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Everything posted by ASocialyAwkwardPony

  1. To be fair, SR4 got most of those plus you get to play as a superhero yourself, so there is that
  2. Brian, as in the family dog? Yeah I am okay with that. After watching the episode with Quagmire's dad turning out to be transsexual and Brian being the most transphobic little shit of them all I have hated his guts and I never particularly cared for his character to begin with. As long as they don't kill off Stewie or Quagmire it's cool to me.
  3. Every single stereotype that is not used by the people who are stereotyped themselves as a ironic joke I would say is pretty bad, as it is major generalization of entire groups of people based on a misguided and hateful belief that everyone is the same based on their "category". Personally I like the stereotype about Norwegians being vikings who play Black Metal while riding dragons because it's so obviously detached from reality, but if someone where to claim I live in a hut in the forest without electricity I would metaphorically smack them in the face. Other major stereotypes that I see way too often and that I hate are: -"All gay men are flamboyant and all gay girls are hyper-masculine" -"All minorities have only one trait based on their ethnicity" -"All Muslims are terrorists, and everyone who don't believe in Christ are evil" -"Everyone who have a left wing political view are rooting for North Korea and Stalin" -"Women suck at the things men are good at and are only good at shallow stuff like fashion" -"All Emos and Nu-Metal fans do nothing but cut themselves and whine without justification or reason for it"
  4. "we hate them dirty feminists!" said the angry white bronies angrily, while watching the feminist show by the feminist cartoon maker.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ASocialyAwkwardPony


      Because venting and satire

    3. Dark Qiviut

      Dark Qiviut

      Bad excuse for such nonsense. You have your gripes of actions in that thread, but spreading it out here is completely needless and could start drama someday. In other words, doing so can get YOU into trouble. I don't recommend spilling thread- or user-related gripes out here, ever.

    4. Remi


      "Instead of spreading your gripes out here and risking unnecessary drama, why not actually just keep them confined in the thread only? "


      okay i know im really late but come on dark qivit do you really have to do this


      apply for a moderating position since you feel like your sense of right and wrong is so completely correct.

  5. Not to be rude but is this really a topic to make a thread out of? As mentioned earlier, all schools have kids who like different things, and if we are going to point "at the weird ones" it could quickly devolve into bullying.
  6. Looking forward to see what they can cook up, the YouTube FAQ shorts they did some years back was pretty funny so it's clear they still have it in them
  7. Doctor told me my heart is beating out of rhythm due to my stress levels, and I have no way to possibly reduce them... I am kinda scared.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Fluttershyfan94


      Well, she never did either everybody just had to be calm around her. But good luck to you, it sure will be harder without somehow getting away from the stress.

    3. aoEAF2FBvC0MIo2Q


      Oh dear... Um, would settling to another town or emigrating altogether be an option?

    4. ASocialyAwkwardPony


      Not really since I am living on wellfare and still living at my parents place due to that. If I had the funds for it I would have considered moving to England and into Brighton.

  8. No stereotype is 100% true. Some can be more true than others in certain areas, but truth is everyone is different and there is never going to be a case of absolutely everyone in a country, ethnicity, religion, sexuality, subculture or anything else fitting into the stereotype no matter what Hollywood tries to make us think of that way too often.
  9. Suddenly, snails in the salad... well, time to never ever eat that kind of salad ever again...

  10. Someone mentioned somewhere that "something bad would happen during the season premiere for Season 4", can anybody tell me what that is all about (without spoilers of course)?

    1. Harmonic Revelations

      Harmonic Revelations

      The new Youtube comment's section happens in the priemere. o:

    2. Friendship_Cannon
    3. Suitaloo


      It's probably just someone trying to rile people up. I doubt they'd make anything really bad happen.

  11. The new YouTube and Google+ merging thing is the worst possible thing.

    1. Radiance64


      Yes, it is. >.>

  12. I find it stupid to turn a word associated with happy times and homosexuals into something negative, so I am completely against using the word in that way as a insult and putdown. Sometimes I wanna start calling out shit I don't like by saying "that's straight" just to parody this stupid thing (though it stays with the thought for obvious reasons revolving hypocrisy and wanting equality). Besides, "that's lame", "that's stupid", "that's shit" and "that's wack yo" all sounds better in a negative light.
  13. Staying up all night again, my body hurts too much to manage to fall asleep. At least I avoided nightmares I guess

  14. Didn't get time or energy to dye my hair or put on a costume, my depression ruined the taste of the pumpkin pie for me and I ate some candy that gave me a stomach ache. This was a rather depressing Halloween for me.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Spartan


      Stopping being depressed and be awesome instead!

    3. ASocialyAwkwardPony


      it's 2am, it's too late. At least I got to watch some amusing slasher films with some friends if nothing else.

    4. Starlight Sky

      Starlight Sky

      Time-zone difference XD Completely overlooked, haha. Well, it's good to hear your friends were around. Have a good rest...well, having nightmares on Night-mare night almost seems like a bonus round :P Your call!

  15. Well that makes sense, since she always tend to have those odd layers of depth/pretension that mostly only she gets hidden in her songs. But yeah the song itself is a total ripoff of that Madonna song, even if I admire what Lady Gaga tries to do I really don't like most of her songs due to stealing so much from others.
  16. Oh good, being forced to take some sort of anti-depression pills that actually makes me more depressed.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. ASocialyAwkwardPony


      She is just trying to help me, but doing it in the wrong way. Nothing I can do about it.

    3. FoxyCryptid


      Don't take the pills?


    4. ASocialyAwkwardPony


      Then I get told I need to take them and that she is disappointed, and that I am overreacting.

  17. Mixcraft is pretty user friendly and fairly powerful for a casual program, it's one you have to buy, but it have a month long trial period so hopefully that will be enough to help you fix what you need to fix. I use it to compose, record and make all my music and I am very happy with it. It also has a nifty easy to use automaton feature for easy volume and panning adjustments among other things.
  18. Personally I don't drink most of the time for several reasons. I don't find it tasting very good, I don't want to lose control over my mind and body, if something is so boring one have to be drunk to enjoy it I rather be at home and enjoy something else, etc. so basically I only drink a small pint if Jager as basically cough sirup on rare occasions. Basically my view on it is keep it away from me and please stay away from me when drunk.
  19. And here I thought the controversial C-word was the one that ment "private lady parts"...

  20. Angel, obviously Angel. Gilda might be a bully, Trixie might be a attention whore, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon might be bitches, but Angel being an abusive "husband" towards Fluttershy is just a big no. No, that's no ordinary rabbit... *insert Monty Python reference here*
  21. Because likeable, strong female lead characters, good music and animation, fun jokes and it just being a pleasant show to watch basically. With all the raw loloffensive macho bullshit gritty gritty bang bang most media is these days, it's nice to have something that is the complete opposite but just as good, or even better IMO.
  22. Now repeat after me class: the CMC and Spike are children and should be allowed to live in peace and stay out of sexual situations until they are all grown up. Your homework for the week will be to repeat that 1000 times so you learn and understand that.

  23. I remember getting a bit of a crush on Alyx Vance from Half-Life 2 when playing that back in the day, she seems like such a fun and cool girl to be around and was really likeable compared to all those "mindless boob dispensers" most action games give you as a sidekick. Don't really have any now though as far as I can think, though I do ship Johnny Gat and The Boss in SR4 =P
  24. I am awake until 6am every night, because that is what a screwed up sleep schedule, loud family and insomnia will do to you. Also the whole self-loathing depression thing. Getting to work at 12am hurts.
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