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Princess Periwinkle

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Blog Entries posted by Princess Periwinkle

  1. Princess Periwinkle
    Ever since I signed up for a neopets account almost six years ago for the sole purpose of learning html through the 'pet pages', I've been interested in fiddling with the look & feel of websites. Today, I randomly decided to make a more modern and sleek style skin for MLP Forums. Here's a preview of what the front page and a topic look like:
    (Edit: A lot has been updated since these screenshots, including the main banner. Here's a quick preview.)
    If you'd like to give it a try, go get Stylish for Chrome or Firefox. After installing, you can click on the Stylish button in your menu bar while on MLP Forums and click "Find more styles for this site". Keep in mind that it's still a WIP -- PM me if you find any problems or if you have a suggestion for this or a new skin.
  2. Princess Periwinkle
    I am so very surprised, grateful, and humbled to be where I am today. The
    ONE MILLIONTH visiter to MLP Forums! We've come a long way since the very beginnings, and I'm glad to be able to win a fantastic apple product.

  3. Princess Periwinkle
    I've seen a lot of posts - and I'm sure you have too - from people who seem to be depressed or otherwise feeling bogged down by life.
    Some of them get responses from people who truly seem to want to help. If you are one of those people - one who wants to help - I suggest watching this video. It's cheesy, yes, but it's got an important message.
    Be empathetic, not sympathetic. I don't want your sympathy, I want to not feel alone in my despair.
    (Disclaimer: I'm not depressed. I only wanted to share this for those of you with friends who may be.)
  4. Princess Periwinkle
    So, like, Obama is all up in here. Yo.
    Instead of sending cruise missiles at Syria, I sent my economic advisors.

    In my spare time I like to listen in on your phone conversations.

    So like, I'm gonna skip this dizzle. Peace to the homies, and the home-dogs. The homie-dogs.

  5. Princess Periwinkle
    I would like to start out with an apology. An apology to the staff, and to the members of these forums.
    Members, I'm sorry I've held this information back from you for so long.
    Staff, I'm sorry, but I can't let you fulfill your plans.
    Leaked for the first time, a private staff Skype chat:

    I leave you, the community, with this information. Meanwhile, I shall attempt to ride a unicycle to the top of Mt. Everest.
  6. Princess Periwinkle
    So these little Dove chocolates have inspirational little quips in the bottom of them. Let's take a look at a few.
    Feel the sun on your face.


    Believe in yourself.


    It's definitely a bubble bath day.




    Clear your mind and enjoy this moment.


    Believe in yourself.


    Smile before bed. You'll sleep better.


    Give yourself a holiday.


    Believe in yourself.

    I guess they're not all unique.
    That was a lot of chocolate...
  7. Princess Periwinkle
    I made a rant-y post on another forum, and thought I would share it here because this episode makes me unhappy.
    Rainbow Falls was really disappointing to me.
    Take Wonderbolt Academy (A really good episode!), water down the moral, make Dashie's show-long story's goal sound like a bad idea, and add an idiotically out of proportion blob of a pony who doesn't belong in the show - what do you have? Rainbow Falls.
    Let's take these one at a time. I'll talk about the Wonderbolts first because damn, they made me mad. You know who I thought about when Spitfire was trying to convince Dashie to join their team? The Shadowbolts. It basically lowered Spitfire's character to an unfaithful conniving little backstabbing jerk. That's who Dashie wants to fly with?
    Dashie should start her own team. And add Lightning Dust to the roster.
    Next, "Bulk Biceps". I honestly cannot grasp how anyone would want this character to be in the show. Shouting things like "'P' IS FOR RAINBOW DASH!" Is... Well, maybe it's just not my type of humor. Not only did he annoy me with his antics, he annoys me with his physique. Have you seen any other pony ever who looked even a little like him? Does he have some sort of freak genetic mutation? I really thought and hoped he would be a one-and-done character back in his debut in "Hurricane Fluttershy".
    Okay. We've given Dashie the choice between proving herself to the Wonderbolts (for the umpteenth time) and supporting her friends. No, I'm not talking about Rainbow Falls, I'm talking about Wonderbolt Academy. In this episode, Dashie performs admirably! She flat out refuses to continue trying out for a team that is not supporting her friends (Element of Loyalty, go!).
    Fast forward to Rainbow Falls, and Dashie is in the exact same predicament. To my great dismay, she doesn't stick up for her friends. Not at first, anyway. Only once she's tried tricking her friends into thinking that she had refused the Wonderbolt's offer and then faked an injury to try to get out of it does she finally get back in character somewhat. Unfortunately, the damage had been done.
    I realize that I may be coming off as overly negative here, so I want to finish up on a more positive note. Over all, besides the fact that Princess Twilight doesn't really seem like a Princess at all, Season 4 has gone very well. I can see that the writers are branching out a bit and, for the most part, that's a good thing! This is really the first episode I've been disappointed with this season, and it wasn't a total loss: Derpy!
  8. Princess Periwinkle
    Ever seen a large thread marked with a star that says you've posted in it before and wanted to look it up? There's not really a good way to search by author within a thread. It's easy to do in a more general range with the advanced search, but unfortunately this isn't much help here.
    Scene: I want to post in the "Favorite Songs from the Show" thread, but it says I already have. Well, it must have been months ago so I don't really remember it and I feel like updating my views. Unfortunately, there are 51 pages and I have no idea where I am amidst them.

    Solution: copy/paste the link for the thread. Then, go to google and type the following:
    site:mlpforums.com/topic/39760-favorite-songs-from-the-show/ Moon Moon
    Pretty self explanatory, but obviously you would put the link to whatever thread you wanted and then your own username. The google search should turn up something like this:

    Clicking on the link will lead you to the correct page. You will then either have to scroll through the page or run a search:

    Boom. You've found it.
  9. Princess Periwinkle
    I did this last summer, and since then I've found some more music. So I'll just drop these here. Like last time, only the first two will be embedded; the rest of them will be linked so you'll have to click to listen. (I know I know, so terrible).
    Hope you find something you like.
    1. High on Sound - DJ Pon-3 Dubstep
    2. Jealousy (Synthis Remix) - Feather Electro / Dubstep

    3. Magic - David Larsen Orchestral

    4. The Anthology III Intro Score - David Larsen Orchestral

    5. Beautiful Night - Evening Star Orchestral

    6. Fleur de Lis - Evening Star Trance

    7. Breathless (Song for Spike) - Alternative

    8. A True, True Friend (Orchestral Cover) - Artem Yegorov Orchestral

    9. Helping Twilight Win the Crown (Delta Brony Remix) - Daniel Ingram Dubstep

    10. Rain - JayB & Giggly Maria Trance Progressive

    11. Rain (Synthis Remix) - JayB & Giggly Maria Dubstep

    12. Follow Me - Synthis Electro / Dubstep

    13. Remember - Prism Progressive House
    14. Small Wings - Sim Gretina Electro

    15. BBBFF (Stormwolf Remix) - Daniel Ingram Electro

    16. Hooves up High (Delta Brony Remix) - Silva Hound ft. Rina-Chan EDM
  10. Princess Periwinkle
    If you haven't heard of this yet, read on. Taken from this website for your convenience. Thoughts at the end.
    14th-15th Century, Brave
    It all starts with Merida discovering "the-will-of-the-wisps" (magic). The Magic turns her mother into a bear. This magic is why animals and inanimate objects (brooms & tools) behave like humans. Magic was utilized by a witch, who mysteriously vanishes through wooden doors.
    Eventually the Magic from the will of the wisps would lead to the birth of super heroes
    1950s-1960s, The Incredibles
    Superheroes maintained order in the world. But Buddy, a wannabe superhero, created two things for the demise of superpowered humans: self serving A.I. bots like the "Omnidroid," and the high tech Zero Point Energy (electromagnetic energy that exists in a vacuum). This is the pivotal moment where we see machines eradicating their only threat−supers.
    Eventually, toys start to absorb and draw their powers from Zero Point Energy, unseen energy that travels in wavelengths.
    1997-1998, Toy Story
    The first signs of life from toys are now present due to Syndrome's technological prowess. Toys (sentient objects) come up with a code of rules and learn that human love is another energy source, upon which they thrive.
    These toys discover what happens to toys that are isolated from humans.
    1999, Toy Story 2
    The toys discover that it is dangerous for them to be isolated from humans. We start to see inanimate objects question their purpose in life. For example, Jesse resents her owner, Emily, for abandoning her.
    Resentment towards humans was not only carried by inanimate objects but by animals as well.
    2003, Finding Nemo
    In the ocean we find that fish are incredibly advanced (they have schools, a network and freeway system). We discover that humans are polluting the earth and experimenting on them. Dory was one of the animals that was experimented on, which is why she is forgetful. There are signs of resentment growing towards humans for polluting the environment, stealing fish and caging them.
    Animals begin to be more curious and carry more humanistic characteristics.
    2007, Ratatouille
    In Ratatouille, Remy discovers his love for cooking and displays human characteristics. Some of them are: walking on his hind paws, cleaning his hands, reading, and cooking. This is the first time we see personal interaction between human and animal, but it is for the purpose of controlling humans. Remy controls Linguini because Linguini does not know how to do anything. We see that Remy's rat clan does not approve of the humans and feels both fear and hate towards them.
    2010, Toy Story 3
    Three years later, toys have gone through a lot with humans. If you've seen the movie you can tell why most of the toys have had it. Being abused physically and emotionally by humans.
    Lotso the Huggin' Bear straight up hates humans because they use and discard toy objects like they are nothing. He starts trying to take care of his own kind. This provides yet another reason why machines and objects alike are ready to take over.
    Carl and Ellie write to Andy telling him to get rid of his toys because they know the animosity between toys and humans coming ahead, and that's why they are planning on living in solitude.
    2011-2016, Up
    Carl is forced to give up his house to a corporation/BnL because they are expanding the city. This is foreshadowing−this corporation is the cause for polluting the earth and wiping out life in the distant future, as a result of technology overreach. Carl discovers that animals can communicate with humans, and sees the bitterness that they have. Charles Muntz effectively trains an army of dogs. This is the start of the tipping point between animals and humans.
    Years later, the uprising between animals and humans begins. Who do you think won that war?
    2100-2200, Cars
    When animals rose up against the humans to stop the pollution, the machines saved the humans and they won the war. However since machines helped humans win, it tipped the balance on Earth. Machines/BnL had to send the remaining humans off into space on a ship called Axiom. All of the other machines were left behind to populate the world and run things.
    But how do we know cars took over earth and not another planet?
    2100-2200, Cars 2
    In Cars 2, cars go to Europe and Japan which shows that its the same planet as all the other Pixar movies. It also shows that there are no humans throughout the world. The world at this time ends up with an energy crisis as oil is the only energy used for cars.
    Allinol corporation was using green energy as a catalyst for a fuel war in order to turn cars away from alternative energy sources. That clean fuel could have been used to swiftly wipe out (decommission) many of the cars. Allinol was run by BnL which eventually polluted the whole earth due to its use of oil. The whole world becomes unfit to sustain life.
    2800-2900, Wall-E
    Earth has become uninhabitable for hundreds of years due to BnL. The corporation took over the world/governments starting in the 1950's. Wall-E is the only machine left on Earth after it ran out of resources. He survived because he is fascinated with human culture and also his friendship with a cockroach, which helped maintain his personality and fulfillment. Robots/machines on Axiom (having left earth centuries earlier) show that machines develop a sense of purpose out of the humans' dependence on them. Wall-E is a robot Jesus, and He and his love, the appropriately named Eve, save the human race and start a new beginning on Earth again.
    During the credits of Wall-E we see the shoe that contains the last of plant life. It grows into a mighty tree.
    2898-3000, A Bug's Life
    That same plant we see in Wall-E grew to be the tree in "A Bug's Life". Insects have a longer lifespan in "A Bug's Life". Prior to Wall-E, an ant can last just 3 months. However, in a bugs life, these ants all survive an entire summer and allude to being around for quite some time. One ant states that he "feels 90 again." This indicates that ants are sturdier as a result of evolution and mutated genes. Another ant tells Flik not to leave the island because there are "snakes, birds, and bigger bugs out there." They do not mention humans, because there are very few humans to make it dangerous enough for insects to worry about. However, one kid did allegedly pick the wings off of the homeless bug. Later in the distant future animals start evolving into the dominant species.
    4500-5000, Monsters University
    Hundreds of years after Wall-E, animals started changing due to radiation caused by BnL. These animals evolved into monsters and accidentally wipe humans off the face of the planet. Monsters University was founded in 1313; this is dated using the monsters' calendar, not the human calendar, and shows that it took place almost 1400 years after "A Bug's Life". At Monsters University, they falsely taught the monsters that humans were toxic and from another dimension. This was because monsters were worried about being erased from existence and altering history.
    4500-5000, Monsters, Inc.
    Monsters and machines didn't realize their mistake of getting rid of humans until it was too late. They eventually realized that humans were their source of energy, and needed to sustain life. Machines helps solve that by letting monsters use doors to time travel to the human generations.
    This leads us to Boo.
    ∞, Boo
    Sweet little Boo never got over Sulley and became obsessed with finding out what happened to him. She remembered that doors are the key to finding Sulley. Later on in life she figured out how to time travel (using wooden doors) and goes back to the source of all magic, "the-will-of-the-wisps" and creates magic to find Sulley by using wood. Boo leaves evidence behind in Brave: two carvings whittled out of wood. They were Sulley and a pizza truck, the two things she loves most in life. Although she knows how to travel through time, she does not know how to determine what time period she will go to. Therefore, speculation has it that Boo is the one planting the easter eggs throughout all the Pixar movies because she has been accidentally going through different time periods.
    It's quite a read, but I hope you've taken the time to at least skim through it. In my opinion, as cute a theory as this is, the whole thing started because Pixar likes to put eastereggs in their movies. Not a crazy same-universe concoction, but little things like references to other movies and BnL.
    At the end of the day, I'm fine with believing in it because heck why not? Not going to hurt anything. Anyways, just thought I'd post this in case you haven't heard of it. Quite interesting, no?
  11. Princess Periwinkle
    Spoilers of course. My initial thoughts / review. Screenshots and other fun stuff.

    Just as I had hoped, the box/keys seem to be the theme for the whole season. Also, why is Spike feather dusting with the room in this condition? Gotta clean up them books first, Spike.

    Not the last time I thought "Poor Spike" this episode. I really have enjoyed Spike more this season so far as compared to previously in the show.

    Ahhh! Right after I mention I'm interested in this place, the whole episode takes place here! Celestia and Luna's old place, eh? I wonder why they chose this location... SO MANY QUESTIONS.

    Reasons #45 - #10,831 why I love Twilight ^

    First thought: "Uh, context plz?"

    Pinkie is great this episode.

    I hate that bunny, man. The guillotine would be too swift for the likes of him.

    I love this scene. It's so SpoooOOOooky. That music too. Great stuff, this.

    "We must use the upmost care--" Yeeeah, I saw that coming.

    Aw yiss, AppleDash brohoof! By the way, if neither of you are scared then why is it daring for you two to stay in here? Just asking.

    Haha that's funny, the picture's eyes mo-- that's Granny Smith isn't it? ISN'T IT?

    Remind you of any other staircases from the show? Also, out of context it looks like a time warp or something.

    I love how Rarity doesn't seem scared at all the whole episode (until the end, anyway).

    "The trapdoor slide is Luna's favorite!" Please give me fanart right now please please. This is too cute.

    You'd think somepony'd turn around and see somepony here... Oh well. Funny scene is funny.

    I don't know if it's just me but Fluttershy looked a bit creepy here.

    This scene was just too good not to be made into a poster. So I made it into a poster.

    This should have been pretty obvious, but it surprised me somehow. :3 Very enjoyable, the episode was.
  12. Princess Periwinkle
    Spoilers, of course. My disjointed initial thoughts below with some low quality screenshots!

    Snips and Snails, what are you doing in the intro? Snips and Snails, no one likes you. Snips and Snails, go away.

    Luna: "I'm a princess too!11!!!1 I can haz see!"

    Scootaloo shows up in picture? Vampire headcanon ruined.

    This part made me a little sad. Heck, a lot sad. I've felt it before too, my best friends moving away. That feel.

    You are welcome for this screenshot.

    Stalker Celestia has been stalking Twilicorn for how long now?

    I really do appreciate the awesome shots and angles in these episodes.

    Celestia: "I will always be there if you need me". UNLESS THE EVERFREE FOREST IS TAKING OVER EQUESTRIA OR SOMETHING.

    Captain, the ships have set sail! No land in sight!

    Ah yes. Spike, take out that checklist you always keep handy on your back! Because I look seductive!

    Of course, the forest has made it all the way to Canterlot without anyone raising any alarms. Too bad branches are Celestia's greatest weakness, or she would have used... I dunno... MAGIC or something to get rid of them.

    Interesting, I didn't know that seeds could grow clouds. Oh, Discord, what will you think up next?

    Wilhelm scream. (That is all)

    Why is everyone so concerned about Ponyville filling up with wonderful slides? Weee!

    Remind you of any other antagonists with similar texture and color scheme? Not saying, just saying.

    Ah yes. Spike, take out that seatbelt you always keep on your back. I knew it would come in handy someday!

    Pinkie Pie, this is not a good time to look adorable. >.>

    That's it Discord, make them really suspicious of you. It won't help you at all but it will help the plot!

    Zecora makes a timely appearance, regardless of whether or not it makes sense. It's a good thing she has time travel potion, even if it looks like milk, or perhaps lotion. (I'm bad at this)

    So, how exactly did Twilight know to use dark magic on it? Perhaps she read a book on it. But if she did, wouldn't she now what the potion did?

    I love how long it takes Twilight to realize she's in the past and the Princesses can't see or hear her.

    Oh... My. This scene. The fan art. Oh... THE FEEEEELS.

    "Wait, that's it? It's over already? But... But... My... HEADCANON! NOOOOOOOOO!" - Everyone (including me)

    Excuse me, what? Did no one stop to think, "Oh hey, we might need the sixth element for the tree?" Anyone? Anyone?? No? Okay.

    I don't know if everyone realizes the beauty of the scene. Discord actually helped save the day by making Twilight go back in to the forest, because of course, he knew that they would need Twilight and her element in the end.

    Partial view of the old castle in case you missed it. I would really like to know more about it.

    Fluttershy: "I think it's dying!" So Fluttershy, what makes you think that? In all seriousness though, this is a pretty wicked awesome shot.

    Short-term-memory-loss-AJ seems to have forgotten her previous attempts back on the farm.

    Last of all, the thorns right next to the tree. That makes sense. Oh dramatic thorns, u so silly.

    What's in the box? I suppose this is the central theme of S4? I'm on board. Overall good episodes, can't wait for the next!
  13. Princess Periwinkle
    Here's a bit of backstory to the current events:
    On July 30, 2009, The New York Times reported that Ortiz and then-teammate Manny Ramirez were among a group of over 100 major league players on a list compiled by the federal government, that allegedly tested positive for performance-enhancing drugs during 2003 survey testing. Five months before the Times allegations surfaced, Ortiz stated in an interview that players who tested positive for steroids should be suspended for an entire season. Before the Red Sox's game that afternoon, Ortiz declined to comment on the report, saying, "I'm not talking about that anymore." Afterwards, he confirmed that he'd been told that he was on the list and promised to speak with the media once he "[got] to the bottom of" the matter.
    Ten days later, Ortiz held a press conference before a game at Yankee Stadium and denied ever buying or using steroids and suggested the positive test might have been due to his use of supplements and vitamins at the time. When asked which supplements he had been taking, Ortiz said he did not know. Ortiz was accompanied at the press conference by the general counsel of the Major League Baseball Players Association. Because the list of players was seized as part of a government investigation and is currently under court-ordered seal pending the outcome of litigation, Weiner said the players union was unable to provide Ortiz with any details about his test result, including what substance he tested positive for.
    On the same day, the Major League Baseball Players Association issued a statement pointing out that because of several factors, any player appearing on the list compiled by the federal government in 2003 did not necessarily test positive for performance enhancing drugs. Among those factors were that the total number of players said to be on the list far exceeded the number of collected specimens that tested positive. In addition, there were questions raised regarding the lab that performed the testing and their interpretation of the positive tests. Also, the statement pointed out that certain legal supplements that were available over the counter at the time could possibly cause a positive test result.
    Read more here.
    Has Ortiz put his slippery past behind him? Evidence suggests NO:
  14. Princess Periwinkle
    1. Wake up
    2. Eat breakfast
    3. Go to classes
    4. Eat lunch
    5. Ace exam
    6. Smash 3 hour lab
    7. Eat dinner
    8. Study for Thursday's exam
    What will actually happen:
    1. Wake up
    2. Go to classes
    3: Fail exam
    4: Get smashed by 3 hour lab
    5: Eat dinner
    6: Ponies
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