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Everything posted by Mephala

  1. The person crouching in the back right corner is a police officer that was attacked by a protester. The cop was completely justified in using crowd control to prevent further violence. Learn the full story. c:
  2. Electro swing is most likely what you're gonna be seeing. Monterik is solid. I also recommend Gadget, but some of his stuff is hard to find.
  3. I was just going by what was specifically stated in the definition. See above lel. TRAINS R PPL 2
  4. Does that mean if I watch Thomas the Tank Engine I'm a "furry"? :? I don't think this definition at all applies in the case of what makes something "furry" because then every little kid watching MLP would be a "furry" as well. Anthropomorphic doesn't necessarily have to equate to the "furry" fandom. In fact, many shows would then be "furry".
  5. wait she defiled her parents o_0
  6. This is pretty old news, isn't it? I remember there's some other pictures too.
  7. >America is way better than this. HAHA HAHAHAHA HAHAHAHA No. There have been plenty of cases of verbal and physical abuse in American schools.
  8. E Z. But I have a lot. XD So I'm gonna try to cut down to two or three from one series if there's more than one. Any others included in the list will be in spoilers, but I'll try to pick and choose my favourites. Free! Iwatobi Swim Club Momotarou Mikoshiba Aiichiro Nitori Nagisa Hazuki Okay, sort of cheated, but I...picked the Big Three (Ai, Momo, and Nagisa). So I couldn't leave out the fact that I love Rei and Sousuke just as much - in the case of Sousuke, very close to more. But the allure of the Shota Kings is too great, and I love all three of them, especially Momo. >3< Fairy Tail (two separate lists here, for "good guys" and "bad guys") "Good Guys": Gray Fullbuster Pantherlily Lucy Heartfilia Laxus Dreyar Gajeel Redfox "Bad Guys": Angel Minerva Orlando Doriate Kain Hikaru Sting Eucliffe Other: Stannis Baratheon (Game of Thrones) Shotaro Kaneda (Tetsujin 28-go) Len Kagamine (Vocaloid) Murasaki (Hamatora) Akira Takizawa (Eden of the East) Yuji Fukunaga (Liar Game) Takashi Harimoto (Liar Game) Tet (No Game No Life) Plum (No Game No Life) Sunny Baudelaire (A Series of Unfortunate Events) Count Olaf (A Series of Unfortunate Events) There's more....but that's already a lot. ^^;
  9. KS = kill secure LMAOO If I'm playing ADC I'd rather my support also be able to handle themselves if I leave lane to grab buff. That's the major problem I have with the way a lot of supports are designed - they're weak and they can hardly do all that much alone. It's only if they take all the farm I get a little grumpy. Like, a few minions out of a wave is whatever, but the full wave is a pain in the ass.
  10. ^ dis Even when I call support, I generally play someone I know I can score kills with if I have to (Lux, Leona, Annie, Lulu, etc.) so if worst comes to worst... I'm improving marginally lately with Amumu, which makes me happy. ^^ Edit: And the totally amazing @@Gravelord Neat-O gave me Regifted Amumu because he is a huge dweeb. thx again, i still owe u bigtime :C
  11. Mm! Personally, I would have to disagree. Obviously there aren't "true" natives, and I'm an immigrant myself, but I do see the "melting pot" more prevalently in the United States than in Canada the few times I've visited. I still refer to myself as Welsh-Polish primarily, despite the fact that I haven't lived in either place for quite a few years...but in general, I'd say the national identity of Canada is much different, just in that we're a little more open. And some of the points I made were about government, yes, but I feel the government is instrumental in preserving the cultures of our First Nations (even though they tried to destroy them at one point *coughs*) in some cases. In other, they're lordish dickwads. But that's another thing entirely. American government (again from what I've seen) seems to be more focused on "you are American", even if that may not be your heritage. So that's mostly why I talked so much about government in comparison to national identity. In Canada, you're something-Canadian. In the United States, you're American. IDK. That's how it looks to me. Honestly, I'm not very good at explaining things like this...I just would not want to be compared to the United States at all, if possible. I don't think Canada has the same feel as it. However, I'm still more concerned about the horrible economics of it. XD
  12. Yup! To me, at least, Canada's identity lies heavily in our plethora of natural beauty and natural resources, something that many of us are very proud of (despite government pushes for privatization of resources). In addition, unlike many countries, we are proud of our cultural diversity and welcome immigrants and new ideas to us with more acceptance than others. We are widely supportive of human rights globally, including homosexual rights (holla @ gay marriage being legal across the country)! We're on good terms with most places, too; unlike the US, we're more open with trade in China and Cuba (though Cuba's new capitalist-focused system may attract others)? So the rumours about Canada being liked are true. In general, I would describe many Canadians as being more focused on global issues than other places in the world that are very focused on themselves. Not that it's a bad thing, but I think the government here is far more open to international stuff. If you look at the amount of international news we see as compared to Americans and Mexicans, it's a pretty big gap! And I like that a lot. I'm glad I'm a Canadian citizen now, it's by far my favourite place that I've lived. Of course, everyone has different ideas about culture and identity, but to me, the United States seems more aggressive about personal wealth and are further on the capitalist spectrum with fewer social programs and First Nations protections. So I'd say that's a fairly big difference? IDK. XD It's a fairly big misconception that Canada is "looking for attention" from the States and/or other places (England's another big one). I'm not sure why people in the States think this is true, it's kind of bigoted and ignorant, haha. I'd like to think it's because Canada is more interested in understanding the United States and being friendly, which you guys see as clingy and needy. It makes me really confused when I see 3/4 of American publications about Canada are mocking it rather than providing any actual information about what is being discussed. Why is this the case? I've always wondered. :? Same with the "eh" thing. I've never heard anyone use it excessively; in fact, most Americans I've met use it the same amount (which is very rarely).
  13. Having the same currency would NOT be nice. Tourism is huge in Canada - especially BC, your province - and our weaker dollar encourages people to come from the States and abroad in general because of that, not to mention encouraging Canadian products (particularly primary resources) to be ordered and exported by other countries. If our dollar was on par with the United States, there'd be no reason for them to buy our products like oil. With the tar/oil sands in Alberta, we're extracting and selling around 1.8 million barrels a day. However, the States is now beginning to find its own supplies - it's just cheaper for them to buy from us than to build the infrastructure required to dig for it or the process of getting shale, which is the majority of what they've found. We KNOW fracking is horrible for the environment, too. So it's great for us if they're still a customer. And not only that, but we wouldn't have a defined culture anymore. People wouldn't see reason to go to Canada anymore, because it's not cheap; we'd just be "a part of the US". And Canada has been mocked as trying to be the United States for a very long time; if we ever exceed them in something, you can expect some snarky journalism about how we're "tryhards", etc. Merging with a superpower like the US would totally overwhelm our culture. I can't see them being too friendly to Aboriginal groups if they somehow get to call the shots, and having lived close to many Inuit tribes while I was in Nunavut, I see it as exceptionally important that we respect them and their culture. In addition, our dollar makes it possible for us to maintain our healthcare system. If our dollar raised, we were paid the same amount, and taxes remained the same or even rose, then you're paying more than you did before for healthcare on top of your tax bracket. And Canada has a lot more social programs and a different taxation system, not to mention a different parliamentary system...imagine how much it would cost taxpayers to integrate and update to whatever government we choose. Mexico, as far as I know, would not be happy. Their low minimum wages and lack of protectionism laws makes them a great target for outsourced/offshored labour from the United States if they aren't willing to go as far as Indonesia or Vietnam or India. Giving up that source of income and the inflow of taxes from the United States because of a more powerful dollar isn't something I can imagine flies very well. Oh, and the Commonwealth! That's something I haven't even touched on in this huge post. Basically the only big positive I see of this. That's something we pay for; flying the royals over, entertaining them, etc. Since the US is quite patriotic in general, as far as I know, they'd probably want to cut off ties with the royals. Even as a kid born in the UK, I'm perfectly okay with that. We have to remember, also, that we'd have a common bank to control money supply and interest, inflation, etc. How would this common bank work? It's more than likely going to be headed by a US citizen. Canada's GDP is what, maybe 1/12, 1/13 of the United States'? And Mexico's is even tinier. And that's another cultural thing (not related to the dollar); it would take a long, long time before people would stop saying or thinking "I am American" or "I am Mexican". It'd be extremely difficult to accommodate so many different languages - primarily English, French, and Spanish - equally, and I know Mexico and the US aren't as fond of immigrants as we are in Canada (likely because we have a declining birth rate, so immigrants help boost the economy as long as they aren't underground workers or temporary foreign workers. BUT THAT'S A WHOLE OTHER KETTLE OF FISH). But I think one of the things you mentioned, more specifically, was this. I see you said "hopefully", and that cheers me up somewhat. But besides that, NO NO NOOOO. Two BIG issues I have with this point. (I shouldn't be getting this into it, but I love talking about economics, sorry, LMAO.) 1.) The country is huge. 2.) Monopolies. To start on my first point, this hypothetical new North America would be extremely, extremely large. In fact, it would be the largest landmass in the world by a significant amount, giving the fact that Canada is already the second largest after Russia. The cost of transportation for goods and services would likely not change; in fact, with a singular dollar, it's far more likely that it would get more expensive. Smaller companies likely would be disheartened by this and possibly lower their range of export unless they know they can turn a profit margin over a break even To be fair, trade is very much north-south already, so it might not be too bad - in your case, BC trades the most with California and Mexico. But it'd still be extremely costly and likely would not bump down prices much if at all. The larger problem I see is monopolies. You're Canadian, so I assume you know the Big Three - Rogers, Bell, and Telus. Now, they're in an oligopoly - several very large companies maintaining the most control on a market. Canada has laws that protect these companies from being eaten up by huge ones like Verizon or Virgin, but at the same time offers a rather unfair market advantage. In an oligopoly, a company cannot lower their prices to attract consumers. Lowering prices means that people will flock to your store - until the other companies lower their prices too, to keep any kind of advantage. In the end, you've all lowered your prices, and everybody but the consumer loses because your products are essentially the same in telemarketing and have no defining features. A modified Prisoner's Dilemma, in a sense. However, if they collectively raise their price, then people are forced to pay that too. Now if something huge like Verizon rolls in, we can kiss Rogers, Bell, and Telus goodbye. Verizon is big enough that it can afford to take a minor price hit for a while, and it would monopolize the market - be the sole provider. That means that they can set whatever price they want without having to worry that competition might lower theirs. People would be restricted heavily to this sole provider of telecommunications. Very little price choice. If other companies do this in other industries, there's a lot of lost jobs. ...and because this is getting extremely long, I won't even START on job loss. tl;dr IT'S A REALLY BAD IDEA TO HAVE A SINGLE CURRENCY OKAY YEAH THERE ARE MAYBE TWO OR THREE ADVANTAGES BUT THE NEGATIVES OUTWEIGH IT BY A LOT LOL U GOT THAT RITE
  14. What could happen to cause this unity of countries? I don't think anything really could. We all have very different cultures and customs, and trade between them is important to all three economies. Canada's would pretty much collapse with our reliance on selling the States primary resources like lumber and minerals, and people in the States are pretty much wholly ignorant of our culture (in Canada, at least) and would probably do something stupid like taking land from Aboriginal/First Nation groups. Also, Quebec would flip shit because the States and Mexico would probably get pissy about our law that French needs to be on the majority of our items and try to remove that, and almost half of Quebec already want to leave Canada so becoming one big family would make them even more upsetti. I don't know all that much about Mexico, unfortunately, but I doubt they'd like it either. So that's the major problem - each country would probably still want to do their own thing, but they'd be treading on toes unless we made a HUGE new consitution. In general, it's a terrible idea politically, economically, and culturally. No offense, but I don't want to be one country with the States and Mexico. I don't like either all that much. Oh not to mention we'd all have all our debt pooled together and there is NO WAY I am paying off any for the States and Mexico too LMAO What would this country be called? IDFK LMAO HOW ABOUT "NORTH AMERICA" WE'D BE LIKE AUSTRALIA THEN AND AUSTRALIA IS COOL What would be the system of government that would run such a large country? I imagine we'd all stay with elected democracies, but there'd be way more power struggling. How would the rest of the world react? "lol u dumbfucks" How would people within the countries react? "I don't like you lol gtfo my country" "this is one country now" "wat when did that happen" How would you react? "GG, no re, I'm moving to Europe permanently this time, byeeee have fun collapsing"
  15. Gruncle Stan (Gravity Falls) Yugo (Wakfu) Amalia (Wakfu) Percidal (Wakfu)
  16. Hell yeeeeeah I do. Stannis Baratheon is senpai for lyfe. He follows the motto of "kill people burn s*it f*ck school", and I can get behind that. Also, I just love Stannis. A lot. He's perfect. 11/10 would waifu. I TOUCHED HIS CLOTHES ONCE IT WAS NICE
  17. Ooh, I like that one. gr8 b8 m8 r8 8/8 for cringe. You should post Anime Club, that's a classic. So is Epic Rap Battles: Goku vs. Link. Or the girl that got kicked out of her WoW guild. ALL BEAUTIFUL PIECES OF STUPIDITY.
  18. TBH, though, if that was the entrance exam to the ACADEMY, wouldn't there be a bunch of dragons running around because they were all hatched? (Since there's no evidence to suggest that Celestia only did that test with Twilight in order to see if she should be her personal pupil.) So honestly, they probably picked different tests, because there'd be a ton of dragons if the majority passed.
  20. You say audio book and then say the opposite of audio book. This would be like a podcast or radio show. An audio book is what you are saying you DON'T want it to be, which is someone reading it with no effects or sounds added. I think you're confused. I would know what you want before you start. Oh, also, my answer is no. 1.) Copyright issues with both using Hasbro and Bethesda or whoever the hell makes Fallout material, even if you take not claim that it is yours/you aren't making any cash on it. 2.) You should ask the writers permission, too. 3.) I found FO:E personally dull, overly long, and poorly written. So I also personally would just say no.
  21. My favourite characters are Mayor Mare and Granny Smith, but my favourite colour is yellow. So...not really? I despise Fluttershy, so deffo no correlation there.
  22. Free! Iwatobi Swim Club Rei x Nagisa (<3 <3 <3 THE CLASS PRESIDENT AND THE SHOTA KING ARE 2GUUD) Sousuke x Rei (love this one toooo~) Sousuke x Momo Sousuke x Makoto Makoto x Ai Makoto x Haru (I CONFESS I LIKE THIS ONE A LOT) Momo x Ai Rin x Rei (I'm sorry but this is just so perf like you can't even) Rin x Haru Rin x Ai Kisumi x Momo Gou x Mikoshiba Gou x Makoto Sasabe x Ama ALL OF THEM x ME
  23. I don't like EVERYONE, either, but there's a healthier way to deal with it than posting about it on a forum. I would seek actual, honest advice from a professional, because as much as people say "everything will be all right", I think you know better.
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