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Posts posted by Keypassion

  1. The basement of Golden Oaks Library was dark. Not blindingly dark, more of a shade dark, but still dark nonetheless. Twilight, a purple alicorn, was busy at work with the most unlikely of lab partners, Pinkie Pie, who could only be described as a pink pony with a mane and tail similar to cotton candy. They were working on an idea Pinkie had for a new drink. To put it simply, rainbows mixed with Zap Apple essence. Neither of the mares were sure what this would taste like, so they had asked a close friend of theirs' to be a guinea pig. Said friend was having doubts as he heard yet another explosion.

    As he looked towards the door that led to the basement, he could see smoke of every color possible, and somehow even a few not possible, he questioned why he had said yes to the two.





    “Key! Key! Key! Key! Key! Guess what! Guess what! Guess what,” a mass of pink bouncing up and down had said excitedly to the white pegasus. The pegasus who was currently the target of Pinkie's endless stream of vocalization was Keypassion Lockheart. Keypassion, or Key as he is called by friends and family, had reached out a hoof to stop the bouncing pink thing, only to find he had started bouncing instead. Resigning to Pinkie's physics-breaking antics, he replied “You're inheriting Sugarcube Corner from the Cakes?”

    At this, Pinkie stopped bouncing and stuck out her tongue. “Nope, guess again.”

    “You haven't had a cake in more than ten minutes?”

    “Nope, but thanks for reminding me.” At this, she pulled a cupcake out of her mane and promptly stuck it in her mouth and swallowed.

    “I give up then.” Keypassion was never a very good guesser. At least with Pinkie being the one asking him to guess.

    “Aaaw, you're no fun,” Pinkie said with a pout. “Well, I had this idea for a super duper drink, but since it needs to be mixed in a way I don't know how, I asked Twilight to help with this and she said yes but when I explained it to her, she gave me a funny look and said who would we get to taste it for us, and I couldn't think of anypony at first, but then I had the bestest idea ever to ask you if you would so would you please? Huh? Please? Would you? Please? Please?”

    'Uh-oh,' Keypassion thought, 'She's making the face.' “Pinkie, you know I can't resist that face. At least play fair for once,” he said, countering with a face of his own. He saw Pinkie falter for a split second, but quickly save face, as it were. The facial showdown lasted for a few minutes. The dam that broke first was the surprising one.

    “Fine,” Pinkie huffed. She turned away, lowered to her haunches, and crossed her forelegs annoyed.

    Keypassion chuckled as he moved closer to her. “You know,” he said to her backside. “I only asked you to play fair. I didn't say I wouldn't do it.” At this she turned around with a skeptical look on her face. As his words sank in, a smile appeared and quickly assimilated most of her head. She grabbed Keypassion's hoof and in a puff of dust they were gone.


    *End Flashback*



    As he came out of his memories, he found himself holding the vibrant liquid, and two eager mares watching him, waiting for him to drink. He nervously raised the glass to his lips, sucked in a good amount, and swallowed.

    “Not bad,” Key remarked after a few seconds. “A bit heavy on the Zap Apple juice though. But then that's more of prefe-,” he cut off and dropped the glass. Twilight and Pinkie shared a look before turning their attention to the now frozen pegasus. Twilight reached out a hoof to tap him, when he suddenly took off up the stairs. The strangest thing was that even though his mane was brown and his coat was white, he left a rainbow streak behind. Curious, and a little apprehensive, Twilight teleported Pinkie and herself to right outside the library. As they searched for the experiment gone wrong, they kept seeing rainbow blurs every now and then brushing it off as Rainbow Dash trying out new tricks.

    “Pinkie, do you see him anywhere?”

    “Hmm, nope.”

    Twilight gave a groan at this. “Do you have any idea why he just suddenly took off?” Pinkie just stared at Twilight. “Right, sorry.” They were about to tell Rainbow Dash to stop her stunt practice and help them look for Keypassion when she suddenly landed next to them.

    “Twilight,” Rainbow yelled. “You gotta help me! There's this rainbow pegasus flying too fast for me to catch up! He's going to get hurt if he doesn't slow down!” Twilight just stood there, jaw dropped, looking at Rainbow Dash. “Wait, if you're here Rainbow Dash, then...”

    Rainbow looked away from Twilight and turned her attention to Pinkie. “You mind telling me what's going on Pinkie?”

    “Well,” she started. “I came up with this really neat idea for a new drink, but I had no idea where to start so I went to Twilight for some help and she said yes, but then we needed somepony to taste test it since I like things to be sweeter than most ponies can handle and Twilight doesn't really pay attention to how things taste most of the time, so I asked Key, and he said yes, so when the drink was complete he said it wasn't bad but then he froze and suddenly took off flying and now we can't find him and *gasp* oh my Celestia! I think that the rainbow pegasus is him we need to catch him before he gets hurt!”

    It took Rainbow Dash a few seconds to understand what Pinkie had said. And even then, she still didn't understand what she had said. “Pinkie, could you repeat that, but slower?”

    It was at that moment that Keypassion had finally stopped and landed. Instead of his usual pure white coat, it was iridescently rainbow. His mane and tail had changed to be similar to Rainbow Dash's, but the colors weren't as separated. Instead they seemed to fade into each other. His eyes remained the same, though they were dilated in an extreme manner, and he appeared to be vibrating.

    “I am become rainbow,” he uttered, voice drastically altered by the prismatic concoction. “Herald of lights.” He stood for a few moments before taking off in the direction of Canterlot.

    “That can't be good,” Twilight muttered worriedly.


    *One Hour Later*


    Twilight had finished gathering the other bearers of the Elements of Harmony in her house/library to give them a rundown on the situation. They had finally decided on a plan of action and were about to head out the door when there was a sudden knock.

    “Spike, would you mind getting that while we get ready,” Twilight called up the stairs.

    “Sure,” Spike called back in a monotone. He returned within mere seconds with the biggest look of shock on his face. “Twi? It's Keypassion. He was the one at the door.” Pinkie was out the door faster than Rainbow Dash trying to set a new speed record. The others weren't far behind.

    “Hello girls,” Key said with a minor hint of exhaustion in his voice. “I woke up in Canterlot, specifically in the royal gardens, about ten minutes ago, and the last thing I can remember is Pinkie and Twilight asking me to taste something. Would you mind filling me in on what happened?”

    He was met with blank faces and silence, until Twilight stepped forward. “You froze, your coat and mane changed colors, and I mean the entire visible spectrum, then you took of and flew around Ponyville for about five minutes before landing, speaking nonsense and suddenly shooting off in the direction of Canterlot,” she explained with amazement. “The fact you don't remember any of this is astounding. I've got to perform more tests on this mixture.”

    The once again ivory pegasus just stared at the alicorn like she had lost her mind. “I do not think that would be a wise course of action if what happened to me, a pegasus, is any indication. I'd shudder to think what would happen to an earth pony, a unicorn, or even an alicorn.”

    “Hey,” Pinkie suddenly exclaimed. “Key was right, the Zap Apple is a bit much! Twilight, we need to fix this!”

    “If you ladies would excuse me, I'm in great need of some sleep. I leave the Pinkie hunt in your capable hooves.” And with that, he walked off just as Pinkie froze.


    The End

    • Brohoof 2
  2. I don't care about spelling or what MA Larson says, if your gonna give the city a big fucking Hollywood sign, then it's probably LA


    plus, Pegasus sounds closer to Angeles than Vegas


    You really should care about what MA Larson says in this case since he wrote the episode that Las Pegasus was first mentioned in. Not only that, but on the original version of the map it did say Los Pegasus, but it was then changed to Las Pegasus in 2013.


    As for the sounding closer, that is honestly more of a personal view, not a universal concept. For example, I personally think Pegasus sounds closer to Vegas owing to the similarities in spelling e.g. a simple letter swap thus giving us Pegas/Vegasus.

  3. I chose Prime because other than being my favorite incarnation of Transformers in general, it sounds more like speaking than voicing. By which I mean the G1 cartoon, though thoroughly enjoyable, is a bit more fast-paced overall than later continuities of the franchise and makes the dialogue sound a bit rushed at points.

  4. Gotta say I'm surprised this thing got revived. And more than slightly disappointed at the overall feeling of the replies. I mean, most of them sound disgusted in tone and frankly, it's kind of depressing. I mean, this thread was made looking for other fans of ICP, ABK, and the like, not for non-fans to come in and go "ew"


    • Brohoof 1
  5. I'd have to say the point a series jumps the shark is more or less a personal deciding moment. For example, in that other thread someone said that Digimon jumped it when season four aired, the one where they turn into Digimon. Now, I would agree if season three didn't have the kids combining with their respective partners. For me though, it jumped the shark when season five aired. Sure it was still enjoyable to watch, but kind of lacked what made the first four enjoyable.


    But as I said, that's just my opinion. As is the specific point a series jumps the shark.

    • Brohoof 2
  6. Shipping. My guilty pleasure is shipping. Usual couples, strange couples, couples that border on being a crack pairing, the list goes on. Though I'd have to say one of the worst (and best) ones I ship would have to be Timmy and Vicky from Fairly OddParents.


    I've been shipping characters since I was ten. It started with Tai and Sora from Digimon. The day I discovered fanfiction was the day I saw how deep the rabbit hole really was, and I've been going deeper ever since. Though the funny thing is I don't ship randomly. Each and every couple has a way of working, even if it's a little shaky when explained without great detail.


    Though there is one of which makes me feel extremely guilty. Ben and Gwen Tennyson.

    • Brohoof 2
  7. There are several cons to this that have already been mentioned. Hosting problems, trolls, sounds better on paper, loyalty to familiar websites, etc.


    But honestly, there is another, rather prevalent online, issue.

    The inevitable rule 34, and the subsequent improper tagging.

    Without proper moderation rule 34 media would get out of had quickly on there, thus leading to more readily available NSFW images and videos to be accidentally stumbled upon by a curious young fan of the show. I'm pretty certain that the devs know they won't be able to stop it entirely, and hope they have made an adults only section to help keep the less desirable aspects zoned off from those trying to not see it.


    That's just my personal take on the whole thing though.

  8. I thought about that, but I was not really sure which one to go with. She also flies, but then I would have had to make her an Alicorn.

    But some unicorns can use magic on themselves to fly. And since her powers of flight are really her using telekinesis on herself she wouldn't need wings.

  9. Hmm, where to begin...


    You are overreacting. Of that there is no question. I think I'll break down OP's last post real quick.


    "it's so sad that you didn't understood me."

    I hate to say it, but this is more than likely language barrier. I'm guessing English isn't your first language?


    "Because horror characters, darkspawn's has no place in this cartoon even as easter eggs."

    Like all good stories, there must be dark to keep the light in balance. Without a foil there is no story, so there is a place for horror characters in Equestria. Though I mean horror from the ponies' perception, like Nightmare Moon for example. But this is just a friendly poke at the audience. Odds are we'll not see him again for the rest of the season if at all. And besides, even if the writers did expand on this, they'd keep it family friendly.

    • Brohoof 2
  10. If someone who calls themselves a brony says that someone else isn't a brony, then they are lying.


    Being a brony isn't about love & tolerance.


    It's about living in harmony with those around you regardless of opinion.


    Take Applejack and Rarity for example. They are almost completely opposite n personality and temperament. But they made an effort to put that aside so they wouldn't upset Twilight in Look Before You Sleep.


    Honestly, this is exactly why people are leaving the fandom. Because we can't accept others without question. I myself have wanted to leave the fandom a few times already. But I'm persevering. Not for myself, but because there are many in the fandom who are in it because we're supposed to be accepting. Because their lives are really crappy. Because some have been hurt needlessly and without reason at all. I am here to offer my hoof to get them back on theirs.

  11. 1. When an anti-brony posts a comment on a forum or video claiming that the show is for pedophiles

    don't post an angry response. These people won't listen to reason. They only want attention. and by replying

    you're only giving them what they want. Unless they're bullying you directly, just leave them alone.


    2. If the anti-brony keeps spamming just ask if they play Call of Duty. If they say yes then say this: "By playing Call of Duty you basically enjoying your fantasies. Just like MLP:FiM"


    3. Just ignore them. The show has made such a great fandom so don't let them ruin it.



    There we go. The same rules, just corrected for spelling and grammar.

  12. Ooh baby don't you know I suffer?

    Ooh baby can you hear me moan?

    You caught me under false pretenses.

    How long before you let me go?


    I can safely say that I do enjoy Muse.

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