the cats names are Kao K'o-Kung (Or 'Koko' for short ) and Yum-Yum.
  10. I wish! I think I'm the only brony In all of southern Ontario But I want to go out to BronyCon this year! Maybe I might meet somepony special there :3 Who knows! Life's unpredictable, that's whats fun about it *hope I see some of you in Baltimare!
  11. watching A Canterlot Wedding pt1! my fav season finale

    1. lyrabrony


      I loved that episode/special!

    2. Philosophy Pony

      Philosophy Pony

      I know right? The changelings?! Awesome villans, It's an awesome episode :P

  12. Change is always a good thing. And excepting it is even better Couldn't agree with you more on that one. And I'm in the same boat as Nihilanth, but I'm movin on up in the world Its Horn Rimmed season for me "the man with the horn rimmed glasses..."~Heroes p.s that show stopped being cool after the 3rd season.
  13. It's so hard for me to come to a conclusion as to what version I like better Johnny Cash is awesome too.
  14. Lmfao! That was an inside joke from my editor "She's an evil enchantress,she does evil dances..."
  15. You have a sense of self, right? That question sounds absurd I'm sure, but in reality, it is something that can just, come and go. We all have a personality or ego that shapes us. Our interests, opinions, and disgusts make up the base of what we would call "Each other". But what's the one thing that anchors us down to reality? When trying to choose which one friend to spend time with, Pinkie Pie uses a magic mirror pond to make different copies of herself. As we find out, that doesn't go so well for her, and she faces an identity crisis. So how exactly did they find the real Pinkie again? In the episode "Too Many Pinkie Pies", Pinkie goes into the Everfree Forest remembering the story her Nana Pinkie told her. She accidentally falls down a hole in what fortunately was an underground chamber housing the Mirror Pool. Pinkie walks to the pool, looks over the water at her reflection, and then recites the chant to activate it, while stepping through the pool's surface. As she comes up, it's shown to not actually be her climbing out, but her own reflection having been turned into a clone. Pinkie informs her new hyperactive clone who Applejack is and informers her about the fun that is to be had at the farm. As they leave the Everfree Forest, Pinkie tells also her clone that they should meet up latter so she can tell her all about the fun. So how can we tell between the two pinkies, which one is the real Pinkie? Well, two distinct facts are brought to our attention when Pinkie first interacts with her clone. Firstly, the clone seems extremely hyper, more hyper then the usual Pinkie. And following that, Pinkie had to informed her clone about Ponyville and who her friends were. This entails that the clone has no prior memory of the events that have occurred in the real Pinkies past. Her clone could represent the philosophical definition of a "Zombie", were these pony's are solely based on one function of reality that would not be extremely apparent, hadn't there be so many pinkie pies. These Pinkie zombies only seem to respond to fun and nothing more. Later on in the episode,Twilight explains to a mob that she will come up with a solution, and to calm down. Twilight says to hold on while she tries to figure everything about, rushing back inside with Spike. While they search the shelves for an answer, Spike finds a horseshoe embedded into the back of a bookshelf. He presses it and the back slides upward, revealing a dusty old book. Twilight checks out the book and learns about a spell that can send all the clones back. The only risk is that if they can't identify the real Pinkie Pie, they could send her into the lake by mistake, as the spell cannot tell the difference between a cloned pony and a real one. So now the dilemma is apparent in the show, and it is extremely necessary to try and find the real Pinkie. So how do they accomplish this? Twilight and Spike find a depressed Pinkie outside of the cafe. Twilight postulates that she can't be the real one because Pinkie Pie "has never sat that long in one place her entire life". As they walk away, Pinkie suggests a test to find the real Pinkie by making them do something that isn't fun at all. The Pinkie that wants to stay badly enough to make it to the end of the challenge is the real Pinkie. Twilight decides that it's a good plan, and put's it into fruition. Pinkie is initially relaxed, knowing that the problem can be fixed, but soon worries that she won't pass the test and will have to leave her friends forever. Pinkie suffers from an identity crisis. Identity crisis, according to the psychologist Erik Erikson, is the failure to obtain an ego identity. Although Erikson used this in the context of the adolescent psychology, Pinkie Pie does have a very agile and hyperactive awareness. Her prone hyperactivity, along with the dilemma at hand, is the most likely cause of her feeling this way. So even the real Pinkie doubts her own realness, which is a conflict that Pinkies challenge hopefully helps dictate who the real pinkie is. After a while, Twilight finds Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Rarity hiding out with the woodland creatures until the "Pinkie storm" dies down. Twilight comes up with the idea to make the clones quiet down in rows and watch paint dry, freshly prepared by Rarity and Fluttershy on a backdrop. So the real Pinkie would be the only one with the will to sit there long enough so she can stay with her friends. This shows us that her longstanding memory of her past is the golden key, it's what motivates her to sit it out. The plethora of ponies anxiously lean forward, eyes centered on the drying paint. As time goes on, the attention span of the clones begins to breakdown. A clone in the front row looks out of a window and says, "Oh, hey, look it's a birdie!" Twilight then zaps her with a beam of magic, vanishing her back into the pool. Unable to withstand the test, more clones start getting distracted; Twilight zaps more and more clones that loses concentration. One of the remaining clones says, "Betcha can't make a face crazier than this!", then vigorously rubs her face and changes her appearance to that of a Gen 3 Pinkie Pie, which I think is one of the best references that is made in the show, for obvious reasons. Twilight continues to eliminate copies until only two ponies are left. Rainbow Dash loses her patience and distracts the final clone by suddenly saying that she can see somepony making balloon animals. The distracted Pinkie is sent back to the lake, leaving only a single, concentrated Pinkie Pie who is still staring at the backdrop. It seems that we are left with the real Pinkie. She went through a grueling time span of staring, but her will to stay made her tough it out. Pinkie then writes to Princess Celestia in her bedroom. Having learned that she sometimes has to choose which of her friends she'll spend time with and that even if she can't spend time with one friend, they'll always have more opportunities to spend time together in the future. She has to make time that is optimal for her usage, and no more. The response from Pinkies environment that gets used up by her sensory organs gets formulated into memories by her brain. Only events recorded by Pinkies original memory can be in the original pinkie pies memory. Things like knowledge and understanding are abstract concepts that social creatures like us can manipulate into communication. True knowledge isn't really called knowledge so to say. The word knowledge in Latin is Conscientia, or consciousnesses, and this means that without consciousness the definition of knowledge, and the word, and every associated concept cannot exist. Pinkie and her collective knowledge and understanding is distinct among other organisms. We already know that Pinkies clones do not have the same memories or feelings that the real Pinkie does. So is that to say that our memories constitute what we, ourselves really are? But what about Pinkies temporary identity crisis? Can we conclude from that, that Pinkies personality, and our own personalities, come from our distinct neurological wiring? This really is a valid view point, but i think that, in conclusion, our selves don't rely on one basic principle. As we learn from pinkie, what we experience from the environment constitutes what is us, and other things like birth, genetic characteristics and the influences via peers later on in life. Our interest and personalities derive from the actual existence of things. Our egos could be explained as a reflection looking upon itself. Now here is a poem from my collection that I thought would go great with this article! 'The sun shines hard today harder then it has to. But why spare any filly who wont work out in the sun? You gotta have backbone to be out here Guts, integrity, and a compassion to hold on to who you are. I'm not talking about the filly who listens to music and reads the books I'm talking about the filly who listens to her heart and trust her instincts. There comes a point in a pony's life where nopony else is listening except for you.' Basic Writing "For whom do these bells ring for?" The Earth Pony~ "A Day for Sleeping under the Clouds: A Pegasus and her tall tails of wonder" (2012-13)
  16. I have changed dramatically! And still have a lot to change as well. I used to feel as if everyone lived in there own box. And we would just wake up everyday, go to work, come home, eat, sleep and repeat. My life was totally linear and stale. Then something horrible started to happen. Everyday it felt like my life was still dull, grey, and unquestionably devastating. I started to get these panic attacks when i got myself in sticky situations, but gradually overtime I started having panic attacks over little things, like if I forgot to bring a pencil to my next class. And it got even worse. Anxiety,clinical depression,and I even developed a hatred for people in general. But it was around my 16th birthday that everything was about to change. So around this time I tried to get back into the hang of things, witch was utterly hopeless. I dated this one girl from out of town for about a month until she broke up with me. She claimed that "I was always pessimistic, witch toyed with her sense of trust in me". And I guess it was true. Of the plethora of reasons why she would break up with me, I didn't care. At that moment, I was in denial. I actually felt really horrible after the break up because I convinced myself she was the one reason for me to not be so dark clouded. But that's just what drove me away, being dark clouded. So I wallowed in despair ,knowing that I had been deluding myself to happiness instead of actually finding it. To cheer me up, my friends from up north took me to Toronto. We went to go see Metric live at 'Kool Haus' or the Guvernment Entertainment Complex. It was the beginning of there set, other bands played before but we didn't make it there right away, we had to go to the hotel first. We got 'silly ponied' in the hotel room and went to the complex. We had GA ticks, so we just went in and had fun. I remember the end of the first song, I was lit. I enjoyed myself to the max! Then, something weird happened that I didn't register till recently The song 'Speed the Collapse' came on and I remember seeing a girl, dancing like she had no care in the world, a really example of Pinkie Pie really. What was weird was the she had a Rainbow Dash shirt on that I didnt think about till I became a brony. Because this girl is very important to me! Long story short, we talked, grabbed coffee the next day, and we DIDN'T hook up! She actually taught me alot about understanding myself and who we are as people on this planet. My friend kept insisting that she was just some lefty hipster trying to spew liberal bull crap all over me, but I disregarded him. She really gave me a fresh perspective. Since then I have learned to love life! I officially became a brony Feb 15th of this year, and have done a few philanthropy projects and wish to continue in the future! The process is reversed now, instead of feeling lonely sorrow everday, more and more, I learn about another reason to love life, everyday and on. Here's a song that played at the concert! Not my favorite, but it brings a huge smile to my face whenever I hear it
  17. Here...is some food for thought. *snap* The pony dimension. Lets imagine that our ponyverse was an existent reality. How would the pony's of My little pony exist? Human beings are very outstanding creatures. Our ability to produce algorithms and codes,calculate,infer and abstract is amazing. But what do our pony friends experience in there world? What do pony's perceive? Our pony friends live in a two dimensional universe relative to us. But how would a pony see? Would it be like Edwin Abbott's Flatland? Or maybe we can approach this another way. Maybe pony's who live in the realm of animation that is MLP:FiM see frame per frame like we see it. Because maybe there brains take in two dimensional images of information and create 3D simulations of perception. Heraclitus said that " You can't step in the same river twice" implying that everything is in motion,ceaseless, and constantly remembering that is hard for us humans. We can't comprehend the speed of how fast galaxy's move away from each other. Since matter is constructed much differently there then it is here, and the fact that there not humans but still have the human like consciousness how these pony's take in neurological information would be completely beyond what a human could experience. Think of Thomas Nagel's Essay "What Is it Like to Be a Bat?" Would the biological rules of this dimension be the same for there's? Possibly not, I mean maybe magic has a crucial affect, or some other system of chemistry not familiar to us. Maybe the cell theory doesn't apply to living organisms in there universe. All speculation that hopefully got you to play along. I hope you feel full now, that was a pretty tolerable portion of food...for thought.
  18. Who are you? Do you really know? What constitutes as the ghost in the machine that is our personalities? Julian Baggini does a great job answering these questions and more in his book The Ego Trick:What Does it Mean to be You? The author answers these fundamental questions by diving into the eastern history of philosophy, sociology,neurology, and psychology. He implements actual situations that were people have experienced loss of memory, personality shifting,and a point of view regarding the soul. It's pretty compact, I finished it in 3 extremely busy days, so I would recommend it to anyone who has a little time on there hands. It's definitely worth the read! ~FluttershyForPeace
  19. That sound's like an awesome idea! PM me about it! I'm game if you are But I may not respond right away, as my internet has been extremly slow lately :S
  20. I'm gonna make some OC's today! yay!

  21. Good morning pony's! So we now have a little bit more insight as to what will be posted later on in the week. Today we will have another Reading Wednesday article, followed up by a segment that is called "Food for Thought". Another poem analysis is on its way, all I have to do is pick my favorite one And the revisions on ponyism will be added, and we will look at it more in depth. We will also ask the question 'What is harmony'? Since my last atheistic approach to morals was poorly written, I will throw on another article with more details and references. The point of that article was suppose to address why atheists could be moral, not why atheism is more moral then theism. And the wonderful article on the self is almost done. I just need to do a teeny tiny little bit more research and I'll post what I've come up with. This one's a doozie, so if your a writer, expect me to come waddling over to you, hooves clasped, and puppy face initiated. And after the article on the self is out of the way, the Fluttershy philosophy will go underway! That will be a separate branch of Ponyism that gives us specific details on the ontology and humanitarianism of...well...Ponyism, aha. Don't worry, you'll see Thanks for all of the input guys, your all smart,awesome,fantastic, sophistimacated pony's! Have a great day everypony! ~FluttershyForPeace
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