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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Darkshift

  1. I play a lot of scary games like Amnesia,Slender etc. But mainly I play free indie horror games because you never know what to expect the antagonist always gets freakier and they are short and easy so you get a quick scare and not a never ending nightmare
  2. I think the idea is brilliant even though I don't think the title depicts that my guess is that she may be doing simpler like having to be at two fashion shows or something like that.
  3. I believe the best mother is Twilight because she would be perfect at cleaning and organising her filly as well as educating her child in magic.Also she could offer her child a vast majority of expensive tutors because she is a Princess after all
  4. Am I ever I am massive lover of all that computer science has to offer but I have recently branched majorly into game design and coding over the massive subject of computer science
  5. It was a strange situation because a friend recommended the show to me and since then we have been bronies but the rest of my friends acted differently.Some mocked.Some didn't judge and some just didn't care I guess I am extremely lucky with my little group of friends
  6. Anyone with Skype please add me for a chat Skype:RogyBoyHFC

  7. Hey I know that Skype is on profiles but please add me it would be awesome to talk to anyone here. Skype:RogyBoyHFC (Random old name I used to use and never knew how to change) I would feel honoured to talk to you
  8. These forums are so awesome to everyone here,I am so grateful for all your help to settle in

    1. Vexxy


      Glad you like it here ^-^

    2. Zygen


      Glad you feel that way! I love this place to!

  9. I do not like people who think they are trolls but they are just 5 year old wind up merchants who make comments which they don't even know what it means.But I have found trolls who have trolled hackers or boosters to get revenge before they get banned.
  10. I would rather be a pony then make them change,being a pony would be so much better than being human.Just imagine flying,doing magic or being an Earth Pony wouldn't it be awesome?
  11. I have considered myself a fan for a while but I don't see why it matters if you are a brony or just a fan of the show.It doesn't make any noticeable difference.
  12. Darkshift

    My Little Blog

    Ok, so this is my first blog.A big thank you too everyone who has helped settle into the website.I will eventually use lots of pictures and videos but in the recent times I shall be using text. Today I watched S1 Ep 16 Sonic Rainboom a completely brilliant episode which is most memorable for Fluttershy's cheering,Rarity becoming an Alicorn for an hour and the legendary sonic Rainboom appearing.
  13. Not being an art master but still having enough knowledge to deem a simple review of your art.I admit they are not perfect however I can see potential in your work therefore I believe if you worked hard on your art you could one day be a successful artist.
  14. It sounds to me like she is just a fan of the show because remember you can watch the show and not be a brony or pegasister but if she claims it is her favourite show and she might look on the wiki she could be considered a pegasister
  15. For normal talking I would recommend just a headset like the Turtle beach x12 However for music I recommend the Audio Technica AT2020 Hope this helps
  16. Just learning how to fit in

    1. Senor Citizen

      Senor Citizen

      Welcome to the zoo.

    2. Jokuc


      First you jiggle your tail! Oink oink oink!

      Then you wriggle your snout! Oink oink oink!

      Then you wiggle your rump! Oink oink oink!

      Then shout it out! Oink oink oink!

    3. Darkshift


      Thanks for the method.Oink

  17. The music was legendary truly marvellous work from everyone who took part in every note,lyric and beat within the episode.Lets not forget the awesome liquid pride!
  18. Apparently this is what new members are supposed to do So hey my name is Darkshift My favourite character form the main six is Rainbow Dash My favourite non-main six character is Cadance Erm thanks for your time
  19. Personally Treyarch is preferred because of a few reasons like the legendary zombies and the more intense campaign yet Infinity Wards multiplayer seems to be better than treyarchs.
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