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Posts posted by BrainyBrony

  1. Nice to meet you Brainy Brony! *shakes hoof*


    Hm, how is it in England? I live in the United States myself, and I've always wanted to travel there. Then again, it'd just be same old same old for you, wouldn't it, since you live there?


    Ooh, anime is cool! Which ones do you like to watch?


    Anyways, if you want a friend to talk to, my door is always open ^.^ See ya' later, pegasister! ...unless of course you're a stallion, then that phrase was just really awkward.

    Hi, Rocket! *shakes hoof back*


    England's good. The weather's getting bloomin' freezing though. But that doesn't matter, I'm inside a warm home with a computer. All is good, all is good. 


    As for anime, I watch some Pokemon and Naruto. Recently, I've been trying out some more 'mature' animes, like Death Note. *shudders* Have you seen any Angel Beats? I hear that's alright.


    And yeeeaaaahhhh, I'm a stallion. Heh...  :lol:




    You win a brohoof, congratulations! And thanks for the welcome.  ^_^



    That's a really interesting mix of tastes!  I'm not sure if I've ever heard anyone who's singled out ancient Chinese/Japanese music as their favorite genre.  I find that to actually be really cool!

    I've never met anyone who likes it much either. It's more of a background music for everyday things, like homework. Are you a fan of it? Here's one song that I love, created by a guy called 'Evening Star'.



    Anyway, thanks for all of the welcomes guys!

    • Brohoof 3
  2. Well, I have a couple of thing that I don't understand about girls/women:

    • The 'need' to wear make-up. They say it makes them feel attractive but they really don't need to. If anything, I think that girls look better without it, rather than covering their face with a mask of powder and gloss.
    • A lot of them go for the 'bad and cool' boys. There are far too many girls in my school that go out with these kinds of guys, dump them, and then go out with the same kind of guy. This leaves the sensible ones to be single until girls 'grow up a bit' and choose more mature people.

    But this is just my opinion, I hope that this doesn't offend anyone in any way. Feel free to reply with your thoughts, and I'd actually like a girl to try and answer them for me if they can. 

    • Brohoof 3
  3. Hi everypony! My name's Brainy Brony and I'm here for a fresh start. I've been here a while, but I've 'reset' my profile, so to speak.


    Anyway, information... Ah!


    Well, I'm 13 years old and I live in England. I'm interested in swimming, video games, watching TV, reading and browsing the internet. I like a bit of anime, too, but that's a fairly new interest. Do I listen to much music? Eh, a bit. Mostly techy, chillout or ancient Chinese/Japanese music.


    Alright, now some MLP related facts... My favourite pony is Twilight Sparkle but Fluttershy is a close contender! I haven't seen every episode but out of the ones that I've seen my favourite is 'Hurricane Fluttershy'. 


    So, I'm looking for a couple of friends to chat with now and again. Message me if you want!  :)

    • Brohoof 1
  4. Let's see...


    Ponyville's good because it's a quiet little town where the mane 6 live. Canterlot's good because of the wonderful architecture, but it's inhabitants are a bunch of stuck up losers (Besides the Princesses, of course). And I must say, I haven't watched The Crystal Empire, but I know what it looks like, and it looks great. Manehattan looks polluted with more stuck up citizens.


    So, probably Poneville.

  5. Sky was walking a little bit behind his group of new friends, counting his Bits. "21...22...23!" He thought. That should buy him at least 3 days worth of meals. He then trotted up to the group again and said, "Hi Nova, I'm Sky Soar, or just Sky. Nice to meet you!" in greeting.

  6. Sky was standing just outside of Epic's dorm room, leaning against the door frame. "These girls really are fans of the Wonderbolts. And the Principal." Though Sky, glancing at each of they're posters. "So, ummm, does anyone want to go get some lunch yet? I'm starving already." he said.

  7. Sky Soar heard some light-hearted conversation from down the hall. He wandered down to see to see to Pegasuses hugging. Quickly poking up his aqua blue glasses, he approached them and said, "Hey there girls, I'm Sky Soar, but call me Sky. Oh, and hi Epic, I didn't realise that your room was so close!" He gave the two of them a friendly smile.

  8. Quite a simple one. If you went to sleep and woke up the next morning feeling different, would you rather look in the mirror to see that you have wings or fins?


    Me? I'd rather have fins. I'm pretty scared of heights and I'd probably be useless at flying, but fins would be something I could use well.


    What about you?


    P.S. Of course, you can have neither, if you'd rather stay 'normal'.

  9. @Frosty V


    "Sounds good, I'll see you later then!" called Sky, waving Frosty off. He wanted to take his time, class started tomorrow anyway. He spent some time walking back to his room, greeting most of the people he saw. 


    When he reached his dorm room again, he awkwardly opened the door to his room and dumped the books on the bed. He stretched his wings and back. "What to do, what to do..." He thought, staring into space.

  10. Woah, some of this discussion is too in depth for me, I'll try to understand it. Anyway...



    I'm happy to say that I scraped up enough money to get a 3ds as well as set some aside for X. October can't get here fast enough XD

    You should be happy, a 3DS is great and I can almost guarantee that X/Y will be great too. 

    • Brohoof 1
  11. @Frosty V 


    Sky glanced towards the door.

    "Cool, the era of technology has only just started, so it would be great to be a part of that." he said with a grin. "Anyway, I'm off back to my room now, number 31. Where are you staying?" 

    Sky made sure that his room key was still attached to his wing when he thought, "It would have been much easier if I'd just brought my saddlebags".

  12. @Frosty V


    Sky looked at Frost and said,

    "Yep, first year. I came here to study Flight and Aeronautics. I want to discover something big someday." Sky glanced up for a while but then looked back at Frost.

    "Oh, sorry about that. What are you here for?" he asked, steadying the books on his back.

  13. @Frosty V


    Sky took another glance at the books on his back and then once more turned to Frost.

    "Nah, I think I'm alright for now, but thank's for the offer." he said.

    Sky then began to walk towards the exit to the library, but then looked back at Frost and decided to wait.

  14. Gather round Bronies, for you are about to hear a mystical tale of my love for Animal Crossing.


    Family BBQ time, yay... Seriously, it's never fun. My and my brother sit around, our parents/relatives get drunk out of their minds and then they all leave and the house smells of beer. Oh, and our cousin comes over. My cousin is always up to date on the latest games, consoles, you name it. You could say he's a little spoiled but I don't care, he's an awesome guy.


    Anyway, my cousin arrives with his 3DS XL, PSP and laptop. I ask him what games he has. The only one my ears perked up at was 'Animal Crossing: New Leaf'. 

    "Oh, I've been reading about that game, is it fun?" I ask.

    "Yeah, it's really good, better than the Wii one, do you want to have a try?" He replies.

    "Sure thing, I've always wanted to try this one." I say.


    We then head into my brother's bedroom and I open the game. He's the mayor of this town and he currently has one of those public works projects going, a suspension bridge. 128,000 Bells.  :o I get my house (Well, tent) and I ask if I can help with the bridge donations, to which he obviously replies "Yeah, sure!". I then spent the next three hours running around his town, harvesting fruit, fishing and catching bugs, all to make money for the bridge. 


    So, I was done and me and my cousin were sitting around the 3DS XL, high-fiving as the town celebrated on the completed bridge (My cousin helps while I was on a break. It was his town, after all). 


    The end



    Animal Crossing: New Leaf is an amazing game that makes time fly and seemingly 'boring' activities fun and addicting. I've already ordered my own copy, have you?  ;)

    • Brohoof 1


    "Excuse me, I noticed you had a Wingcare book. Are you planning on becoming some kind of Sports Doctor?" he said with a grin.

    Sky turned and looked at the Unicorn standing in front of him. With a grin, he said,

    "Not really, I'm just learning about how a wing works and you never know when you might need to do a little first-aid!" He then glanced at the books balancing on his back, pushed his glasses up again, and said,

    "Anyway, I'm Sky Soar, but call me Sky. What's your name?"

  16. Sky waved off Epic and walked into the library. It was a long and wide hall with bookshelves covering every inch of the wall. Each shelf had a large sign on the top that told you what category of books was below.


    Sky smiled and flew over to the 'Aeronautics' section. There were a few other Pegasi sitting down and reading or playing board games, but Sky was only here to pick up some books and a timetable.


    He flew right to the top of the shelf and scanned each section carefully, finally selecting:

    'The Art of Flight'

    'Wingcare 101'

    and 'The History of the Wonderbolts'


    Sky then glided down, the books balancing on his back, and began to queue at the librarian's desk.

  17. I've still got 3 weeks of non-stop geekery left. But, on the bright side, I have a nifty new messenger bag for when school starts! I'll have to choose what subjects I want to take exams in, though. Yay, deciding my entire future path at the age of 13.  >_>

  18. I technically am a child (Well, a teenager) and I'm the polar opposite of spoiled. I have two paper rounds, one weekly, one monthly, to get paid as well as some pocket money for helping around the house. Most of the stuff I buy now is with my own money, with the exception of clothes, because I couldn't care less about buying them.  :lol: Most of the time, my parents won't let me spend my own money anyways. Some children are ridiculously spoiled though, like one of my friends. He gets all of the big video game releases pre-ordered for him, owns expensive video editing software he doesn't use and owns 200-300 Xbox games. 

    • Brohoof 6
  19. Sky Soar grinned at Epic and looked around. 

    "This is a great place, thanks for the tour!" he said happily. He then walked a little further and craned his head around, a puzzled look on his face.

    "Epic, do you know where the library is? I'd better get the books I'll need before everyone else does." he asked.

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