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Posts posted by Boop

  1. I have to say I'm not interested either. It's probably because the USA tradition is much different from Japan. We have our own American comics that are portrayed in their own style compared to Japan's manga. While we are another country altogether we have our genres portrayed differently than Japan's because they have different morals, beliefs, and ect.

  2. Glad to have you here! Welcome to our little corner of the Internet! Mlp forums! Hope you have a great time here!


    I'm sure your proably not the only one, maybe they're all closet bronies thinking the same, then again I don't have much room to talk seeing as I'm still a closet brony myself.


    Anyways if you have any questions feel free to ask! If not then just have fun!

    Thank you. I'm glad I have a friend to ask.


    Hi, Hi Boop welcome to the forums and don't worry you make a lot of new friends around this friendly community!

    I'm happy that I'll be able to make many friends, but hopefully not too many or I won't be able to get to them. XD

    • Brohoof 1
  3. Hmm, a hater? I think people have been constantly using the word without considering a better use of vocabulary with understanding criticism or the actual situation by generally referring to the over-used word. It seems that people are typically referring to the word when someone shows no interest to something and are over exaggerating the whole situation altogether.


    I mean we are arguing about another show that involves the same characters with a different story. I don't see a reason to actually butcher it's material without even seeing it. That's clearly being judgmental. A trailer is just a preview on what's to come. It doesn't grasp the whole concept of the show. It's a basic summary to grab possible viewers. I mean c'mon, it's either I'm excited or not excited for the show. It hasn't even been released yet. Everyone is just putting their feet forward and already anticipating the show's outcome.


    Equestria Girls is just a show. Like any other show that would be featured on TV. I, personally don't think I'll be watching it, because I'm simply not interested by the content featured in the trailer or most likely the style. I wasn't much of an enthusiast for Anthropic-ponies to begin with, and I'm still not.


    However, if I don't have nothing really nice to say about the show. Then I have the decency to keep my mouth shut for that is only common manners to respect one's interest. The people who don't want to keep their traps shut are just looking for arguments and are just adding on to the fire.

    • Brohoof 1
  4. First off you just can't generalize teenagers by them staying inside all the time. There are many indoor activities that have you placed inside. expect they aren't all productive. I do agree with that small article you put in that first post in ways. I do find people are looking to have fun. All you need is a bit of imagination and work to have fun anywhere. The laziest people just open their hands and expect to be handed something. That's why you have a range of people that lack social abilities because they decide to sit in front of their monitors or TVs all day.


    Well, I'm all for getting in some fresh air in my lungs, and working up a good sweat when putting myself on the court or field. I mean the outdoors offer so much. You're limitless to the many activities you can do outside. A personal favorite is just draining all my stressful thoughts out of my head and taking a simple relaxing walk. Having a fun time with friends/family during a bonfire is another favorite.


    I'm just a little upset people don't take advantage of what outside gives them. On occasion I do happen to play video games, and watch one of my few favorite shows every so often. I love to sit back and get some entertainment into me, but I don't like it when people excessively sit on their asses.

    • Brohoof 1
  5. Rarity would be marshmallow no doubt. I would have to say that would be a horrible flavor though. Incisively because marshmallows are just sugar.



    I would have to agree with Pinkie Pie being pink lemonade.


    Rainbow Dash is already cherry...


    Applejack is sort of forced to taking the role of an apple flavor for obvious reasons....


    Fluttershy would have to be something sweet, but not too sweet. Peach? I think strawberry would be a much fitting flavor for Fluttershy. Strawberry isn't that sweet, and a lot of people like strawberry and banana drinks anyways..



    Twilight Sparkle being grape is a perfect idea. Grape is one of the best flavors out there.

    • Brohoof 1
  6. I still think Applejack is much underrated for being in the Mane 6. Not a lot of people seem to have been attracted to her character. I personally love all the attributes of Applejack. Strong, responsible, honest, hardworking and she still in my opinion needs a little bit of extra time on air to maybe demonstrate she ain't a one trick pony that can only do apple-bucking.

    • Brohoof 2
  7. It's pitiful anyone would relate a general group of people who like MLP and make Autistic people feel like outsiders. I don't have the disorder, but I share the same interest among my friends here. It's disgusting to see us be tormented by these sick bullies that generalize us. We are all people and people together with or without Autism.

    • Brohoof 1
  8. Nope, I try to do all my homework and or other work-related things before I go on the computer. The only time I would ever go on the computer before using it for my spare time is when I am typing a word document or slideshow for school. At times when I'm sick I will step away and maybe read a book. When I have free time in the summer or other holidays I then spend more time on the computer browsing the internet, and playing games more often.

  9. I thought the rainbow Edge thing around your siggy was cool so I added a similar thing on this one..


    Though the siggy isn't the best thing ever.. But it's hard to make something good if you don't know yourself what you want tongue.png


    I made this though. Feel free to ask for stuff to be added.





    There's more artists here than just marco wink.png


    Fancy gifs are fancy, aren't they?

    Haha. img-1369822-1-UNZJLhS.png


    Speaking of gifs, I could maybe do some animation if you want to, RD92.

    Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude. I was only suggesting Marco as another option. I absolutely love what you did for the request though. Bravo Jokuc!

  10. Okay so I want a 600 x 200 signature, and I want it to have these two pictures in it:






    I want Rainbow Dash on the left, and Rarity on the right, I think it would look better that way.


    I also want my username in the signature of course.

    You should ask Marco. He did a great job on my signature! I'm sure he would do the same for you.


    I would definitely get another signature from Marco. I like mine sooo much though so there isn't really reason to ask. XD

  11. I would probably try to aim for a doctor like my Dad. I always want to help sick people,and help find cures for diseases. If I couldn't be that then a carpenter wouldn't be bad job in Ponyville. Even though I have limited skill in carpentry I would just learn more from my Grandpa and Dad. They're quite the handymen!

  12. 1. Death - It'd hate to die early, or lose someone close to me.


    2. Snakes - I'm not a fan of viscous snakes.


    3. Brain Damage - So much at stake if you get in an accident and if you get brain damage there could be so many things that happen.

  13. Not sure if they turned evil, with the exception of Fluttershy. They turned into jerks, but they weren't trying to destroy the world or kill people.


    It probably wouldn't be explored, but I like the idea of Twilight turning to the dark side for a bit. Maybe it would give us a chance to see Celestia and Luna actually intervene in some way or would involve the other five to truly rescue Twilight for once. They've helped her many times, but usually Twilight is the one that tips the scales and goes into god mode, winning the battle and saving everyone. It'd be interesting to see how the writers could pull that off. Would they fight her, or perhaps they would abandon her, and if she isn't connected to the elements, how powerful would she actually be? Would that give the others a chance to over power her? 


    Not sure I'd like to see any of the others be evil, maybe a corrupted Celestia would be interesting but it'd be hard to do without recycling a bunch of stuff from the Nightmare Moon arc.

    Well, in the show, turning against each other they then became antagonists for Twilight who was trying to defeat Discord. There was a bit more trouble Twilight encountered because they had been turned against each other. Since they were antagonists for awhile, they still became evil temporarily.

  14. They already turned evil when they went against each other in "Return of Harmony" part 1 and 2. They had already went against each other, and all hope was pretty much lost, but triumphed against Discord and became normal again. If you're thinking of a idea for a situation that would be very interesting to see if they went against the Canterlot monarchy.


    I wouldn't want to see another episode where they turn on each other. I'd probably cry over the drama. XD

    • Brohoof 1
  15. I have this same problem only maybe it's because I'm a closet brony and don't really want to be open with it. I guess you can say I fear the consequences, and I'm scared of being bullied for the most part. I don't par take in showing much pride as some of the other users here deem to expose.


    I do have the internet to show my pride and I can respect that I have other peers I can share my interest with. I'm completely grateful that I have other people here that are here to support the fandom in anyways. I guess if I can't wear my pride in the real world, I'm willing to demonstrate what I can at least do on the virtual world.

    • Brohoof 3
  16. Oh, thank you sooooooo much Marco! I absolutely adore it. You have my thanks!

    First Batch of signatures is done, IF THERE IS ANYTHING YOU WANT CHANGED, MAKE SURE YOU LET ME KNOW, DON'T BE AFRAID TO SAY ANYTHING img-1417379-1-smile.png

    I feel kind of spoiled for taking it for free. :3 You are the go to man from now on for anything cool!

  17. Could you make me a cool signature with this picture? No real requests, but if you think you can make it as cool as you can. If you can animate it that would be cool except if it doesn't look good just scratch the idea. Thanks a million in advance. edit 600 x 100 for my signature.


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