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My Little Pony

  • Best Pony
  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race
    Earth Pony

astalicia's Achievements


Muffin (2/23)


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  1. I started a new game and I lost all the person I had already added. I am looking for new friends to add to my gameloft account. My username is safrania98. I will return gifts.
  2. My hair is brown with some natural blonde streaks. Most people can't see them tought, because their colour is really close from the rest of my hair. My eyes are dark brown.
  3. I wanted a name that sounded fantasy-like... I looked at name generators for inspiration but I couldn't find what I wanted so I came out with this username... It's been more than 10 years that I'm using it so I don't really remember how I created it...
  4. Congrats ! That's cool ! Mine haven't shipping yet. I hope Enterplay will ship it this week, it's kind of long.
  5. Really cool. I'll get one with a copy of the comic when it comes out.
  6. They looks really cool ! I hope they make Luna or Zecora, they are my favorite characters!
  7. INFJ Introvert(44%) iNtuitive(50%) Feeling(50%) Judging(56%) You have moderate preference of Introversion over Extraversion (44%) You have moderate preference of Intuition over Sensing (50%) You have moderate preference of Feeling over Thinking (50%) You have moderate preference of Judging over Perceiving (56%) There's a lot more INTJ here that I expected ! I heard that it was a rare personality type.
  8. It depends ! If some of your friends live in another city/state/country, then it's a good way to keep in touch! If not, then it's not really useful. I don't use mine reaky often, even though I like to check from time to time what people have added on their profile...
  9. I watched a few episodes before realy calling myself a brony. I watched the first half of season one, lost interest, then watched some episode more than a year after. When I restarted, I watched the whole first season in a few days. It was around the same time that I discovered EQ. In the same day, I found Strive like AJ, the remix of Discord by Tombstone and alos Daddy Discord. I love the fanbase as much as the show and I'm not sure I would still be watching FIM if the fanbase wasn't that big.
  10. This Day Aria, the smile song, winter wrap-up, the flim-flam brother and what my cutie-mark is telling me ! I really like those songs.
  11. When I listen to pony music, it is most of the time instrumental songs. Someone who isn't in the fandom wouldn't see the difference. I listen to pony music more often than regular music because I like it better and I think it does sound professional. I don't really like the idea to listen to something only because it's popular or because: oh, look, it's on the billboard now! I'd reather be myself and listen to stuff that I really like. If it dosen't make it... Well, I don't really think so, since most of the pony songs I have on my Ipod dosen't actually look like pony songs... I have found some many artists that I really liked in this fandom that I have difficulty keeping up with everything that come out.
  12. I have always felt the term brony was neutral and refered to the fandom at a whole. I like to keep it simple. I don't mind calling other pegasister if they prefer it that way.
  13. I personnaly like tattoos, but they need to have a personal meaning. If I ever get one, it wouldn't be about a T.V. show because I'm afraid I would end up being bored by it. Beside, tattoos are really hard to remove. You have to make sure it's not something that you would lose interest in ten or twenty years...
  14. 5. Archie 4. Aviators 3. Ponyphonic 2. Carbon Maestro 1. Tombstone It was hard to choose ! There is so many other that I wanted to list.
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