I have spent most of life as a loner, never having more friends than I can count on hand. It felt comfortable and made sense, Then after High school most of my friends moved away or became less interested in my company. I spent most of my off-time by myself until I got into another bored slump. I decided to search the internet for something to do. Over time I continued hear about MLP:FIM and how great it was. I watched the first two episodes, thought that it was pretty good. so I watched another and another until I Marathoned the first two seasons twice. I knew I was a fan, (a brony) I wanted more and to tell people about it. I tried telling my sister, but she claimed it was girly and refused to even look at it.As a result I had no one to discuss it with. I kept my interest hidden, but strong. Cartoons are fun and MLP is cool. I am what some would call a brony.