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Everything posted by BrainyBrony

  1. No offence, but you're profile picture creeped me the heck out! xD But anyway, welcome to the forums. :)

  2. I just got back from a nice weekend in London. :)

  3. I haven't seen it, but it's been recommended to me a lot. I think it's time for me to give it a watch.
  4. No, I hate singing in front of others. And the worst part is, in three days I have to sing in front of 30 people for some damn music assessment! I hate the music subject. It always pressures you into performing, which I cannot do. Good thing I can ditch that subject in a few months.
  5. Hi, Rocket! *shakes hoof back* England's good. The weather's getting bloomin' freezing though. But that doesn't matter, I'm inside a warm home with a computer. All is good, all is good. As for anime, I watch some Pokemon and Naruto. Recently, I've been trying out some more 'mature' animes, like Death Note. *shudders* Have you seen any Angel Beats? I hear that's alright. And yeeeaaaahhhh, I'm a stallion. Heh... You win a brohoof, congratulations! And thanks for the welcome. I've never met anyone who likes it much either. It's more of a background music for everyday things, like homework. Are you a fan of it? Here's one song that I love, created by a guy called 'Evening Star'. Anyway, thanks for all of the welcomes guys!
  6. Well, I have a couple of thing that I don't understand about girls/women: The 'need' to wear make-up. They say it makes them feel attractive but they really don't need to. If anything, I think that girls look better without it, rather than covering their face with a mask of powder and gloss. A lot of them go for the 'bad and cool' boys. There are far too many girls in my school that go out with these kinds of guys, dump them, and then go out with the same kind of guy. This leaves the sensible ones to be single until girls 'grow up a bit' and choose more mature people. But this is just my opinion, I hope that this doesn't offend anyone in any way. Feel free to reply with your thoughts, and I'd actually like a girl to try and answer them for me if they can.
  7. Hi everypony! My name's Brainy Brony and I'm here for a fresh start. I've been here a while, but I've 'reset' my profile, so to speak. Anyway, information... Ah! Well, I'm 13 years old and I live in England. I'm interested in swimming, video games, watching TV, reading and browsing the internet. I like a bit of anime, too, but that's a fairly new interest. Do I listen to much music? Eh, a bit. Mostly techy, chillout or ancient Chinese/Japanese music. Alright, now some MLP related facts... My favourite pony is Twilight Sparkle but Fluttershy is a close contender! I haven't seen every episode but out of the ones that I've seen my favourite is 'Hurricane Fluttershy'. So, I'm looking for a couple of friends to chat with now and again. Message me if you want!
  8. Alright, it's done. Anyway, hi everypony! My name's Brainybrony and I'm here for a new start!

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. The Swedish Brony

      The Swedish Brony



      (It's a classic Swedish rhyme... for children xD )

    3. BrainyBrony


      Ok, ok. Let's just END this! *throws off robe* I'm not singing ANY more of this! XD

    4. The Swedish Brony

      The Swedish Brony

      *Nods* I was afraid for this... only the truly enlightened can join the ranks of the Sveddish... But it was worth a shot at least :P

  9. Everyone, I'm 'starting over'. Yeah, I want a fresh start here. I'm unfriending (mostly) all of the people on my friends list and I'll be re-doing my profile. So, I'll technically act like a new-ish member. Well, it's not really like that but I hope you understand. Don't ask why, it's just happening. But, if you really want to know, message me. The official 'reset' of my profile starts in a few minutes.

    1. BrainyBrony


      Thanks! Anyway, the reset is underway.

  10. What's on my mind? Hmmm... Not much. Well, not much that I want to talk about.

  11. I feel like a bit of an idiot right now, read my post if you want. http://mlpforums.com/topic/78869-how-can-i-ask-this-girl-out/

    1. MissDashie


      It takes a lot of courage to ask someone out. Don't feel like an idiot for not being able to!

    2. Crimson


      If I can just give you advice here..

      Listen to something that'll get you pumped up, something that'll make you feel awesome!

      Just jam to whatever that is before speaking to her and one feeling of raw greatness should transfer into another. That might just be me though, considering how much I like music.

      Song I was listening to when I came up with this terrible piece of advice:

      But hey, you won't know until you...

  12. I'm being VERY inactive, sorry. I may be in and out, but I'm drifting away.

    1. Mr F

      Mr F

      looks like you need ze medisine. *shoots a syringe in your arm*

    2. The Swedish Brony

      The Swedish Brony

      Geez! I haven't seen you for ages! How ya doin!

  13. Let's see... Ponyville's good because it's a quiet little town where the mane 6 live. Canterlot's good because of the wonderful architecture, but it's inhabitants are a bunch of stuck up losers (Besides the Princesses, of course). And I must say, I haven't watched The Crystal Empire, but I know what it looks like, and it looks great. Manehattan looks polluted with more stuck up citizens. So, probably Poneville.
  14. Why do I keep wanting to reset my video games! It's like I'm addicted to starting over, or something. It's getting annoying now. I don't like making progress for some reason.

    1. The Swedish Brony

      The Swedish Brony

      That's a strange addiction xD

    2. BrainyBrony


      I don't know what it is! I just enjoy starting a new game, going through the tutorial. I never actually get to beat a game because I'm too busy resetting!

  15. I've been playing some Kerbal Space Program. I have no idea what I'm doing. What the heck is a periapsis?

  16. Alright, let's see... England (Living there) Wales France USA (Florida, to be exact) Italy Cyprus Switzerland Pretty good, if you ask me. All of the places have been great.
  17. Sky was walking a little bit behind his group of new friends, counting his Bits. "21...22...23!" He thought. That should buy him at least 3 days worth of meals. He then trotted up to the group again and said, "Hi Nova, I'm Sky Soar, or just Sky. Nice to meet you!" in greeting.
  18. I'd probably be like: And then I'd awkwardly walk out. I'd then run up to the wall and commence slow, deep breathing exercises, on the verge of consciousness. Next, I'd stumble outside before collapsing on the floor, saying: "He- in- ponies- he-" And then I'd pass out.
  19. Sky was standing just outside of Epic's dorm room, leaning against the door frame. "These girls really are fans of the Wonderbolts. And the Principal." Though Sky, glancing at each of they're posters. "So, ummm, does anyone want to go get some lunch yet? I'm starving already." he said.
  20. Sky Soar heard some light-hearted conversation from down the hall. He wandered down to see to see to Pegasuses hugging. Quickly poking up his aqua blue glasses, he approached them and said, "Hey there girls, I'm Sky Soar, but call me Sky. Oh, and hi Epic, I didn't realise that your room was so close!" He gave the two of them a friendly smile.
  21. Quite a simple one. If you went to sleep and woke up the next morning feeling different, would you rather look in the mirror to see that you have wings or fins? Me? I'd rather have fins. I'm pretty scared of heights and I'd probably be useless at flying, but fins would be something I could use well. What about you? P.S. Of course, you can have neither, if you'd rather stay 'normal'.
  22. @Frosty V "Sounds good, I'll see you later then!" called Sky, waving Frosty off. He wanted to take his time, class started tomorrow anyway. He spent some time walking back to his room, greeting most of the people he saw. When he reached his dorm room again, he awkwardly opened the door to his room and dumped the books on the bed. He stretched his wings and back. "What to do, what to do..." He thought, staring into space.
  23. Woah, some of this discussion is too in depth for me, I'll try to understand it. Anyway... You should be happy, a 3DS is great and I can almost guarantee that X/Y will be great too.
  24. @Frosty V Sky glanced towards the door. "Cool, the era of technology has only just started, so it would be great to be a part of that." he said with a grin. "Anyway, I'm off back to my room now, number 31. Where are you staying?" Sky made sure that his room key was still attached to his wing when he thought, "It would have been much easier if I'd just brought my saddlebags".
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