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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Snowy Storm

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Everything posted by Snowy Storm

  1. Icy walked into the room to see only the others already cause so much trouble. "Wow next how about we try not to kill each other" @@Charcoal Embers, He noticed the map. "It seems clear as to what he wants to do. He want to expand his sick game" He looked down at charcoals leg. "If you want I can heal your leg" He held out his hoof and a small shard of pure, white, Ice appeared
  2. @, "Yeah your fight and mine did get out of hand towards the end" Icy said forming an ice shard in front of her. "Jack of all trade. You would think he was the Great and Powerful Trixie in colt form" -At least this fight isn't going to disappoint me. Weak as always. I just don't know what to do with you anymore, Icy- Said a voice in her head. The ice shard fell to the ground. Icy stood in place and shook off her fear. "You didn't hear anything. Did you?". She tried to play off her strange behavior. "So you really want Frost to win then?" Icy said trying to be both polite and not think about the voice.
  3. Icy winced at the fighting. Things were getting a little rough for her, but after hear crimson explain what she heard earlier made sense to her now. "So Rail is a dark twisted pony then" -Demon realm... I wonder if that is the place Sombra gained his magic?- She tried to read about him wen ever she could, but books about King Sombra were rare to come across. -And Dark as well?- It would make sense if those two ponies gained there powers from such a twisted place.
  4. (OOC: Sorry was offline for most of the day. Are we still on the boat?) Icy looked at the colt. Then a thought came to mind. She didn't know the names of the other ponies around her. She only knew Grand, Zeta, and Steel. "You know now that we have time away from the madness of the trotters we should try to get to know each other" She said trying to be polite.
  5. @, Icy heard Charcoal call out to them. He wondered what he could have found. "I hope he found a way out" He saw Scribe heading towards Charcoal "Hey you didn't answer my question" -Well she didn't, but it was too vague for me- He thought. @@ActFast231, He watched as Max flew through the air. "I wish I had wings" as he walked. As far as he care walking or running if there was no danger there wasn't a need to rush. "Still I would pick magic over wings, but it wouldn't hurt to have wings" he said talking to himself.
  6. @, "You can't solve everything with punching. Is that what you did as a stallion? If so you are very violent then" "You can't what?" Icy wanted to know what she couldn't do as a male. @@ActFast231, "I think it's because hormones of being a mare that is causing you to be so emotional" He placed his hoof on her. "Don't worry several months from now you'll get used to it" he smiled
  7. @@ActFast231, "look don't cry I was only joking. You never did any of those things" Icy Never knew how much a sad mare could effect a stallion. Now was her change to feel it first hand. "It was that dart. you had no fault in anything you did" He said unsure if to approach her... him? He walked over to Scribe, "What should I do?" He said. "You were a guy can't you tell me what to do?"
  8. @, "I still fell" He said as he rest on the barrier. He wiggled a little and moved off the barrier to place his hooves on the ground. "Thank you very much" He said shaking his mane. @@ActFast231, "Not much, Just tried to eat another pony and shoved me into this trap" He said smiling,
  9. @@ActFast231, Icy looked away and clapped "Truly that was a class act. You have more refine then a drunk" He said in jest. @, Icy missed what Scribe said. since she was speaking so low. "I'm sorry did you say something?" The only word he heard was you. "What about me? Is something wrong with me?" He said checking himself. Then he looked down. "Hey careful I don't want to be dropped on my face"
  10. @, "Don't mind me. I'm just hanging out. feel free to join me." He said. He waited for Scribe to do something. "Could you at least get me down?" sighing in defeat. There was no way he could get down on his own. "I will be in your debt" @@ActFast231, he facehoofed and smiled. He thought what regal would say. "Do not cry my dear. For tears on such a lovely face only ruins it" If he was stuck as a colt he might as well just roll with it.
  11. "I hate being a colt" He said. "Why can't anything just be normal again" A thought came to mind. -Was I that annoying when I was a mare?- Still something about a mare like that actually made the stallion in him want to be more heroic or something. To show off maybe? "Stop it. stop thinking like that. I am a mare. Have to remember that" He cleared his mind of thought. Still he pressed on ahead. not looking where he was stepping. he took another step before a net trap had him hanging from the ceiling. "I hate everything!" he said being hung up in the air.
  12. @@ActFast231, Icy looked back at the mare."Are you ok?" wondering why she was walking up to him before noticing the dart in her neck "You know I am suppose to be the damsel in distress" He said sighing. He walked back over the mare. ready to support her in case she fell over. @[member='Cinderscribe], "Scribe do me a favor and take care of this one" A dart shot out and hit him. lucky, it hit the patch on ice on his coat. "And by the way I am deeply touch you actually care about me" he said being coy.
  13. "I learned it from my mother" she said a little quietly. "She was a wiz at doing all that healing stuff and showed me a little of it. She controlled snow, and I controlled ice. For a time. She protected me by freezing any trotter who found us" Icy seemed to be lost in her thoughts. her eyes seems a little hollowed before coming back. "We should just avoid that topic"
  14. "I think I should take the lead" He saw that most of the other ponies already had done something to help the group. "It's my turn to set off any traps ahead of us now" He moved ahead of the group. He hoped they would find a way out of here of something soon. He formed small patches of ice on his coat. He didn't want to get hit by anything to with a little coat of Ice over him he was sort of a walking shield.
  15. Icy looked at it. "If you trust me not to kill you then here we go" Icy left out a few things. One If she used to much Ice to seal of the would or made it too cold it could only worsen the injure, two If she used too much water and allowed too much of it into the bloodstream she could drown Grand once her blood flow reached her heart and lungs. She focused and a Ice shard appeared in front of her hoof. She slowly placed over Grand's leg, as soon as the Ice touch the skin it began to expand and cover the wound. Icy opened a bottle of water and allowed the water to enter though the ice. "Don't worry you won't feel any pain, Just cold... Very cold" She began. The Ice glowed a light blue as the water worked with Grand's blood and skin to close and heal the wound.she kept at it to the point where she thought it was good. She withdrew the Ice and water. The wound was now just a patch of red, raw, new skin. She also made sure to repair any blood veins that were affected as well. "That should do it. Now your body fix that on it's own" -Now I wait to see If I don't Drown you- She thought. This was how she killed a pony from her old group. She used to much water and drowned him in his own blood. -please don't make me carry your death too- She thought hopefully
  16. "It would be my honor" Regal said smiling. He walked along side her keeping a distance that he thought gave her enough space. "So I've heard you have a fascination with humans" He said trying to be social "Not that I think anything of it, Just wondering if it was true" He hoped that he didn't offended her.
  17. "Um actually I can do healing" said Icy was she dusted herself off "My healing uses Ice and water. I can use the ice to seal off the wound and since our bodies are mainly water. I use water to mend parts of the body" "But there is one drawback. One is that is very cold and with somepony near death they can't be cold or could die. I am used to being cold so I can freeze my body and heal myself without worrying about killing myself with my own healing magic." Icy looked at grands leg. It looked bad, but nothing her magic could fix. "I can heal it for you, but you will feel cold and a little stiff"
  18. Regal gathered his stuff. "hey I'm going to dump my food and head to class" he said as he got up to leave. "We should all hang out later after school. I really do enjoy your company" "I guess I'll see you guys later, unless we have the same class after lunch" He picked up the tray and went to go dump it.
  19. Icy was busy avoiding trouble. She failed to see most of the ponies had already moved on without her. "Great. I'll be lucky If I don't get myself killed" She said to herself. She saw the boat leaving. She quickened her pace but with trotters and bandit in her way. She looked for a way around them. Seeing none Icy sighed. She pulled out a bottle, it was filled with water. she spilled the water on the ground and froze it. She formed to Ringblades from the pool of ice. She spun it around her once and checked to see if it was good. "Here I go!" She shouted. The Ringblads began to spin around her as she charged at the hoard. Any pony, Dead or Alive, that stood in her way was easily cut into twos and fourths. She neared the boat and jumped for it. She failed to land on it, but managed to cling to the side of the boat by her two front hooves.
  20. @@ActFast231, (OOC: no I meant to say how did I over look that. Not love look. that is embarrassing) Icy was grateful for the rescue. He notice that his hoof was stuck to her hoof "Hold on I'll fix that" He had the Ice holding them together slowly melt away. "Odd It should have just turned into water instantly" He put more magic into melting the Ice. Once it was weak enough He pulled his hoof away. "There... Thanks for saving me" He said bowing to her.
  21. Hey Sorry I got very busy today. I'll post something after i read through the two pages I have missed. So i'll post hopefully in the next ten minutes.
  22. At this point I think every pony has lost there minds. that is all you need to know
  23. @@ActFast231, "Wa... Wha... What? You don't mean... No!" Even though he still saw herself as a female. -Not that I would be against it actually... No! Get that thought out of your head!- He thought to himself Icy Was struggling to move. He noticed her wings. -Wow how did I love look that?- He though to himself. He tried to move up the trap, but he had to keep freezing her hooves against the wall and use up magic. Plus at the pace he was going it would be a while before he got out. "I could use a hoof here" He called out.
  24. @@ActFast231, "Honestly I would let you fall" Icy said watching the show. He was joking of course "But you amuse me. So I'll save you" Icy walked over the mare over the pitfall trap. He reached over to grabbed the mare. As he did so his back legs slipped on something causing him to fall in. "To Hay with everything" Thinking quickly he Froze his front hooves on the side of the pit and flipped over backwards. when his back legs touched the other side of the wall he froze them quickly too. Honestly he would have loved to be facing down instead of up. This was a weird position for him. "I so hate this body" He said quietly to him self.
  25. @, -So you carry a gun and you can't shot it straight?- She thought to herself "Sorry I don't know much about guns" She felt the train start moving. -Off we go then. Back to the hellhole- "So where are we going? I just kinda tagged along without asking any questions" She wasn't complaining, just she didn't know where they were going.
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