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Everything posted by NocturnalRainbow

  1. I thought it was a great fanfic! I was immediately sucked into what was going on. I eagerly await more of your story (I liked and faved it )
  2. Never had to deal with a real life hater which I find very surprising. I have worn my Rainbow Dash shirt to school and it got some comments but none of them were hateful. I'd say 10% were complementing it and 90% were people asking what the hell it was. But I get a ridiculous amount of crap on the internet. I guess people are much more hateful on the internet...
  3. I just got my first brony merch in the mail two days ago. I got a sweet Rainbow Dash Shirt. I took my geometry final in it. I hope ponies are a good luck charm!
  4. That is just SO EPIC! That is just amazing artwork, you are just a great artist. Being an in and out fan of dead space myself I can really appreciate this. Just awesome, aw yeah.
  5. This was uneventful... Sky sipped the last bits of her coffee and threw the empty cup into the trash. She decided to just go back to her dorm and rest. She was going to go to a party tonight after all. She usually just dropped in on some random party and that was what she was planning to do tonight. She opened the door and immediately flopped down on her bed. She sat there for some time watching TV and sipping some sun drop. She loved sun drop...
  6. Sky Dreamer was enjoying today's class, mostly because no one was there. It was a Friday after all. She couldn't even remember a Friday were there had been more the than 5 people in class. She was rounding up her big paper. A full 20 pages on unique cloud patterns. Finally done! Maybe I can head over the to Star-Bucks now! Sky thanked her professor and dashed out the door eager to enjoy a fresh cup of coffee. It was an afternoon ritual for her, every afternoon she would pick up a nice cup of coffee, sit down, and mingle with the other students. She wondered who would be there today. She picked up her coffee and sat down at her favorite table in front of the big window. She sipped her coffee as she looked around. She noticed Rick and Mind's Eye sitting over in the corner but she had never really liked them. They seem kind of off to her and were definitely not good students like her . She just sipped her coffee and sat there looking around, hopefully one of her friends would walk in soon. (Anyone want to be friends just walk on in and sit down with me, Instant Friend :3)
  7. Name: Sky Dreamer Gender: Female Age (human years): 22 (Changed it for this RP) Majoring in: Cloud Art and Placement Room #: 149 F Favorite hang out spot: Star-Bucks OC Application (Archived OC APP): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sky-dreamer-r3412
  8. I used to have no bronies to talk to in real life, then I got my brother to join the herd. (Not intended to be an arrow to the knee joke.... ._.)
  9. That is really good... a lot better than I can do What program are you using? (I've been trying to get into creating music but the program I currently have just isn't working out)
  10. MLP is the ultimate stress reliever. I had a huge test last week which I was insanely stressed about because I was doing pretty poorly in math and couldn't afford to bomb it. I watched some MLP, listened to some pony music while I studied, and I wasn't stressed anymore. (Might I add that I passed that test with flying colors)
  11. I'm in NC so we are kinda close. HOORAY!!! The good thing is is that we have no shortage of conventions here on the east coast! I'm trying to get to Sweet Apple Acres con in Nashville (or maybe bronycon if I can)
  12. And NocturnalRainbow trips and fall into the pit of eternal looking like a dumbassness I should have realized that it wasnt real!
  13. I play the Piano pretty well, I am also a reasonably good trombonist! I tried playing the guitar but It didn't really engage me like the other instruments did, I just sit around with it randomly strumming the 5 chords that I know
  14. http://www.landoverbaptist.net/showthread.php?t=71303 I literally started banging my head againt a wall when I read this. And then I stopped when I realized it was a joke but still...
  15. Well I think I'm going to go with the bass cannon one, gotta keep it subtle. (The people at my school are a very cruel bunch, very very cruel)
  16. So someone owes me a new t-shirt and I felt like getting something pony related but I am torn between two shirts. So I shall let you decide! Tell me which one you think is better and why.
  17. Luna is best Princess for a variety of reasons. I loved her (as most people did) in Luna eclipsed. But I also loved what she did in Sleepless in Ponyville. She was so kind to Scootaloo, she wasn't very humorous in that episode but she showed a very kind side of herself. Cadence to me is a close second but Luna barley beats her.
  18. One of my favorite parts of his review was before he even started reviewing movie. "Why are we in my basement?" "It's the only place safe from the seahorses." "The Seahorses?" "Yeah Seahorses have taken over the earth, Im surprised no one saw it coming really." *Looks out window, sees Seahorse utopian society as OFortuna plays in background* XD
  19. So a while ago I watched the movie "The Room" I would most definitely recommend it... For all the wrong reasons. It is a movie where it is so bad that it becomes funny. Terribly scripted scenes and a group of not so talented actors turned this film from a Romantic Drama to a Comedy. Here is the link to the full movie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TnmX8ghp9N4 (Please Watch, it would be a memorable hour and a half of your life)
  20. So I felt like drawing some ponies so I decided to draw one of my OC's. I hope its not to bad. This is a very rough sketch, I erased a lot. Give me some advice if you have any!
  21. Creepy how I watched that same video in January and that is what started my journey into the fandom. (Awesome Coincidence) But about the topic at hand I really think it has made me see life with a diffirent prespective. In fact one time in a tough situation I found myself reciting the elements of harmony so I would remember how to handle it. I use lessons from the show in everyday life without even thinking about it! I think of certain morales that the show has taught and use it without even thinking! It really has made me a kinder person.
  22. I am NocturnalRainbow and I am a relativley new brony (have been one since the beginning of this year) It started out with me stumbling upon Rainbow Dash Presents one day and then I just kept watching pony videos. Finally after around 3 months of this I thought "Hey! Why don't I watch the ACTUAL SHOW!" So I did and have enjoyed every second of it and have enjoyed being a full part of the fandom. If any of you use IFunny I do a running thing called ask_Trixie but I'm break right now (exams and such) So I hope to meet some fellow bronies and maybe learn more about the magic of friendship on the way. Oh btw Vinyl Scratch Is BEST PONY!
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