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Everything posted by ASocialyAwkwardPony

  1. Sometimes I am glad I will never get to have kids, because kids scare, annoy and confuse me immensly.

  2. The only way you could be too open-minded would be if you supported murderers, pedophiles and rapists simply because "they are different". In this case, I would say your father is being a close minded selfish jerk who is trying to live his life through you because he isn't enough of a man to deal with you being different than him (hope that didn't come off as rude towards you, if so I am sorry). Be yourself and don't care about the haters, there is nothing wrong with a boy enjoying girly things or vise versa.
  3. So he tried to be nice to his friend and comfort him/her, and the first thing you do is being a dick about it by pointing out his own beliefs not following the comforts? Dude, you are awful, seriously.
  4. "Blind faith" is usually seen as a negative by most people in the world yes. It's one thing to have faith, strong faith even, and another thing to follow something with no rhyme or reason because "I think it's true" without concern of the consequences. Quite frankly believing in something "just because" seems rather immature IMO. Also pushing your own beliefs down other's throat and forcing others to believe in the same thing IS a bad thing in most cases, that is why so many bronies are ashamed by their fellow fans who try to convert people by posting ponies everywhere for no good reason. And wooooow did this discussion about an episode get bloody political for no good reason <_< No need for caps lock, and they explained that in the video actually, watch it to the very end and you might start looking at things differently as I did from watching it. If all you people are gonna do is yell at me for not going with the flow of what the common belief is, then you clearly haven't understood the true message of this episode, poorly worded moral or not.
  5. This video that I agree with disagrees with you: http://www.penny-arcade.com/patv/episode/god-does-not-play-dice It probably explains my point much better than I ever could. Also this is in no way a bashing of science, Atheism nor religion.
  6. Which is what I think the real moral of the story was supposed to be: that there will be things that are hard to explain in the world but it's a bad idea to completely throw away the idea of something existing beyond your own comprehension. Not so much "be religious" as "be whatever you want, but accept your friends for what they believe and take inspiration in the positive aspects of each other's beliefs to try and strengthen your friendships and become better people".
  7. You do realize that the base of all science is also faith right? Not all scientist will admit that, but it's faith in human knowledge and discovery overcoming the dangers of nature, which is just as legit as religion.
  8. Isn't it stated from Word of God (no pun intended) that the moral was broken in that episode? Something about them wording it poorly and not having time to redo the script so they didn't get the original intention out? Can't remember where I heard it, might be from a old Equestria Daily article or something. Also not to be rude, but there is a pretty widely known scientific reason why women get pregnant
  9. It keeps changing regularly as of lately, but at the moment: Yes, it samples THAT Troll 2. Also the choruses are just stunningly beautiful in contrast to the brutal verses. If you don't like Deathcore you owe yourself to at least skip ahead to hear the choruses and the Troll 2 sample. (And no I have no idea what is up with that album art either lol)
  10. I have a theory about Chrysalis deep down actually being not that bad, but due to her species way of feeding and never finding someone who would truly want to love her after many many years, she might have gone mad with depression and power, and decided to invade the nation that had what she would consider a mockery to herself and destroy it: the fairly tale by the book perfect couple. Looking at it at the angle of that theory, it makes more sense to me why she didn't act more cold and subtle, she was not just out to feed, she was desperate due to a obsession to make everyone else as miserable as she was. Driven to evil she didn't intend to ever face by being labeled as a monster, and therefor not being worthy of love in others eyes. Being labeled as a designated evil can do things to one's mind if it's fragile already. Of course this is just a silly theory of mine and I bet the official explanation is something as simple as "she got annoyed because someone were about to spoil her plan, and that is it", though I find Chrysalis to be a interesting character and I like to think what she might have been like before.
  11. Red Door ending, I have never felt so awful for doing something in a video game before...

  12. Was planing to dress up as Chrysalis, but those cosplay wings from Hot Topic seems to be out of my reach as their shipping prices for international shipping are just completely insane. So I guess not.
  13. Yes, yes they are. They are a form of human expression of emotions. Basically, watch this video as he explains it much better than I can: http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/teamt/oancitizen/miscellany-and-hodge-podge/34689-the-art-of-video-games-and-video-games-as-art
  14. If anything I would say it's a wee bit under-moderated in that a lot of hate and spite get through the cracks and it's up to users to report it most of the time. Still, a lower minimum character limit for posts would be nice for users with a certain amount of posts/time registered.
  15. Striped socks and arm warmers ordered. It's a start I guess.

  16. Wouldn't it be nice to have a world where we didn't make up stupid stereotypes for the sake of cheap jokes and instead people used wit, cleverness and thoght in their humor?

    1. Mephala



      YOUR MOM



      But in all seriousness, I have to agree, though sometimes I admit I laugh at some of the better ones...

  17. @Telling me to get a sense of humor and deal with it... no... I am dealing with enough shit from society and everyone around me IRL to think things making fun of me for who I am, claiming I am a sexual predator as a joke, is funny. It's not self irony, it's just not true and I find no joy in knowing people find who I am to be a joke and makes jokes about it. So call me a bitch, call me stuck up, call me a unlikeable boring hag, but know that I have my reasons for hurting myself every time I see a joke like that.
  18. Never call me "bro" ever again...

  19. @Hansel, could you kindly not share LGBT-phobic joke material in this thread? Gay people don't just "turn that way" to get divorces and transgendered people don't "want to be a girl/boy to be pervy in their bathrooms", and it's not funny nor new nor original to imply such things.
  20. Is there any way to reply on warnings one get from admins? I disagree with a warning I recently got but I am unsure who to contact to discuss it and bring up my reasoning for my post.

    1. Crispy


      Opening a support ticket is your best bet.

    2. Rascal~


      You can contact a mod, maybe the one who gave it to you, if you didn't get a point for it then that should be it

    3. Jokuc
  21. WeLoveFine have a excellent collection of high quality pony shirts with something for nearly everypony's taste, I recommend them (having about 8 shirts from there). Hot Topic seems to be the place to go for some novelty items, and of course for figures and toys nothing beats Toys R' Us and Build-A-Bear (well maybe it does, but I don't know of it lol). Hot Topic tend to have high shipping prices to Europe at least, so don't be too optimistic there (still worth a try though of course).
  22. Good question that. I would have considered it at least, and if I got to keep my knowledge of what I wanted to differently, got to be born in the right body and it was guaranteed that I would still meet the friends I have and befriend them at the right times, then yeah I would have done it.
  23. I play Drums, electric Ukulele, Piano and a bit of Bass, though I am mostly good with Drums. Starting to get better at the others too though. I can also play all instruments on Expert on Rock Band if that counts =P
  24. Can't bisexual people like transgendered people though? I mean if they go all the way in becoming the gender in body as they also are in mind, they are that gender, so even open minded straight people might be okay with that right? or?
  25. For trick and treating, whenever it would be creepy to come in a costume at a strangers door and ask for free candy, to celebrate the holiday, never. We celebrate it every year with pumpkin pie and horror films in my family, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
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