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About Benphar

  • Birthday 1985-11-29


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  • Personal Motto
    Never Fear Your Own Sanity

My Little Pony

  • Best Pony
  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race
    Earth Pony

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  1. Using that logic, a child would never become a teenager until they had learned a set amount. Fact is life happens whether we're ready or not. Besides, Twilight has had tons of issues and they all had a happy ending. You know who else gets angry quickly and doesn't care about it? Gandalf. I don't recall him ever apologizing for being angry (although he has better reasons for it). Maybe it's a magic user thing. -edit- Fixed a couple typos
  2. How is Twilight no longer unique and have no more individual talent? Your post seems to contradict itself in my opinion. Please explain.
  3. I should have specified that this is not always an issue. The day that I made this thread I had to copy my post and refresh the page several times. Without following any of the previous instructions it seems to be running fine today. It is good to know that clearing cookies and cache will improve performance. I'll keep that in mind. ISP: Verizon 4G LTE Browser: Prefer Firefox, Currently using internet Explorer Using Wifi and signal strength between 90 and 100 percent. Since this looks like this is not a problem on my end I'll just be more patient in the future. Does someone mark this problem as solved or do I need to do it? if I need to please let me know how. Thanks to everyone.
  4. Every advantage has a disadvantage. Sure wings would be troublesome at first. but after she figures out how to live with them and become a skilled flyer it would sound like a reward for her efforts. How much more lame would it be if all she had to do is eat some magic mushrooms? No offense to Mario fans... I don't think the following is likely but I felt like throwing it out there for the hay of it. Perhaps to restore balance there could be another unicorn addition to the group. however I think it would be more entertaining for Spike to get a dragon lady friend. This quote was supposed to go at the top of the post but oh well.
  5. Hi there, I am having trouble logging in and posting. I have tried Internet Explorer and Firefox. After I click login or post I see the pony walking across the screen but nothing happens after that. with posts I see the same animation and it says saving post but nothing happens. When I refresh the page my post is gone. Is there some setting I need to change? please let me know. Thanks
  6. Been gone for a bit due to having a case of real life syndrome. Anyhow I would like to point out a couple of things. Call Hasbro evil and greedy if you want, but their actions are done in the best interest of their company, not out of the goodness of their hearts. A company cannot survive if it is not loyal to the money. Hasbro is not a thrift store so they depend on selling their products to ensure their survival. It looks to me that MLP has a 2 fold purpose. Advertising and Entertainment. So even though the whole twilicorn thing was just to make more money, I'll wager that it worked and therefore brought more success to the company and contribution to the economy. Which, like it or not, is more important than a good story. Another thing, a change of the body does not mean an immediate change in personality. I liked twilight for her personality and not for her body. Yes having wings will change her personality because she will be learning things she otherwise wouldn't have. But the core of her personality is not likely to change in my opinion unless there is an even more epic event in her life. I am getting weary of the same things being said over and over so just to bring a little more color to our current discussion, I want to hear how all of you think your friends/family would react if you suddenly grew wings and became a major political player. At first I am sure I would have fun giving rides to my nieces and nephews but it would get old being asked the same questions by different people. Can I have your picture? Can I have a ride? Would you pass this law? ect. ect. In the end I would still prefer to keep to myself. On top of that it might result in my losing my job because wings wouldn't exactly be conducive to driving since we transport heavy equipment on a daily basis. In our world I would be paid to be a politician, but then there are worries of assignation, secrets, and so on. Having wings would be cool even with the downsides. But being involved in politics would suck all the way around. Your thoughts?
  7. Personally I think the possibility didn't even cross her mind. That is why she was surprised. Twilight usually does not question Celestia's instructions but is eager to fulfill them. I also think that she will be tasked with learning all she can about leadership through the mane 6's adventures in addition to friendship. Trust me, difficult decisions come with leadership and lessons are learned from them. I am interested to see where this goes. Besides, if Twilight did have a problem with it she would have either questioned or outright protested it like she did when Celestia brought Discord in to be reformed. I don't expect to get my own pair of wings out of the blue but i'll admit it is fun to entertain the thought. Even if it did come with the string of making public speeches and royal visits.
  8. Benphar

    New Guy

    got cha, thanks. I can see how that would pop up often as I am sure there are many people out there who would like to do such a thing to bronies.
  9. To everyone who thinks Twilight becoming an alicorn disrupts the balance of power between the friends: In order for the mane 6 to be truly equal to each other they would have to be exactly alike. That means personality, abilities, appearance, etc. Can you imagine it? a group of 6 Fluttershys or 6 Applejacks or 50 or so Pinky Pies? NOT FUN. Take a package of yellow #2 pencils for example. They are all exactly alike and therefore equal. What makes the show interesting is the lack of equality, everypony has their strengths and weaknesses and yet they are not so petty as to shun each other out of envy. In short, they are not created equal and contrary to popular belief, neither is man. Besides, as awesome as Rainbow Dash is, I think being able to fly at supersonic speeds is over the top in terms of power. Twilight's abilities are much more believable and even though it was a rather harsh transition I still support it. This also implies that the rest of the cast will eventually achieve their dreams, which will put new stresses on their friendships which will require them to continue to learn and adapt in order to maintain that friendship. Things just got a little more interesting...
  10. Benphar

    New Guy

    Thanks guys. I also saw a few YouTube videos saying MLP has Satanic and Pagan themes which fueled my curiosity even more. Can't say I recognize anything satanic and such and even if it did I don't care, I watch the show to be entertained, end of story. And no one answered my question about that strange face. Any takers?
  11. Benphar

    New Guy

    Hi guys, My name is Benphar and thought I had better introduce myself the right way after my post in the thread on whether or not Twilight being an alicorn is a good thing. I started watching the show because I saw a youtube video telling people not to watch it because it was a really f'ed up show. I thought to myself "South Park is a really screwed up show and I like to watch that. I am going to give this thing a chance." and I was instantly hooked. I still for the life of me figure out why I enjoy it so much. Anyway 4 weeks later I had seen all 3 seasons and the double rainboom episode and I decided to Join these forums. In short, Howdy! On another note, While browsing through MLP stuff I kept on seeing the face in the attachment. would someone please explain its significance? I am guessing it is an inside joke or something like that. Thanks
  12. One thing I would like to point out that apparently no one else has noticed: Celestia's mark is the sun Luna's is the moon Twilight's is a STAR for crying out loud! If the cutie marks aren't enough just look at their names. Her name implies a similar astrological connection to that of Celestia and Luna. To the people who were surprised by Twilight being alicornized I simply ask. Why? If you look at this symbolically Twilight becoming a princess should have been obvious for a long time. In fact right around episode 3 in the first season I was wondering to myself "why isn't Twilight a princess already?" About the season 3 finale, I agree it felt rushed and there was too much music in my opinion. But the only thing that really bugs me is the Twilight was able to fly right away. How did she already know how to do that? I would have liked to see an episode of her being trained by Rainbow Dash and Flutter Shy on how to fly as well as learning to get over a fear of heights. If I were to suddenly sprout wings I doubt I would almost instantly fly hundreds of feet into the air without a care in the world even if I had the strength to do so. The confidence just would not be there. I can just imagine Rainbow Dash shoving Twilight off a cliff and telling her to flap hard and to roll with it as she falls screaming and pulling out of a dive at the last moment. That thought makes me laugh. Reason why being able to instantly fly bugs me so much is that the opportunity for a good episode presented itself with this new development and disappeared in the few ending seconds of the season. The thing I like most about Twilight is that her skill in magic allows her a certain casual freedom that I have not seen expressed in any character from any form of entertainment I know of. Most other good guy magic users don't exercise their abilities for day to day tasks as much as she does because it is inappropriate use of power or some lame excuse like that. I am sure Gandalf could have incinerated many a orc but simply resorted to hacking them to pieces instead. While still awesome, it leaves a little something to be desired. Twilight's promotion to me is a good thing because I am interested to see how she will apply her new found freedom. She may know a thing or two about being a leader but she still has a long way to go. Besides, who doesn't like a good rags to riches story anyway? Another thing I would like to point out. Candice was a princess before having an area of the kingdom to rule. I see no reason why Twilight would be separated from her friends for an extended period of time in the near future of the series due to having new royal duty's. And yes, this does put her on a higher level than her friends. But if she has true friends, they would not be resentful like some of the people who have posted but proud to know that they have been integral to her success and be happy for her. I am thinking some people have missed the point of the show. I am not looking to pick a fight with anyone. I am simply typing out my thoughts. If anypony has a constructive counter argument I would like to hear it. BTW: This is my first post here. I didn't bother introducing myself in the right section of the forum because I am tired and I knew wouldn't be able to sleep without getting this stuff off my chest. Goodnight, I am going to bed.
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