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Posts posted by scootersmiles

  1. Oh I have had one other experience in San Antonio on the ghost tracks. What supposedly happened is that a school bus filled with kids, stalled on the train tracks and was struck by a train killing everyone onboard but there is no proof of this ever happening but if you put your car in neutral on the stop lines, your car will start rolling forward uphill over the tracks and stop on the other side. If you want to see it just youtube "San Antonio ghost tracks".


    This one isn't about me but my grandfather a long time ago. Back then my grandfather worked as a night guardsman at a mill and worked from about 5PM to 5AM. When he arrived for work one day he saw a friend of his and asked if he wanted to have lunch together and he said yes so around midnight he had lunch with his friend. But the next day my grandfather was told that his friend had died from a heat attack the day earlier and when he asked when he died he was told he had been taken to the morgue at 8pm. So my grandfather had lunch with a ghost.

    • Brohoof 6
  2. I was lucky enough to be a live abord on the USS Lexington (I got to sleep in a WWII aircraft carrier!). The ship is nicknamed "the blue ghost" because the Japanese reported being sunk several times and because of the blue paint. Almost 400 solders have lost there lives abord that ship! And is currently considered the most haunted ship in the world! And after dark I saw hammocks swinging in a ship without air conditioning or windows on that level. and when we finally went to sleep they kept the red lights on (so we could sleep but still see) and I herd foot steps on the grating next to the cot I was sleeping and there was no one there(FYI the place we slept was the same room where the solders slept). But that was it, it didn't feel evil or bad. (I think its funny that I had more a a paranormal experience then an actual paranormal team on TV!)

    • Brohoof 4
  3. Welcome to the form! Thats awesome that your son got you into ponies. I wish i could get my dad into it(I have tried :c). But because of school I won't be able to help you sorry.

  4. So my friends finally made me get an account here so I guess i'll start by introducing myself. I live in Texas and i'm studying to become a Paramedic. And I became a brony in 2011 when I was at a anime convention waiting for a ride home when my sister suggested we go to a brony panel while we wait. When I got there I thought you all were weirdoes for watching a little girls show, but then I thought how can I judge something without without at least trying it (I mean what was the worst thing that could happen). So i started to wach it and ended up here. I am also into anime/manga, video games and listening to music (unfortunately i can't play :c). Also I have had scootersmiles as a nickname since 2009 so its not pony related its just a coincidence that it is sort of pony related and that I think scootaloo is the best CMC. Sorry if this is a bad post because this is my first form post and sorry for any misspellings I have dyslexia.

    • Brohoof 1
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