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Posts posted by Venomous

  1. The ponies were never a form of comfort to me. While I do love my custom Rainbow Dash plush, custom Fleet Foot plush, and my custom OC plush, I don’t hug them or look to them for comfort nor do I think of the MLP cast. If I am feeling upset, I think about my anime husbands or hug one of their dakimakuras. I also look for more…realistic forms of comfort like venting to a friend or eating one of my favorite meals.

  2. G5 sorta sucks compared to G4.

    I don’t fine the characters of G5 to be interesting. I don’t like how they are rehashes of the G4 main cast and I think the creators should have made the G5 main cast more unique. The jokes don’t land for me, I don’t like the animation style, some of the character designs are pretty bad like with Misty. That hair is…no. Opaline is a generic villain as well. I really can’t explain this last part but the show just feels award to me, like it’s paced weird? I am not sure what I am trying to get at there.

    But I feel like some people are only watching G5 and getting invested in it is well, because it’s MLP…Blinded by nostalgia and will eat up anything that is MLP no matter what it is. If you genuinely enjoy G5, I am not referring to you. It’s great that you can enjoy something that I can’t. Will I continue with watching Make Your Mark? Yes. But I refuse to watch anymore of Tell Your Tale.

  3. The peak of my interest for MLP lasted up until the series finale! I was seriously invested into the show for that long. Every week an episode aired, I got so excited. I never wanted to end. But I had to choose a specific point in time, it would be S9. I was looking forward to how the series was going to wrap up. While it didn’t end the way I wanted it to, I can say that S9 was an example of my peak.

  4. Can’t say anything traumatized me. I don’t get frightened or disturbed easily and I sincerely doubt anything MLP-related could make me feel that way. The show is just too innocent to be scary and I feel that way to this very day. Some of the “scary” fan fictions can be a good read but that’s about it. That’s how I felt with a particular fan fiction I read in…2014? Not sure what year it was. It was a little unsettling but I honestly found it to be super entertaining.

  5. I am actually not a massive fan of Oreos. I certainly enjoy them but I can only eat them when I am craving them. If I’m not, I can’t eat them. I prefer the original Oreo and the golden Oreos.

    • Brohoof 1
  6. I write insert fan fictions


    ! Ace & Sabo are not introduced in this part. This is set up !




    Your alarm clock goes off.

    You turn over in your bed to face the noisy item and reach an arm out to press the button on top to turn it off, giving you sweet silence. Unfortunately, you cannot enjoy it for long because you have daily chores to attend to. Slowly rising to a sitting position and keeping your eyes shut, you take a deep breath in through your mouth and exhale deeply through your nose. You slowly open yours eyes and shift toward the edge of your bed and plant your feet firmly on the floor. You now rise to a standing position and let out a big yawn along with a stretch, both arms reaching all the way up which results in you having to stand on the tips of your toes.

    Mornings weren't your thing. You hated them. You always got a sufficient amount of sleep the nights before but, for some reason, it never felt like enough. You felt exhausted every single morning no matter what. Unfortunately, you couldn't dwell on your desire to return to your cozy bed. Work had to be done.

    You were temporarily living in a very small village. There were less than 60 people who resided there. You had made a name for yourself as a formidable pirate over the past 5 years and it showed by your current bounty at 1,000,000,000 berries. While you were feared by thousands on the seas, you knew the villagers here personally. This was where you grew up and nearly everyone knew you so they were more than happy to provide you with lodging whenever you needed it. However, you couldn't just lie around and do nothing during your stay. You took it upon yourself to assist in taking care of the livestock, making medication deliveries to the elderly that could no longer leave their homes, and even babysitting once in a blue moon.

    Your work was greatly appreciated. The villagers regretted to inform you every time you came that they could not give you a wage for your support. You always told them the same thing: "I don't need the money. I do this because I care about all of you". Therefore, you were constantly being referred to as humble. But what you said was true... You didn't care if you were paid for your work. You enjoyed it and it helped put.

    You anticipated being here for at least 1 week but it could easily extend to 2 depending on how things play out. 

    It was the end of winter. Where this village was located resulted in bitterly cold winters, temperatures diving down well below -30°F even when the season was on its last legs.

    Given that it was still early morning, it was going to be incredibly cold. You heard the day before it was probably going to be -15°F by this time. After getting yourself ready for the day with the basics like brushing your teeth, you put on a heavy jacket, a pair winter boots, a pair winter gloves, put the jacket's hood up and pulled the strings tight to ensure it closed on your head as much as possible while still leaving you visibility, and a mask to put over your nose and mouth.

    You open the door admittedly a bit clumsily since you were covered from head to toe in winter gear. The cold hit you like a train and it didn't take long for you to start shivering. You knew, however, that, once you get moving, the cold became a touch more tolerable. The sky was still dark as the night sky and you couldn't hear anything other than the rooster crowing.

    Underneath your mask, you let out a chuckle "I don't know how you do it every day, Gustav".

    The first thing you did was lay out feed for the chickens and give them fresh water. You also checked for eggs. Any and all eggs had to be documented so you opened a secrete compartment of sorts in the coop that hid your clipboard, pen, and the documentation sheet attached to it. That compartment existence was never explained. No one knew why it was built into the coop and no one ever did anything with it so you decided you would be the one to.

    Next, you fed the horses and gave them water. You relished this particular chore because it meant you were shielded from the outside's freezing air. You used this as your mini break place. It also gave you the opportunity to greet all of the horses and make sure they all looked okay. Thankfully, mucking out the stalls was not your job.

    You step out of your temporary safe haven and are met with a bitter freezing guys of wind. The one part of your face, you eyes and forehand, felt like they just had ice cubes rubbed directly on it. It burned and the gust's intensity made it difficult for you to breathe so you tuned to your side in an effort to take a breath. The wind continued to blow, blowing the freshly fallen snow off of the snow that fell from last night all into the air. It looked like the world around you was being painted white. While it was indeed still dark outside, it was gradually getting lighter so you were able to take in this view.

    You proceeded to check on the cows and tend to them. Then, you made your way back to your house. The heat of the room was relieving to say the least. "Finally" you sigh. You typically waited until after farm work to eat breakfast because you loved having eggs with your usual: pancakes and toast. You wanted to check the chicken coop before the first meal of your day. Thankfully, a decent amount of eggs were laid so you snagged a few. After you eat, you make your way into the village itself but not before putting your cold-reducing outfit back on. You can see people's lights on through their windows indicating that they were getting ready to greet the day albeit a freezing one. They were all used to that, though.

    You carefully walked across the slick, iced covered ground to the herb shop. This was where you were told which homes needed medicinal deliveries. There were multiple houses this time. Since you didn't have a horse stable to hide in or the various walls/fences of the farm to shield you from the cold at least in some way, you were screwed to say the least. You couldn't feel your face by the time you were done.

    It was now 9:00am and school was starting for the children. You were given the task of escorting them to the schoolhouse up the hill. This was something you weren't asked to do every stay and you'd be lying if you said you loved children but you never denied the job. The kids followed you in a straight line and all of them held hands as a means to stay together. The child at the front of that line held onto your hand. They were all wearing just as bulky outfits as you and they were basically waddling. You successfully guided them to their school and waved goodbye to them as well as the teacher.

    The only thing you had left to do was wash your dishes so you quickly yet safely ran back to your house. Once back inside, you removed all of your outerwear. It felt good to take it all off and keep it off. You could hear the howling of the wind and its sound alone sent chills up your spine. Thankfully, it was going to be quite warm for the rest of the day, only being in the 30s. In fact, it would be just that for the rest of the week.


  7. I write insert fan fictions.




    You and Ace have happily married for 7 years. He proposed to you after only been dating for 1 year but you happily said yes. He insisted that the two of you were meant for each other and he could never love anyone more than you. It was one of of the best decisions you had ever made because you loved him dearly and saw a future with him. That "future" started 4 years ago when the topic of starting a family came up. It was officially decided that the two of you would start trying. You didn't have to "try" that hard, as the first sex session was successful.

    You vividly recall your husband's reaction when you broke the news to him that you were pregnant after the first attempt: "Well damn".

    There was nothing you would rather do than carry his child and spend the rest of your life together as a happy family. Your pregnancy went well with no complications and your son was born without any complications as well. He weighed in at exactly 7lbs. and was healthy. Today, Inigo (In-ee-go) is 4 years old.

    It was an early Friday afternoon and you and Ace had just gotten home. Inigo was being babysat while the two of you were out. "Hey, [Y/N], I'm going to pick up Inigo, alright?"

    "Alright. I wish we could have gotten him ourselves on our way home but he wasn't back home yet with Sabo from wherever it is they went".

    "Yeah, that would have been convenient. Sabo doesn't have the best track of time..."

    ~ Time Skip~

    "Hey, Sabo, what's up? How's Inigo?"

    "Hey, brother! He's doing alright. We did some fun things together didn't we?" he says cheerfully whilst looking down at the boy who was holding his hand. Sabo then looks up at Ace and that cheerful expression of his quickly turns into a concerned one. "Inigo told me that he doesn't feel well. He does look a little pale and he was kinda dragging his feet...didn't really have as much energy as he usually does".

    Now worried, Ace looks at his son and reaches out his hand to take him from Sabo. "What's wrong, buddy? Do you feel sick? Uncle Sabo didn't poison ya, did he?" His eyes now darted at the blonde man and whispers with a smug expression "After all, he's had a thing for your mom for years and still does. Maybe he is trying to blame me for this".

    "Very funny, brother. I could get [Y/N] without having to do something so crazy".

    "Then why don't you, huh?"

    "Just waiting for the right moment".

    Two two men shoot scorns at each other for a moment but it feels like forever. It breaks when black-haired man begins to walk away without saying a word. Sabo soon walks away himself in the opposite direction "Just let me know when you need me to babysit again!"

    Ace turns his full attention toward Inigo and asks him what specifically it is that is irritating him. "Do you feel sick?"

    "...I don't know".

    "Do you have a stomach ache?"

    "...I don't know".

    "Okay, I will carry you. Come here".

    The boy haphazardly walks into his father's arms, eyes half lidded. Ace lifts him off the ground and begins carrying him home. "I can feel how warm you are. You might have a fever, buddy. Don't worry, okay? We aren't far from home and mom is there waiting for us".

    Normally, Inigo is quite energetic and joyfully responds to anything you and his dad say especially when asking about what he did when he played. Today, however, he was silent. There was something wrong without a doubt. 

    "What else hurts?"

    "I'm tired..."

    "Alright. Well, we will get you a bath and then straight to a nap".

    A few minutes pass and Ace arrives home with Inigo. The boy asks his dad to put him down onto his feet and he obliges. "What's wrong? I can carry you upstairs-"

    The boy vomits into the grass below him.

    "Ah... Jeez. You weren't joking about your stomach hurting, huh?"

    Inigo begins to cry and apologizes.

    "No, no, no! Don't say sorry. It's okay. I'm not mad...mom's not mad...no one is mad. Just let it out, okay? I know this might be scary for you but it's your body's way of getting rid of what is making you sick".

    He throws up a generous amount. It even has Ace feeling a tad bit woozy. Once the vomiting stops, Ace picks him back up and takes him through the front door "Alright, fireball, let's get you inside and taken care of".

    Hearing the door open, you chime from the kitchen "Hi, guys. How was your day with uncle Sabo, Inigo? Was it fun?" When you don't hear a response, you repeat your question. Instead of hearing your son's voice, you hear your husband's "Sabo said Inigo wasn't feeling good and he was right. I think he's got a fever, babe. He also threw up right outside in the yard before we came in".

    Worried, you rush to your son's side who is crying. You can see just by looking into his eyes that he feels horrible. "Oh, honey... You're so pale and your eyes are bloodshot. Let mom take your temperature". It reads 101.9° Handing the thermometer over to your husband, he looks at it and exclaims "Yikes. That's a bad one!"

    Ace leans down to his son's level and brushes the hair from the sick boy's face and reiterates "Let's get you a bath and then to bed". The boy just continues to sob. He has never been sick before so he doesn't know how to react to all of these feelings. Remembering this, your husband adds "You're sick and that means your body is just...upset. It needs medicine to feel happy again".

    A few seconds of silence go by when the frightened boy says: "I want mommy...!" and runs right to you. You embrace him into a loving hug and then pick him to take him to his bedroom. Ace follows you. Once there, you help Inigo undress. 

    "Will you start the bath for him, Ace?"

    "Of course".

    The bath's faucet is turned so that its water can fall out. He makes sure that it isn't too hot or too cold. He knows his son likes his baths to be just in between. He adds tad bit baby soap to the water and stirs it in so some bubbles form. This may not be a usual bath for him but he thought the bubbles might make him happy. Since you were in the middle of making lunch, he figures it would best if he gave Inigo the bath so you could go back to the stove. "Hey, baby, do you want me to give him a bath? I know you have lunch started".

    "He's clinging to me. I think he wants me to do it".

    "Hahah! You didn't leave the stove on, did you?"


    You then walk in with Inigo and place right into the bathtub. "See? Dad has it set up for you and he even made it bubbly".

    The warm water relaxes him and the crying ceases.

    After washing him, drying him, and dressing him, he dashes to his father and raises his arms up signaling he wants to be picked up. "Now he's stuck to me like glue" he says whilst smiling at you. "Alright, mom is going to get you some medicine. I told you about this before, remember? You need to to make all of these bad feelings of away. It tastes a little weird but I know you'll be a tough guy and swallow it, right?" 

    The boy hesitantly nods.

    You are downstairs and draw up a small dose of children's anti fever medication. It is a thick, pink liquid poured into a tiny plastic up. You also fill up a small glass of water as well so Inigo can wash it down. "It may read strawberry flavor but I'm sure it tastes like trash". You think to yourself. Once that is taken care of, you are back upstairs with your husband and child. "I've got this for you. You need to drink it all, okay? It tastes just like strawberries and I know that is your favorite food. Look, there isn't much in the cup! You can do it! I got some water for you too if you want that after".

    "Okay but I want to be with daddy".

    "That's fine! You can drink it while daddy holds you".

    Inigo slowly takes the small cup from you and holds it up to his lips but doesn't drink it. You assure him again that he can do it. With that second affirmation, he drinks it all but nearly taps out halfway through. "Yeah, drink some water now" you say as you hand over the glass. You kiss the boy on the head and Ace does as well.

    You ask Inigo if he wants to take a nap and he says he wants to. 

    Your husband lowers Inigo from his arms into his bed. "Alright, then let's get you tucked in". You and Ace both tuck his blanket underneath him, you taking one side and him taking the other. The both of you walk out of his bedroom and turn off his bedroom light and finally, quietly close the door behind you.

    "Poor guy. I suppose he was going to come down with something sooner or later... Can't keep kids from getting sick".

    "No, you can't especially when they play outside as much as he does. Well, I'm going to go back to making lunch. I doubt he will want much to eat so I will just make a little bit of what I have going on. Don't worry, I made a huge plate for you though".

    "What's that supposed to mean?"

    "You eat like an animal and you even fall asleep face first into your food sometimes. Inigo better not pick up on that".

    You throw sarcastic remarks back and forth at each other for a little while when Ace stops it "Hey, [Y/N]?"


    "You're a an amazing mom, ya know that?"

    The remark causes your heart to flutter and you leap into your husband's arms "And you're an amazing father. You handled that situation so well. I love you".

    "I love you, too. So much".

  8. I write insert fan fictions.





    You and Koby have been together for nearly 3 years. The two of you lived together quite comfortably, your home being larger than most. The income you both gathered was enough to get you into the "very well off" category. Still, neither of you flaunted it. You simply didn't see that as necessary and Koby got nervous when talking about it, repeating "Well, I didn't mean it that way!" or "I-I know we are both well off but I don't want to brag!" with a blush plastered across his cheeks.

    It was only you, him, and your dog.

    Koby was attending to matters with his fellow Marines while you were at home...suffering. You called off of work because you weren't feeling well. Your stomach was in knots, a fever was encroaching, and had nasal congestion. It felt like the flu. It also felt like you couldn't get warm enough no matter how many blankets you put over yourself along with the sweatshirt, sweatpants, and slippers you were already wearing on your body. The shivering was non-stop. The couch may as well been your home at this point because you couldn't find the strength to get up and off of it. When you did try to stand up, you felt faint.

    You had no concept of time, having no idea how long you had been lying there. Drifting in and out of sleep with an overall delirious feeling might as well had taken away all of your basic knowledge: telling time, counting, etc. You felt that screwed up. It had been about 9 hours since you lied down and didn't realize until now that Koby was gone. You remember he had to go into see Garp today but your memory seemed to have thrown that part of your day out. Nothing was making sense to you thanks to your now high fever.

    You hear the front door to your home open. It's Koby. He hangs up his Marine jacket and scarf, takes off his shoes, and happily walks over to you. "Hi, blossom. I'm sorry that I was gone for long... the meeting turned into something else entirely. Garp was angry, Helmeppo and I were caught in the middle, Smoker had a lot to say- it was just crazy. Again, I'm sorry. You know I hate being away from you for even a little while. I just love you so much".

    You don't respond.

    Koby registers the fact that you are engulfed in blankets. The only part of you not is half of your face. He also notices that all of the lights are off. He looks down at you with confusion.

    "Hey, what's wrong, [Y/N]?"

    You stir and let out a mumble.

    Koby bends down to your level and softly brushes the hair from your face. He quickly discerns that something is seriously wrong and takes the blanket completely off of your face. "You don't look good, blossom, not at all. What's going on? Tell me how you feel". Before you can respond, he stands back up and turns on a nearby light.

    A small level of strength arises in you and you say that nothing is wrong. A weak smile follows.

    Your husband feels your forehead and it doesn't take long for him to deduce that you have a fever.

    "You say that you're fine but it's clear that you're not. You have a raging fever, your eyes are bloodshot, you're pale, you're shaking, and you sound really congested. When did this start? Please tell me you stayed home today!"

    "It started today. I did stay home" was all you could mutter

    "Oh, [Y/N] you poor thing... Here, let me help you upstairs. I can get a nice bath running for you and then you can get into your pajamas and go straight to bed. You'll be much more comfortable in bed than you will be here". The pink hair man slowly and delicately sits you up. You suddenly become light headed and a tidal wave of nausea hits you. A gag leaves your mouth and you put the palm of your hand up to it to indicate to him that you are about to lose it. "Are you going to throw up? Uhh, here! Use this little trash can!" he exclaims, rapidly bringing a nearby little trash can up to your face. You hold onto it.

    You proceed to vomit. Koby rubs your back and hold the hood of your sweatshirt back so it doesn't get touched by the fluid. "Shh...Shh.. Just let it out, okay? I'm here" he says sweetly albeit with this eyes closed. After a few minutes, the vomiting ceases. While it was unpleasant, you admittedly felt a little better. That is actually made apparent quickly, as your lightheadedness dissipates and you can now speak with more vigor. After Koby you cleans you up a bit, you embrace him in a tight hug. "It's alright, honey. I'm going to help you" he whispers.

    He picks you up bridal style, kisses you on the forehead, and carries you up the staircase to your bedroom. He lies you down onto the bed and removes all of the blankets that were on you previously. He then steps away to start a warm bath for you. It takes about 10 minutes for the bathtub to fill up with water and Koby is careful to ensure it is just the right temperature. He comes back into the bedroom and steadily sits you up. "Let me help you get undressed, okay?" he says.

    You oblige and lift up both your arms. The sweatshirt is slid off only leaving you in one of Koby's T-shirts, a pair of your sweatpants, and a pair of your [F/C] slippers. Koby giggles at the sight. You love wearing his shirts. You tell him you can take every remaining article off yourself. You were slightly embarrassed that your husband had to help undress you... "Okay, no problem. Take your time. Here is a towel you can put over yourself when you're done and you can walk into the bathroom with it. I won't look!" He places the palm of his hand over his eyes with those last words.

    You did not realize how sore your muscles were until this moment. The movements involved in taking off your clothes caused your muscles to scream out in agony. A few breaks were needed. After everything was off, you get off the bed and wrap the grey towel Koby left for you around your body. He takes his hand off of his eyes and helps walk you into the bathroom by walking behind you and putting his hands around your waist. Once you make it inside, he closes the door behind you and lets you get into the bath in privacy. You normally would have invited him to join you and vise versa but you did not feel up to it at the moment.

    You take off the towel and, whilst you are sitting in the bath trying to relax, Koby is laying out a fresh, clean pair of pajamas for you: one of his T-shirts, a pair of your underwear, and your favorite pair of sweatpants. He also closes the curtains and blinds and pulls the comforter back and fluffs up your pillow Finally, he puts 2 pain decreasing pills on your nightstand with a glass of water. He himself gets into his pajamas and lies down. However, he continues to listen carefully should you call out for his help.

    You were only in the bath for 15 minutes. While the warm water helped ease your chills and sore muscles and eased your congestion thanks to the humidity, you desperately wanted to be in your bed. Rising from the tub, you drain the water and step out. You then put your towel back on and brush your teeth. After that, you walk back into the bedroom and put the clothes Koby left out for you on. Your husband rushes to your side and succored you with lying down onto the mattress. You close your eyes and feel yourself about to fall asleep but Koby boops you on the nose. Opening your eyes, you see that he is handing you the pain relievers in one hand and the glass of water in the other. You sit up.

    "Thanks" you say as you boop his nose in return.

    You swallow both of the pills with the aid of the water. He takes the glass back from you and places it back onto the nightstand. You smile at each other when he kisses your lips. It's soft but passionate. He caresses your cheek with one of his hands and the kiss gets deeper. You wrap your arms around his shoulders and he puts his free hand on your thigh. The kiss lasts awhile but he does pull away. Before he can speak, you tell him that he will catch whatever it is you have. He insist it's fine and that he would rather not be around Garp's recent angry self if he can help it.

    He then leans his forehead onto yours and looks into your tired eyes and smiles.

     "Get some rest, blossom, okay? Don't be afraid to tell me if you need anything. I'll be staying home with you until you are back on your feet. You always come first".

    Lying back down, you fall asleep almost instantaneously. Koby puts the comforter on you and gives you another kiss on your forehead. Turning off the lights, he proceeds to get ready for bed himself...even though it was only 6:00pm. 

    He was going to stick by your side as close and often as he could to make certain that you recover.

  9. There is a very long trail here used for walks, bike riding, four wheeling, and horseback riding. It is gravel and surrounded by trees. It's a nice walk but the insects are terrible in the summer time.

    There is another trail that is shorter but it is nicer. It is paved and there isn't nearly as many trees.

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