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Everything posted by Dowlphin

  1. Hay there! :)

    Being inactive, I haven't had a new follow here for many years. ... And we share a birthday!

    Magical. :o

    1. Shwaaaalalalalaburger


      Hello Dowlphin!

      Did I bring you back from the dead (state of inactivity)? :Sunny-huh:

      Also, what a coincidence! :muffins:

    2. Dowlphin


      I ... AM .... rEbOoOoOrN!!! :manic-laughter:


  2. I saw a My Little Pony gameplay video on Odysee and briefly checked it out, and a couple seconds in I was confronted with some dark life art in the form of cynical truthtelling of current reality:
  3. At the supermarket today there were themed chocolate eggs, one Transformers and one MLP. Now, the association of those two franchises to boys and girls is vast, traditional and thus kind of common knowledge. But for some odd reason the supermarket added classifications on the price tags, labeling the Transformers ones as for "boys" and the MLP ones as for "girls". UPDATE: And sometimes there were bigger eggs next to those, also showing ponies IIRC, and those were labeled "trollies" for some reason. First, this made me laugh specifically about the MLP side. Someone must not have gotten the memo. Secondly, I had the cynical/sarcastic thought how brave it is of them to do that in these agitated times and risk getting flame for gender stereotyping. Later I pondered the whole thing further because I was wondering why they would specifically add that on the tags, as if it wasn't obvious. My assumption is that this is an issue of ever-frightful marketing agenda: - The two franchises are strongly target audience optimized, to boys and girls respectively. - Parents might be buying those products for their kids without having their kids with them and without knowing what is being marketed to them. (Especially negligent parents. A big market, hah.) - That shelf might not even have been maintained by the supermarket staff, but by external reshelvers from specific brand suppliers, a common thing these days. - So the person tending to the shelf wanted to make sure that parents ignorant of what their kids are interested in would pick the 'right' product for their kids, i.e. the ones that the kids have been programmed for and which thus would likely be requested by boys respectively girls. - Picking the 'wrong' (=marketing mismatched) product could cause disappointment that then creates a negative emotional association with the brand (at least in the imagination of marketeers), which is to be avoided, especially with young malleable minds. I could add detailed sociological commentary about this, but it should speak for itself and convey various implications. You do the math. (If your math is bad, the result will be accordingly, but I couldn't change that.) I'll just add that, in case it isn't obvious enough, I neither like marketing/capitalism nor the agitated societal warfare and PC thought control agenda around gender issues. Health is promoting peace, not war. Which begins within each of us.
  4. This would definitely be Pinkie Pie under that disguise. Also, I imagine this character as a Spanish mascateer. Pinkie scriptum: Mascarphoney! I tried many ingredients (cocoa, cinnamon, spearmint, peppermint, molasses, sucrose, erythritol), but none improved on the pure taste and worked together so well as (high-quality) honey! (Doesn't even need much of it. Remember that it's quick sugars!) Still gotta try proper vanilla aroma (I bought an utter failure one - Ostmann in canola oil base) and frustratingly forgot to try mayonnaise. ... Now I'll have to get another cup just for that. (BTW, in case you never tried it: Pure mascarpone tastes like unwhipped cream. And adding sugar only makes it sweeter, but I find it sufficiently sweet just with the lactose.)
  5. Wow! Digging up a pinkpointed instance in 80s TV! Nice followup to my movie one. If every person on Earth remembers one such thing, the collective consciousness is totally gonna have everything covered.
  6. In future days they might say "cannot afford that".
  7. I remember Ben Jabituya in Short Circuit using linguistic redundancies like that. Like "driving car". (Well, ice cube freezer isn't really a redundancy, though. It could only be surpassed by ice cube maker, but freezer is still legit.)
  8. Should be called cold and warm water heater. There's also a special name for people who say "hot water heater". And it ain't not no fun word. (Maybe redundces.)
  9. I just want to say that I do not condone pineapple pizza (even though or maybe because I love pineapple), but I will defend people's right to make and eat it. (I also love Hawai'i, but merely adding bacon to the crime doesn't do the islands honor.)
  10. I'm gonna have to introduce some balance into this by pointing out that John Oliver is a tool. He is part of the same dynamic that spawns all this mess. He is the do-gooder half, with the other half being the evil-doers. Together they give each other meaning, and both serve Master Fear. This is a really old karma that was built on and never defeated. I will provide further context only on request if the strength to handle it is at least alleged.
  11. I didn't even read because I might regret it, but if you don't already know it, you might feel some love watching this channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCg8VTeeN4BglqmI1_CBlABg (Ocean Conservation Namibia) May you have the strength to not get hooked by the schemes of Fear but devote most of your energy towards Love where it is needed, deserved and welcomed. Especially in times of crisis this cannot be expected to be achieved by ourselves, but that is why I am here writing this, even though or because no automatic algorithm pushed my ass in this direction. This is pure loving Pinkie randomness. (alcohol inside™)
  12. I guess it's a testament to the loving subtleness of introducing the theme. It's particularly moderate here because it deals with merely the rigid teenage roles enforced through peer pressure. It's a bit like an antithesis to Rainbow Dash, I guess, who is authentically (well, more or less) tomboyish. Although we could also discuss what in society made her be afraid of being known to like reading books. That must also be a story about peer pressure. She'll have spent a lot of time with flyers and they probably imposed that stereotype complex on her. Also, the fact that I am re-watching season 8 episode 22 after having made a note to rewatch ages ago is a testament to my burnout. Then again, maybe it was the perfect time for it. (But if perfect timing was entering my life, I think I would notice.)
  13. Then she would be Mayor Mayor, not Mayor Mare. Her parents must be extremely unimaginative and/or expecting of their child. Her destiny according to their naming choice (if we even wanted to apply that system) was basically to survive into adulthood. But as a side note, the inconsistency of the system could be seen as a hint at the fact that names matter. They affect how someone is perceived and can, through that external perception, significantly shape someone's destiny. (For example, if parents named their child Uranus, they would likely doom them to a hard start into life with lots of early scarring.)
  14. Unlikely. The emphasis is on Mare, like with a name, not Major-Mare. As for her hair color, I just noticed there was that gossip column in a newspaper reporting her actual hair color is pink, so the gray is dyed.
  15. Just now I was wondering whether she was originally intended to be named "Mayor Neighs". Mayobe her hair color in younger years was faint yellow?
  16. Do you remember?... https://www.deviantart.com/dowlphin/art/Pinkie-Pie-Perspective-415035787 ... Well, I found an old sign among my stashed crap... https://twitter.com/Dowlphin/status/1383373190139842563
  17. I saw this cloud that looked a lot like some piece of sweet pastry... ... and then five minutes later Pinkie Pie jumped out of the clouds. (She was more easily recognizable a moment before, but it took me a moment to get the camera ready.)
  18. I am more concerned about the concerning trend of people making trivial statements that require no courage to do as "honestly". I find it concerning. And honestly, that concerns me. Maybe you can investigate whether Emerald Heart has a reason to be afraid or ashamed of admitting that they feel super cozy, or mabye even just cozy in general. Is there some unpleasant duty they are supposed to perform that they are flunking?
  19. At some point I regretted not having saved a link and then someone posted a comment on the thread and the notification brought it to my attention again, and this time I saved a link, heh. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzzUCoaPAN4&lc=Ugi91bpnX6F9angCoAEC.8-5ykZGd31f7-KECsb4_Q6 (It's on a Weird Al video and responding to someone who thought I should change my profile pic and brought the weirdest reasons.)
  20. Don't if you can avoid it. Win10 is a spyware enslavement nightmare, an insult. A massive step towards the customer serving the business. The only Win10 that would be minimally tolerable from a privacy standpoint is the Corporate edition, but I don't think that's easy to get. But usability is an even greater step backwards than from WinXP to Win7. I am currently running a Threadripper on Win7, and I cannot imagine what the future would look like. (A general thing for me, not just regarding computers.) Anyone who has a 'fresh mind' I highly encourage to commit to Linux.
  21. Firefly and MLP These two scenes always remind me of each other. It is the same archetype of the veteran/mentor true noble who treats the 'fools of the court' as they deserve. The one who can see through all the phony aristocracy, yet exist in it. I have a moderate suspicion that the MLP scene might have been inspired by the Firefly one. There are certain visual and thematic similarities.
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