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General Steel Heart

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Posts posted by General Steel Heart

  1. Whilst Pinkie is my preferred pony for an RP like this, it seems she's been claimed. I'm taking nothing less than the Mane Six for now, but I understand that many other people have claimed certain MLP characters. While I understand that it's a matter of who's the best pony RP'er in the end, I'd prefer not to compete against anyone's hopes until I've seen all of the candidates.


    Of the Mane Six, who's currently unrequested?

    We do need Apple Jack and now we need a Derpy

  2. I am interested in doing this, but...

    1. I have only done one RP. If you would like to check out how I have done though, here's the link.

    2.I cannot do Skype at the current moment, and even if I could, I do terrible at improv. But given time I can come up with something good to type.


    So I'm hoping that you can tell me otherwise, but without Skype I guess I can't do this. :(

    1.  I will take a look, but I would be interested in having you join up. What character would you like to play as?

    2. No worry, skype is not necessary.


    Please send me a message, and I will give you a scenario depending on what character you wish to play as.

  3. I'd be happy to play as Pinkie Pie, but I don't have Skype. I have an old computer and I can't download anything new on it, cuz it slows it down to buggery. :( If you want to check out my Pinkie skills, check out the RP "An Unexpected Trip To The Human World" on here. I've been roleplaying ever since I first got internet, which was way way way back in the 1990s, I think.


    I would love to have you. Skype is not really inquired, it is prefered, BUT not mandatory. So if you would like to join the RP which is NOT on skype, please shoot me a message on here. I will fill you in on everything.


    Kind Regards,


    I can't do Skype at the current moment though. Sorry. 



    Skype is not necessary,  it is only a preferred way to communicate. But anyways, if you still want to RP as Rainbow Dash, please shoot me a message and I WILL direct you to the RPG (which is not on Skype).

  4. "A short while after the events in MLP, the mane six and it's new-found Princess, Twilight Sparkle, have left Equestria on a secret mission for an unknown mission for a period of time.

    They have left their friends and family behind, content with the fact that they are in the hooves of their beloved princesses, completely out of harms way.

    But, urgent news comes from the Crystal Empire. News that speaks of the arrival of an alicorn.
    News that is the start of a series of events that will shake the very roots of Equestria.
    News that will bring fourth a new dawn.

    Drama and action. Laughter and sorrow. Love and heartbreak.

    This, is Tenebris Dawn."





    My name is Andrew (better known as Drew), I am the person that runs the Role Play Tenebris Dawn. The Roleplay I have been hosting has been on going since this last Summer and has turned out to be quite enjoyable for our players. However we do have a need for some RPers for canon characters. If you are interested in taking part, please take a look at what characters we have open for players:




    We need:


    Twilight Sparkle


    Pinkie Pie

    Apple Jack

    Rainbow Dash






    Derpy (maybe)

    Additional Characters:

    Hiltz the Gryphon (Bad Guy)

    Cozamalotl a Quetzalcoatl (Good Girl)


    If you are interested, please post. I will contact you as quickly as possible. But I do have a couple requests for pertintial players.


    1. I would prefer experianced RPers, BUT I am willing to give anyone a shot.
    2. That if you want to (for example) RP as Rainbow Dash, you allow you and me to RP (on Skype) for a bit. If I like what I see, you have the spot. If not I will still invite you to RPs and be friends.
    3. That if you post on the RP you do more than a single sentence reply.
    4. If there are any questions, confusion, or concerns about getting into the grove of the RP you ask me or the other mods for help instead of giving up immidiately.
    5. To have fun.


    With that all said and done, the only other thing to add is that I may be having the RP turned into a full on Web Comic. So your part in this will result (hopefully) in having others enjoy the wonderfully crafted tale of Tenebris Dawn. Join today!



    Kind Regards,



    • Brohoof 1
  5. I would offer to help, but unfortunately at the end of the month I will be going off to college for a while and I don't know how busy I will be. 


    Hello, would you be able to tell me once you figure things out with collage and all that? Because any additional animation help would be very very helpful!

  6. Hello,



    I am Andrew, and I am looking to get two more Animators for my series productions for a fan made you tube series. We already have Artists, Voice Actors, Music Artists, Script writers, and 2 other Animators. If we can get two more Animators, we will be set to begin production at months end.


    Qualities wanted:


    ~ Has experience in animation, MLP style.

    ~ Works good with time lines.

    ~ Able to Vector if possible (not a must though).

    ~ Must have Skype


    In return:


    ~ If you have a OC, we will include it.

    ~ Full Credit.


    Thank you for your time, and I really hope to get the extra help! If you are interested, please shoot me a message with your skype information.


    Kind Regards,


    ~Andrew, Series Director.

  7. You all make valid points, and you all have very sound reasoning over all. My personal goal when it comes to the Alicorn OC I have is of course a just reason for his existence. But also give him a proper character build so he has too many gaps.


    But still, everything you all say makes perfectly good sense. So I will continue to read, and gather more and more ideas and thoughts.

  8. Hello Everypony/Everyone,


    I haven't spoken much because I have been rather busy with life in general. But that isn't the point I am trying to bring up today...


    You know what upsets me most? I have asked a few artists to draw some art of my one OC (which happens to be an Alicorn). At first they seem very open to drawing an OC, but as soon as they found out it has to do with an Alicorn they either said they won't do it (regardless of it never being mentioned in the contract) or they suddenly stop all communication with me. At first I found this rather puzzling, so I asked some fellow bronies to help me better understand. They ended up explaining to me that there was a lot of bias and dislike for Alicorns for a whole slew of reasons ranging from being over powered to gary/mary sues. For these reasons, it does cause some fans to avoid fan fictions and even simple art requests without question.


    Upon hearing this I literally face palmed because as a experienced RPer (13 years of RPing and still going!) and writer I realized how much of an annoyance that can be. To have a power 'gamer' or to have someone that wants to play 'god'. So upon hearing this, I decided I should bring this up to the forum here, and of course ask  for their own opinions, and perhaps also figure out a solution to the Stereo Typing. By all means I am not asking for special treatment by far, I am just wanting to create a few possible viable solutions to help allow decent Alicorns into the fandom (Obviously outside of Official MLP business).



    I do sincerely apologize for any disturbance I may cause with my post. I await your replies.


    Just a side note in case anyone wants to ask about my Ali OC:

    He has one wing (can't fly) and he isn't too powerful in most magic except in the basics and in gravity. Simply put, he is weaker than the official Alicorns.
    Just in case anyone was wondering.


    Kind Regards,




  9. I love to RP Vinyl if she's still open, never RP-ed a character before but I know Vinyl quite well 



    Hello rascal61, I would like to inform you that the RPG is in need of a new Vinyl Scratch. Our original one has been having computer issues and schooling. So the slot is open again, so if you are interested in giving it a try, please shoot me a message.




    To everypony else:


    Fresh off the press! Our Cadence has gone missing, and we are in need of a new Princess Cadence! Also Cutie Mark Crusaders, Bon Bon, and Lyra.


    If interested shoot me a message.

  10. @@General Steel Heart

    Website? I'm not quite sure what you mean, unless you're talking about the link for the RP, in which case, no.

    EDIT: oops, keep forgetting that you told peope to message you for the link. No i do not have a link.


    Please expect the link in your in box in just a minute. :)




    Oooh! I see that Trixie is open. Can I join as her? She's my favorite villain (( COUGH; one of my favorite ponies. )) and I hope it isn't too late to join.. :)


    We are getting to a point where we could use Trixie. So if you'd like to hop on in, that would be awesome!

  11. Sorry I've kept forgetting to sign up with an OC.

    I'd like to be either

    Firecracker and Color Spark


    Sweet Symphony

    Up to you, if you think they'd even fit.


    Hello Mint,


    First off I would like to say that you did a fanominal job with both! I am certainly astounded! I would personally enjoy having Firecracker and Color Spark be apart of this the RP! They're hired!  Do you have the link for the website?

  12. We still have spots open, except our glorious leader Steel is busy so it will probably take awhile for him to respond.

    Well I wouldn't say 'Glorious', lol.


    But anyways, you are right. I have been very busy with work, and clearing out a warehouse full of Military C**P that I bought for my business. But other than some picture taking and selling. My schdual is clearing up nicely. So I am back on the roll for now.

    I love to RP Vinyl if she's still open, never RP-ed a character before but I know Vinyl quite well 


    Sadly Vinyl's role has been spoken for. But if the current player can not RP any longer for any particular reason, I would enjoy givng you the role. However if you have an OC (Original Character) you'd like to do, just hit me up and I will hook you up.


    On a side note, if you ever want to RP 1 on 1, let me know. I always enjoy doing an RP on Skype, never done an RP with Vinyl yet, so that would be fun. :)

  13. Can I also use my oc Starry Night? She has no relationship to Alicorns or the main six. (or background ponies) She learns about different creatures and if she met Alicorn... Well, you'll just have to find out!

    Sure, when you aren't being princess Cadence, I don't see why not.


    Speaking of Cadence, I'm on the forum waiting to meet up with her in the RPG. :)

  14. I could be shining armor. I have that warrior fierceness but a caring heart. Just asking if its not taken yet



    Hello Joe,


    Shinning Armor/Blue Blood is still open for RPing with. So if you are wanting to take part in said RP, just shoot me a message and Skype info (if you have it) and I will fill you in and add you to the RP.


    Kind Regards,



    I'd love to join! :D How many ponies are we allowed to roleplay..? Since I want to be Octavia and Princess Celestia.. may or may not be my OC.

    Hello Minty,

    We have been in dire need of a princess Celestia, and I personally would be honored to have you fill in that role. If you could please shoot me a message, and I will link you to the RPG forum that we are using and we can RP  immediately.

    Also if you want your OC to serve as a Maid to Celestia too, I am not opposed.

    Also, if you have skype, I would like to add you.

    Kind regards,


  15. I would like and try to be the Doctor, although i'm familiar with him, I've never RPed as him before. (We all have to start somewhere)

    I would enjoy having you be apart of the Role Play! Consider yourself the Doctor. Please shoot me a private message asap.

    I'm familiar to Princess Cadence. I'd love to take the role and I would've done Derpy because I'm more familiar to her but I believe that role is taken. I'd love to join if you would allow me to.

    Well it just so happen we are in need of a princess Cadence, and having you show up would actually be very very beneficial to the early stages of the RP!  Please send me a message, and if you have Skype please let me know. I will fill you in :)

  16. Well, if you need music, I can help. I can also do voice acting and singing. I'm good at any of those, can't do animation. I'd love to join in on this experience. Can I join?!


    Oh and my Skype is: Shou-sama. Contact me anytime either here or Skype.



    I can do the voice acting for I did take drama class! (And was best in class!) ^.^ I do a lot of improv too so I would loooovvvee to be in it!! Hehe!! :D


    And my skype is Marsh-Maslows (long story...)



    I am great at voice acting for british and american characters. My Skype is:      live:alexbonner01       and i hope to see you there!

    Hello Everypony,

    This is awesome news! I am very glad to hear, so I will be adding you all on skype by day's end today. I just won't be able to mic today until tonight.

    But anyways, I look forward to both working with you and being good friends!

    Kind Regards,



    • Brohoof 1
  17. hey I'm familiar with Derpy Hooves (as in hooves and the assistant Derpy) and already playing her I two rp's LOL So if you're interested in having me play Derpy I'm open to.


    so to clarify.... You're revamping the role play to get idea's for a script you wish to animate?


    Lemme know 


    Mikestar Ilovederpy brony


    I would be honored to have an experienced Derpy RPer on the team. :)


    Also to answer your questions, I wish to do both. :) Shoot me a PM, and I will link you.

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