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Everything posted by RAGESTAR

  1. You do know that I said no omnipotents in the rules, right? -_-
  2. No, I am not being unfair. It's just that people can't seem to do enough research about powerful fictional characters who could beat him. He's not omnipotent, and if you think he is, then clearly you don't know the meaning of the word. If people are gonna fuss so much about me being "unfair" when those are his freaking powers, then I'm just gonna request this thread to be locked. Here are just a few characters who can beat him, btw: Hitoshura, from SMT. Reinhard, from Dies Irae. Ren Fuji, from Dies Irae. Pre retcon Molecule Man, from Marvel Comics. Pre retcon Beyonder, from Marvel Comics. And Othinus, from ToAru no Index. And thats just a few. I wasn't being unfair, your all just uncreative. Could a mod please lock this? It seems to be causing nothing but headaches and fights.
  3. Again, being able to rewrite, destroy, or create a universe, or even a multiverse, does not make someone omnipotent. Omnipotent means that you can do absolutely anything, anything at all, without any limit. Battler has a limit, and weaknesses, and flaws. It does not take an omnipotent to beat him. I could name 5 chaaracters off the top of my head who could beat him, and they aren't omnipotent. Also, a sneak attack might work...but Battler is a trained fighter, and can amplify any of his physical stats on a whim. He could react before Mr. Li Shangshung could even process a thought. ^^; I know I sound like I'm being difficult or biased, but please believe me, I wouldnt have made this if no one could beat him.
  4. Please, don't assume things like that, its very insulting. If anyone had named a character who could beat him, I would have said so. But the fact is, every charactet who has been named so far, just simply can't beat Battler. It's called a challange for a reason, you know. Actually, that's not even close. Kumagawa could reset the universe, yet he's been defeated before in his own series. Battler is the same, just on a larger scale. Trust me, there are guys I know who coul move and beat Battler. Just because one can control or destroy universes or multiverses, doesn't make them omnipotent.
  5. Oh, trust me, there's plenty of people who could outright make Ushiromiya their bitch, lol. And there are a few ways to get pat his Endless 9. Concepttual (utilizing a concept such as death or pain) attacks on a multiversal scale could do the trick. Also, being so much more powerful than him that its ridiculous could help too, lol.
  6. I know it must seem like bullcrap, but I'm seriously not making up this guys powers or exaggerating what he's capable of. Your suggestion was a good one, though. I didnt think anyone here read Madaka Box.
  7. That would actually work on plenty of other characters, but not on Battler. Battler's main power denies the effect of things that are impossible or supernatural in origin, and Kumagawa's Allfiction would definetly fall under that catagory, lol.
  8. Trust me, he's very, very far from omnipotent. There are people in his own world who have kicked his ass, and there are plenty of other fictional characters who could do the same. Ooh, sounds powerful! Never heard of him, though...I think I'll look him up.
  9. Zoro can get lost anywhere, so I can see him doing that, too, lol. Bump...again, lol.
  10. Sorry, I should have said in the rules that OC's are also not allowed. If I allowed that, then this thread would have no point because someone could just make up a character with "place amount of power here" just to beat Battler. So, sorry, but no. Also, I don't appreciate you mocking the thread, either... -.- There are characters who can match him, and beat him, in his own universe, so conflict isnt instantly solved. And like I said, there are plenty of fictional characters who can kick Battler's ass. Battler would be standing there, with his hands in his pockets, after the items activation, completely unharmed. He would then snap his fingers and reacreate the universe, just for LULZ. Though he couldn't bring back everyone who died...his little sister can, though, lol.
  11. Much better choice! Galactus is very powerful, and would give a ton of fictional characters the back hand. However, Battler is above him by quite a margin, believe it or not. Battler's Endless 9 can negate any form of fictional attack, be it universal or multiversal, due to his ability to be able to amplify anything he does, be it a punch or magic, from 1 to infinity. Only characters with conceptual attacks, on a multiversal scale, have a chance of touching Battler. Also, his main weapon, Golden Key (that golden longsword) is the physical form of truth itself; meaning it cannot be blocked, dodged, slowed, avoided, or stalled, and it ignores concepts, such as time and durability. In other words, this guy is so OP, that it's gonna take characters as strong, or stronger, than top tier DC and Marvel characters to beat him. But rest assured, I promise you, there are plenty of fictional characters who can put him down.
  12. As soon as we have at least two more players. The last time I started an RP with too few players, it died just as quickly as it began.
  13. Nope. Sorry, she's strong, but nowhere near strong enough. Battler's main power, Endless 9, was able to casually no sell the destrucion of a universe. So it's gonna take a lot more kick than that to tak him down. Le bump. I'm bored, sorry, lol.
  14. Alright then, thanks for droppong by, lol. Anyone else wanna suggest someone?
  15. Just so everyone is clear, for those who are familiar with Battler, he will be using his power as the Game Master and Golden Endless Scorcerer. So no human level characters, or technicalities, please. I know that the series is based a lot between reality and fiction metaphor, but we're just using the magical part of the character. Well, thats an understandable mistake, but I meant "beat" as in actual fighting, lol. But Battler is much, much more impressive in his visual novel. By the end of the series, he's pretty much like a god, so I thought a thread like this would be interesting.
  16. Uh...Phoenix is completely human, he would die. And Twilight, while awesome, would share the same fate. Are you aware of what Battler can do? If not, I can list some of his info and powers.
  17. I propose a challenge!! Similar to a previous thread I made back in December, I challenge anyone who reads this, to name a fictional character who can beat my own. Who can beat Battler Ushiromiya, the Golden Endless Scorcerer? Rules: no omnipotent/nigh omnipotent characters, other than that, you may use any character in fiction. Give reasons as to why your character would win. You may name up to 5 characters. Oh, and you cannot use Battler himself, or characters from his own verse. Just some friendly advice, by the way, I suggest that, if you wish to have any chance at all of beating him, you should name very, very heavy hitters in fiction. Bring it on. :3 Here's a theme for the battle: Anyone? Come on, you know you want to!!
  18. I heard they are pretty good. Anyone else interested in joining? The more popular this is, the the faster it'll start, and the further it'll go. Name: Wu Geng/Ah Gou Gender: male Age: 23 Race: demigod Occupation: governer of the Dark Ones city Manga/Comic of origin: Feng Shen Ji Appearance: Powers/abilities (make it short! XD): energy manipulation, super strength, speed, durability, stamina, martial arts knowledge, power supression/weaken, soul manipulation (on self, only). Name: Battler Ushiromiya Gender: male Age: early 20's Race: human Occupation: Game Master/Golden Scorcerer/Endless Scorcerer/master of a shard Manga/Comic of origin: Umineko Appearance: Powers/Abilities: negation of all that is fictional/magical in nature or origin, the ability to amplify anything he desires to an infinit degree, and immortality/higher form of existance. Yeah, that second character is insanely OP, I know. But trust me, he's only in the RP as a sort of GM, just as I am the GM of the RP IRL. He will only interfere when neccecary.
  19. Both you, and Renegade, are accepted. Welcome to the RP. :3 You can join as up to 3 characters, if you want, lol.
  20. If you want to, thats fine. Be my guest. :3 Whether it'll expand outside the tavern, or not, all depends on this RPs popularity. But sure, if you want to join as a Xenosaga character, its fine by me.
  21. I'll only reboot this if it becomes more popular. As you can see, though, last time I started it, I wasn't so fortunate.
  22. I hate Teen Titans Go! With a burning, hateful, hell-snuffing passion. It strangles the life, personality, and dignity, of all the characters whom I grew up loving, and turned them into shallow, stupid, toilet humor loving, inconsistent, weak, ignorant, disgusting fakes. I really, really, real

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. I love Jelly Otter

      I love Jelly Otter

      CN has shitty shows now anyway, so all deserve to be hated on nearly same level.



      True...but I actually like AT, Regular Show, and Steven Universe. At least in those shows, the characters give two shits about one another, have character development, and don't forget life lessons faster than I forget the answer to a math question...

    4. Jeremiah


      why did they have to replace YOUNG JUSTICE! why!

  23. Slipped on stairs, banged my knee, and tore two of my toe nails...glorious... -.-

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