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detective rarity

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Posts posted by detective rarity

  1. Alright, finally, after all this time, its almost over, I said earlier that I would take a break from all these requests right? Until I would have dealt with all my exams and the finals right? Well guess what? ... Yes! Its ( almost ) over! I only have one exam left and Ill be able to get back to it! I know I wasn't active at all recently but I am back now, my final math exam is tomorrow! After it, nothing will be between me and your requests! Ill have all the time I need to complete them all! I hope I didn't took too much of your time and that you still want your requests! Because I WILL do them! 


    Haha! Thank for your patience and understanding! Wish me luck for my exam and I'll see you soon!


    Have a nice day guys! 



    - Detective Rarity

  2. So yeah, I've done this painting for my final art project of the year, I am currently in sec 5 so this was my last art evaluation and I wanted to make something cool! So I asked myself, what would be really cool to paint? Batman and the joker of course! 


    Haha! Let me know wacha thinking about it! 








    • Brohoof 2
  3. Alright everyone, first of all, I wanted to thank you all for your kind comments and your request, but I also wanted to inform you on  my current progress... Well... Im in finals right now so I can't do shit... and understand that I am not a superhuman machine of drawing... So as soon as I am done, I will also start working for the summer, if I can maintain a good flow during summer, I will maybe be able to draw something like 3 to 5 requests a week... But until then, ill be inactive, I appologize for it and I hope you do understand! 


    Thank you! love y'all! <3

  4. Alright... I'm a bit behind my requests right now... I am sorry, its just that I am going trough some finals and I didn't had the necessary  time/mood/energy to do some of these recently... But don't worry! Ill get these done as soon as I am finished with all of this crap... As soon as I graduate from high school :D ... Which isn't that much of an achievement but I just want to get done with it! Anyway, see you pals later! ;)

  5. Your art looks like Time Burton style to me for some reason. I don't know why.... maybe it's the eyes? It doesn't matter because it's cool.



    Give me some art lessons please.


    Like Tim Burton style? Well well... Thank you! I am flattered, I am quite a big fan of tim Burton and thisa means a lot! :D ... And for the art lessons... well, I guess it dépends on if you're serious but I could give you a few tips and tricks :P

  6. Thanks for the feedback guys! ... Ill update this thread with the request I made as soon as possible... Well... By that I mean, whenever ill feel like to! :3 Haha 

    Well... Here is the two las request I finished! I am really happy with the results, especially considered that I did them both pretty fast! ( I usually tend to take much more time doing these ) ... I think im on a good streak! I will be able to make more of these in a close future!







    Hope you like them! Don't forget to visit my thread if you want a request done!



    • Brohoof 1
  7. Sure, I'd be honored to have an art trade with ya, perhaps later this week when I get caught up with all my work. Just send me a note when ya get the chance.


    Great! I will send you a PM later to know when you will have the time! Im glad you accepted to do this with me! I've been waiting to do this with an other artist for quite a long time now!


    See you around! :D

  8. I think I just died from ohmygoshing. He looks amazing... although a tad cartoonish. But that's your style, and it doesn't matter to me. I HAVE AN IMAGE OF HIM. YEEEEEESSS! Seriously, I can't thank you enough for your hard work. My character has come to life before my eyes... and it's actually quite amazing.


    Gushing aside, thank you. It's truly appreciated!


    Haha! You're welcome! Its great to see such a reaction... I am quite happy to see you like it, its really satisfying!


    Thanks a lot for the great feedback! :D


    I do good work!


    Sure! You really do!


    Haha! Hey man, gotta say, I dig your art style! Really really neat! So I was wondering, maybe you would like to do some art trade with me someday? Like, I take your request, you take mine, fun fun joy! Haha! Hit me up if you're interested! 


    Oh and here is just a request I made recently, just so you know what I'm made of! ;)




    Not that I wanted to spam your thread with my art but just maybe to get your interest so you accept to do some fun fun art trade with me ;P 


    See you around and keep up the good work!

  10. Oh, this is great! We love it! We love how you accurately pinned their personality into the drawing.


    The shading in the hair is done very nicely and the coloring as well. You done a really good job on the Letters and Background. Their expressions are so awesome!


    Thank you very much.


    You're welcome buddy! I've enjoyed drawing these so its my pleasure, really! :) Oh and out of curiosity, why are you saying "we love it" ? ... Just wanted to know haha :P ... So yeah... Glad you like it ^__^

  11. Well thats because we are happy and they can't do anything about it! ... No seriously, this is the kind of questions that you can only answer with this one simple sentence: Because people love to hate what others like on the internet... Its nothing much than that, and the fact we are marginals... 

  12. I am a proud and open brony who saw all the episodes at least three times each... I draw ponies, I watch some ponies, I talk pony, I listen to ponies, I think about ponies, I eat... er... So... yeah, I am a bit...uh... obsessed? Haha, but I'm happy and thats what really counts right? :D 

  13. I think most of the comics on EQD are free to use... But if you really want to be sure go on Deviantart and ask the artist himself if you can use his comic, I am always cooperative when someone asks if they can use my artwork so I guess it should be the same with most artists! :)

  14. Well well... why don't y'all look at this! I just finished an other request! All by myself! *clap*clap*clap* Huzzah! The finished requests have been doubled! haha ^__^ ... 

    I hope you like it Justin! 
    Careful its hot!




    Enjoy and let me know what you think about it!

  15. Alright guys, sorry for the inactivity, its just that I am currently going trough a period of exams and similar crap... So I haven't got the time to do anything! But do not worry! Ill get working as soon as possible! I will probably even be able to do a few requests in my free time. I just need some time before I can put all of my energy and motivation into these! 


    Thank you for your understanding and stay tuned! Your request is coming soon! ;)

    post-15494-0-42996600-1368773992_thumb.jpgAlright... here it is! First request finished! Huzzah! ... But I have to say that my next drawings will be a bit less complete, you know, I don't want to take a few hours per drawing, ill never be able to do all of this xD So yeah, the next ones will be done a bit faster, I hope you understand smile.png


    So here is the said "request" 


    Made for coolwar13@yahoo.de ( His two OC's, Roaring Rhythm and Nightraxx





    Oh by the way, as you can see Iv'e added a few thing here and there, I hope you don't mind? tongue.png

    Anyway, feedback please and I hope you love your drawing biggrin.png

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