Hello, I'm new... I'm probably not as big of a Brony as most people here... My 4 year old daughter watches it, and after awhile I started to get into it and really enjoy the characters. I'm most like Fluttershy, I think. Shy, quiet, loves animals, scared to try new things or meet new people, unless they have a cute dog with them. I don't easily make friends in real life, people find me opinionated I think.. I'm a lonely brony.
I like Twilight because she is intelligent and caring, unicorns are probably my favorite race.
I like Pinkie Pie because she always puts a smile on my face, she's so crazy.
I like Applejack because she is honest and hard working, determinated, a few qualities I could learn myself..
I like Rainbow Dash because she isn't afraid.. she is fun, but she's a little too cocky
I like Rarity because even though she seems like she would be stuck up and posh, she really cares about her friends and loves to spoil them with things she sews *I do that too!*
And I like Fluttershy, because I can related the most to her