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Everything posted by Lamer

  1. Scootaloo, since she's the oldest. And she will get her mark soon, because her 10th birthday is less than a half of year ahead. Her mark would look like a skate and SNES logo.
  2. When I was 7-9 y.o. I liked to watch every cartoon I saw on TV. So yes, I would. In the May of 2008 I started watching WinX Club and became a huuuge fan of it so I liked it until I turned 11 (Yes, my teen years started in it). So if FiM were instead of WinX, I would have become a REALLY grandiose fan of it and still be a fan.
  3. Mane 7 ponies are 13-17 and CMC are 6-9. Twilight was about 5-7 during foalsitting scene. Cadence looked about 15-18 so she should be about 25-28 now. And Shining should be about 28-32.
  4. Since I'm from Russia, I'll choose the Russian names... Rarity: Polina Twilight: Irina Fluttershy: Elena Rainbow Dash: Natalia Derpy: Anastasia Pinkie Pie: Ekaterina Applejack: Nadezhda
  5. None of Mane7 ponies is old enough to start families yet (Derpy's "family" isn't really a family). But of course, every Mane7 pony will have her own little foal in 2020's or late 2010's...
  6. If Dinky was a CMC I would totally vote for her. She's really adorable, and of course she's adopted by the best pony. Too bad she isn't the Crusader...
  7. The image below says it. Even though I'm 15 years old and I CAN'T smoke, I will not ever do that **** in my life. EVER. And what retard said it's badass? It's retarded, not badass.
  8. All-pony is the best pony. Reason why? 1)She's beautiful just like Rarity. 2)She's smart just like Twilight Sparkle. 3)She's kind and sweet just like Fluttershy. 4)She's awesome just like Rainbow Dash. 5)She's cute and "derpy" just like Derpy. 6)She's hyper funny just like Pinkie Pie. 7)She's honest and hardworking just like Applejack. Nuff said.
  9. Will I ever stop being so obsessed with these "best pony" polls? Okay, here it is. Colgate vs Carrot Top. Who do you like better? Choose, everypony.
  10. Rigged. Derpy is the best pony.
  11. Inspired by Vinyl or Octavia poll, I decided to make the one with Lyra and Bon Bon. Who do you like more? I personally like both so I can't choose.
  12. Derpy had to be overrated, because she's awesome, funny, cute, nice, adorable and just DERP. And best pony of course. It's okay for best pony to be overrated
  13. I chose the Kirby's Return to Dreamland OST. Twilight Sparkle: Nutty Noon Map Pinkie Pie: File Select 2 Applejack: tied between Raisin Ruins Map and Desert Area Rainbow Dash: tied between Sky Tower and Techno Factory Rarity: Sky Waltz Fluttershy: Oasis Area Derpy Hooves: Rainy Area Apple Bloom: Cookie Country Scootaloo: Canyon http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RfiV_UP7EQA Sweetie Belle: Aqua Area http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnrsTiru2QU Vinyl Scratch: Underworld http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3OGxhQq3BAk Octavia: Grape Garden http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UK2H2j0Ufy8 Lyra: Title http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9MOP411n_o Bon Bon: Beach Area http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5eU-DP3o6M Carrot Top: Challenge Stage http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sy6sM5ATonc Colgate: Pro Tips http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVX-KyYTnyo Spitfire: Aurora Area http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7v-fNrzhms Princess Luna: Cave Area http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvktHYrnGKs Princess Celestia: Chilly Area http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UkDC4ddXhpc
  14. Can't decide. I like almost every music (well, except Justin Bieber-like crap). Both Vinyl and Tavi have their good and bad sides. Both classical and electronic music have their good and bad sides either.
  15. If you worry, then the bomb is not going to boom the school. The school's director finds the bomb and deactivates it. Since that, Diamond Tiara has no entry to the school.
  16. No. Hell no. Apple Bloom is only 9, while Applejack is turning 17 next day. Apple Bloom does not even have her cutie mark. And some things about sassy personality you listed do not mean anything.
  17. Even though she was acting worse than These Two, she later confessed and reconciled with CMC. Unlike These Two. And, yes, she's only 8. These Two are both 8 as well.
  18. Babs needs more episodes, maybe then people will stop dislike her and think she's obnoxious like Tiara/Spoon. But who knows...
  19. I don't understand why some people consider Babs Seed an evil character. Yes, she was bullying, but not because she wanted to. She did it because she didn't want to BE bullied. These people just point up the bad more often than the good.
  20. She's the best pony. She's nice. She's awesome. She's cute. She's just DERP. And EVERYONE who hates her would burn in hell! I love Derpy genuinely. Also, SOCCERMOMS must DIE. I wish somebrony kills at least one soccermom.
  21. Even though they live mostly on their own (Rarity even owns business), I doubt they're old enough to start families. (Derpy's family isn't really a family) If they're about 20, we should be in late 2010s-early 2020s, shouldn't we?
  22. Also, Scootaloo will backbully Silver Spoon, who will then commit suicide. Diamond Tiara will be REALLY pissed off. She will put a bomb in the school and join Devilisa to become DEVIL TIARA And will be sooner or later defeated along with Devilisa and King Sombra.
  23. I'm making a show based on FiM in Game Maker 8.0. It's called "My Little Pony: Friendship isn't just magic". Derpy will be a seventh mane pony, her element is Innocence. Main villain will be a black-red zebra alicorn called Devilisa. Dinky will become a fifth Cutie Mark Crusader. Devilisa will return King Sombra back to life, but the spell will turn Queen Chrysalis to normal instead. Also, it will be found out that Discord was actually a cursed Pegasus stallion called Telephone Cord. Twilight will be an alicorn, but not an "all-governing, immortal and mary-sue" alicorn. Scootaloo will finally get her cutie mark: a SNES logo on a skate. She will learn to fly. Also, if you want, I might add Sunset Shimmer as an eighth mane pony, element of Humility. Discuss my ideas, give your own ideas and stuff.
  24. We won't see less of her, but the Mane6 with Sunset Shimmer may be pushed into a background because Twilight is the mainest main pony in the show.Stop...What am I saying? It's clearly that Twi will remain in Mane6!
  25. I think Dinky is adopted. I'm pretty sure Derpy is pretty young (she seems about the mane6 age, 13-17), thus not old enough to give births on her own. And Sparkler is Derpy's little sister, raised by Derpy because mother died and father abandoned the family.
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