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About Peregrine

  • Birthday 1979-05-15

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Interests
    Animations, ASMR Videos, Cartoons, Gaming, Game Music, Hiking, MLP: FiM, Nature, Reading, Writing.

My Little Pony

  • Best Pony
  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race
    Earth Pony

Peregrine's Achievements


Muffin (2/23)


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  1. Whoops. totally didn't think of that...first time doncha know. I'll see if I can fix it. Hopefully those poies who did see that will come read it again. Alright sorry everypony who tried to read it I forgot to make it public but I think I fixed it now. Let me know if it is not mmkay?
  2. Well I'm not a fan of large crowds. It was quite cramped, difficult to move around, do things and buy stuff. For me it was worth it just to do it but...maybe not again.
  3. After Princess Luna receives a disturbing message from Nightmare Moon, she recruits Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends to go searching for her missing court unicorn, Nightgate. The Mane Six must find Nightgate and the powerful spellbook he has before somepony else does or everypony could face the greatest Nightmare ever... Chapter One: Waning Moon https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lcTEAnZKR85T35_ncjjnfoa96s-TCeLjO0hLYlV17zc/edit
  4. That's probably the best idea I've heard and relatively easy. I had no idea FiMFiction had such a reputation. I should be able to start posting soon, as soon as I tweak the title a bit.
  5. Hi! So I would like some cover art for a fanfic I am writing. It is called Mane Six and the Fantastic Butterfly. The Fantastic Butterfly is a new attack of the Elements of Harmony in my fic and it is basically a magical butterfly (FiM style of course) made up of the Mane Six's cutie marks. I figure a cloudy body with Rainbow Dash's lightning bolts for legs, Applejack's apples for eyes, Pinkie Pie's balloons for antennae, Rarity's gems for wings, it is a butterfly so Fluttershy's mark is technically covered and it will sparkle with Twilight Sparkle's sparkles (or trail them when it flies or something). Of course if anypony has a better design idea I'd love to hear it. Really I would like it for possible upload to EQD/FiMFiction but I may start by posting chapters in the Hall here. This is my first time requesting art like this so I don't know if you want commision for it or you send me sketches or whatever. Just let me know and thanks.
  6. Thanks everypony. Think I will start a post in the Hall and maybe get a FimFic account. I'll do it chapter by chapter as well. At the quickest I'll be able to upload at least one a week but that may be pushing things depending on if I get stuck (although I have a great deal figured out already). I'm proofreading the first chapter once again and maybe I'll post it in the Hall tonight or tomorrow.
  7. Hey everypony! So I've got a plan for an adventure-style ponyfic starring Princess Twilight and the other Mane Six. I have all of the 9 (?) chapters blocked out already, finished typing one and have up to chapter 3 written. My question is, how and where do I begin posting this so that it starts getting views? I suppose I could start with this forums here but I would love for it to eventually get to EQD or FiMFiction (I know I'm probably shooting too high to start). I'm basically just using Word but I could slap it onto Google Docs and maybe on my Deviant Art? I hope to have cover art of some kind for it made but would I need that right away? Also should I post it chapter by chapter and see what ponies say or the whole thing at once when it's done? Any help is appreciated.
  8. Yes, Fluttershy is best pony for me. Second would have to be Pinkie Pie, then rarity I guess.
  9. Hey everypony! So I'm Peregrine. I am a shy nature-loving pegasus that got his cutie mark by saving a baby falcon that fell from it's nest. I am into many things including gaming, game music, hiking, birding, ASMR videos, sci-fi, fantasy, cartoons and other types of animations. I have been writing fiction off and on for about ten or so years now and have an idea for a religious/sci-fi fantasy but have been having trouble making it go anywhere. I am undiagnosed, but I may have AS. I have been a brony for about two years now and discovered the show by seeing many pony videos appearing in my YouTube. I finally started to watch and was hooked as soon as Fluttershy squeaked when she first met Twilight! The show has literally been a life-changing experience for me and it has made me happy and forget that I am lonely. I watch mostly pony videos/PMVs on YouTube and look at some pony art on Deviant Art. I subscribe to the Bronyville podcast and have had several of my e-mails answered on their show! I have only been to BronyCon Jan 2012 as far as cons go but I did get signatures from Andrea Libman, Ashleigh Ball and Nicole Oliver! I also own quite a bit of pony merch including the collector cards, blind bag figures, brushables, a few of the comics and some other things. So my plan is to get this epic adventure ponyfic that I have going. I'm looking for help in how/where to post it and maybe get some artwork done for it too. I'll look in the fanfic section later. I have it all blocked out pretty much, two chapters (out of 9?) written and the first one all typed out and hopefully ready for posting. So that's it pretty much. Hope to hear from somepony soon! P.S. I attached my avatar pic since it's too big to use as thumbnail. No cutie mark though but it would be a speeding falcon.
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