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Posts posted by yayayayayala

  1. Well... WELCOME WELCOME! I hope you enjoy this forum as much as i do! 


    Although i don't read twilight myself... (25 y.o male) it's good to see that some people still READ instead of just go watch movies =) 


    Apart from that, if you ever have anything you want to ask don't hesitate to P.M me! 


    Random cute picture incoming! 

    Yay :D Thanks! And I know I'll enjoy this forum just as much as I enjoy everything else!

  2. "Hey Rarity!! Boy, have I got a surprise for you!!!"
    Rarity jumped as the door shot open so violently, it crashed loudly against the wall and almost flew off its hinges. An all-too-familiar pink mare boinged into Carousel Boutique with an unnaturally wide smile distorting her lower face as the door banged shut behind her. Oh no, thought the unicorn in exasperation. This can't be good.
    Whenever Pinkie had a surprise, it never turned out as awesome as she thought it was going to be. For example, one time she decided on an especially hot summer day to take everypony to the beach. Two stiflingly roasting hours later, Rarity was borne home unconscious from heatstroke on Spike's back (he refused to let anyone else carry her, or even help!), poor Twilight Sparkle had a raging fever for two whole days, Applejack couldn't work for her all-over sunburn-to-rival-all-sunburns, and Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash's delicate wing feathers were damaged from laying on the hot sand. Only Pinkie wasn't affected. (Nopony knew why.)
    Needless to say, they never went to the beach again that summer.
    And there were countless other "surprises" that went terribly wrong - Rarity remembered them all in an instant, and couldn't suppress a nervous meep. What in Equestria could Pinkie have planned now?
    "You're gonna LOVE this!" the pink pony cried, excitedly bouncing up and down beside her friend.
    I hope so, thought the purple-maned mare apprehensively.
    Pinkie stopped bouncing, which was odd of her, and leaned in reeeeally close to the white unicorn as though what she had to share was confidential and demanded the utmost secrecy. Her blue eyes narrowed with anticipation as she took a deep breath, putting her mouth up to Rarity's ear.
    "I have an idea for a new design..." she whispered.
    Rarity pulled back, her eyes wide, her mouth open. "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY??" she squeaked.
    Pinkie nodded, grinning widely. "Yup! I've got an idea I think you'll just adore!"
    The fashionista groaned inwardly. "What is it, dear?"
    The party-loving mare smiled. "Oh, it isn't much. It's just sweet sugar sassafras sponge socks."
    Complete silence in the dress shop followed that announcement. At last, after about two full minutes, during which Pinkie gazed at her friend expectantly and Rarity couldn't find anything to say - anything at all! - she finally managed a response. It was probably the most common single-word answer in Equestria.
    "Yeah! Sweet sugar sassafras sponge socks! That are actually edible!"
    At this new claim, the mare with the dark blue eyes started. "EDIBLE??! Why, dear, how in Equestria are we supposed to do that?" But Pinkie interrupted her.
    "And they're also orange. Wait." Her carnation-colored brow furrowed in confusion. "What is sassafras anyway?"
    Rarity blinked. "Do you mean to say," she began hesitatingly, "that you came up with an idea you're not even sure about!?"
    Pinkie seemed not to notice the other's voice getting a touch shrill at that last, or if she did, she pretended not to. "Yup!" she declared brightly, then turned and trotted towards the door. "Time to go ask Twilight what sassafras is!"
    The pink pony had only been gone half a second before Rarity breathed, "Edible sweet sassafras...sponge...sugar socks???? That Pie will be the death of me..."
    And then she fainted dead away.



    So, how'd you like it? Any advice biggrin.png Go to http://www.fimfiction.net/user/meepymeeper for more! Of course, this story isn't submitted yet, it's not a thousand words but whatever, who cares XD There's some other stuff on there so yeah.

    EDIT: The story is up! Go read it now! http://www.fimfiction.net/story/98329/sweet-sugar-sassafras-sponge-socks

    • Brohoof 2
  3. Hello! My name is yayayayayala, or ponymystic.deviantart.com! I'm a (dad-named; he really called me this XD) mighty pegasister! I seriously love everything MLP:FIM! Also I recently watched Snowdrop. So yeah.


    A Warning: Sometimes I disappear from this site for a few weeks. Don't panic - it's only circumstances. biggrin.png


    So whenever I'm not doing pony-related things, I'm reading a book (like Twilight) or writing/drawing something. (Which is usually pony-related.)

    I also sometimes post stuff on FIMFiction, go take a look over there! http://www.ponymystic.deviantart.com! biggrin.png


    also I use :D a lot. XD



    So...that's basically it.

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