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Posts posted by Wolffie

  1. I think I've discovered what things that cause me to hallucinate after Ambien. Activity for one. It doesn't work in a dark room. A dark black lady is whispering to me right now. You need to be focused on your environment.

  2. If you're serious, is it via PayPal?


    Of course, Paypal is all I use.


    But everybody would have to agree, and it depends how many people are actually active here at the time. I'm not made of money.

  3. I like your writing style first off. It flows very nicely and has a hint of uniqueness which I like. And I'm curious if there is more to this one, since there seems to be hints of my favorite ship, Twidash smile.png


    Hey, check out this interview! It's rather entertaining.


  4. Huh, Randy Orton says he enjoys being a face: "Yeah. It's always fun when the crowd reacts like that. And you know what? We will be in some country over in Europe sometimes, and they're not like that at all. But you gotta just, each crowd is different. And you gotta know that. You can do the same exact thing, or have the same finish in one town, that's over huge. And the next town, it's like a fart in church."

    Randy Orton is hilarious: "I tagged with him, last week or the week before, on a Raw Supershow, or a live event Supershow, both rosters were there. And we're out there in the ring. And it's me, Cena, and somebody. Maybe Kofi or Sheamus, against Big Show, Mark Henry, and somebody else, I forget. And Cena says, 'Can you do a dropkick tonight?' And I go, uhh, yeah. Can you? And he goes; and we're in the ring! Like, we're about to—the bells about to ring. And he's starting, and he goes, 'Alright, I'm gonna tag you in in a second. Let's do a double drop kick.' Now I'm thinking in my head, 'This motherf-cker don't need to be doing no dropkicks.' That's what I'm thinking. So he tags me in, ducks a punch from Show, Show turns around. Before I can even step through the ropes, Cena is up in the air dropkicking Show. And I'm like, looking at him, I thought you said a double dropkick? So, next time he calls anything, I'm gonna think twice. Because I ended up jumping up in the air, while Shows already on the ground, and just landing on my head. So it was a double dropkick where he (Cena) went and I then I slip- Oh-Oh-I tried to get—nope. So everyone in the back, I come back and they were like, (clapping) 'Great dropkick.' I watched it back, and it looks like I just jumped up in the air as high as I can and then land. Nothing happened; I just jumped up and fell. It was brutal. Thank you, John Cena."

  5. The carnivore in me is causing me to drool at the prospect of a juicy T-bone steak.



    UNF, I want to make love to that beef.


    I'm watching the new and improved DX boxset and it's making me sad. WWE used to be so much cruder and fun. Cursing, dumping shit on the McMahons, Triple H talking about his penis.


    I miss that.

    • Brohoof 1
  6. It would be good, as long as Bryan wins :)


    Alright I'm gonna go write some more for my new story, then probably head off to bed.


    See ya later everybody!

    Wait, I can't tell, is Mark Henry really retiring? I'm a bit confused. Why would he slam Cena like that?


    I do think he deserves to win the WWE Championship before he retires.

    Ah, I get what's going on.

    • Brohoof 1
  7. Well that does sound like a great day! :)


    And yeah I used to have that sort of stuff. Now I just watch because I simply enjoy the product. Its a sort of ease the mind type thing where I can just relax.






    You know what would be cool? A three way feud between Cena, Bryan, and Orton ending in a triple threat TLC match.

    • Brohoof 1
  8. Yep! And they deserve it, all of them are playing their parts brilliantly. Still look like a huge threat even after suffering their first loss on Smackdown.

    Dean Ambrose really needs facial hair though. Tired of looking at his cold sores and drool all the time :P

    • Brohoof 2
  9. The double heel/face turn was done brilliantly. I didn't expect that to happen at all to be honest, and I'm extremely pleased that I was caught off guard.


    Speaking of pleased, did you watch Raw yet? Because it was the best episode since after WM.

    I'm watching it now. Did you see Orton kiss Daniel Bryan? It was fucking adorable. Wait, is it not live? Lying WWE.


    I can't tell if the double turn was intentional or not. That crowd was really rowdy, I don't think it was canned heat.


    A lot if heels got cheers last night. All of The Shield got a good crowd response.

    • Brohoof 2
  10. Not really because of how painfully obvious Cena's win was.


    The little spots they did were fun, hardly brutal though. The Ziggler/Del Rio match was far more brutal.

    Oh yeah, I seriously like Ziggler more now. That was a great match.

    • Brohoof 1
  11. Wha??


    He had a near 5 star match with both Cena and Taker this year. The man is amazing. Best in the World!


    Also, what's up everybody?


    Since I've been at work all day yesterday and busy Sunday and Saturday, I couldn't be on here.


    If you need me, I shall be writing.


    Oh and if you like TwiDash fluff, my new mini story will delight you :)

    Link me!


    Aww, I smiled when Orton rustled Bryan's hair and kissed his head after the ref stopped the match.


    I don't think Orton is turning heel. He got less cheers today, maybe they want him to be more of a tweener, more self interested.

  12. So we went to Starbucks yesterday, and the barista was cute, I admit. It wasn't until 15 miles down the road, though, that my older brother noticed this on his coffee cup.


    We all had a laugh about it, and his girlfriend's reaction, as he said: "Typical." ;D


    We also saw a Nissan GT-R in a near by shopping center parking lot. Why is that special? The car's starting price is about $100,000! It was awesome!

    Just because a car costs a bunch doesn't make it good! The GT-R is boring. You can't buy it with a manual transmission

    • Brohoof 1

    Wow, the Katilyn vs AJ match was actually really good. That's right, a good diva match.

    One of the Spanish commentators you touched AJ's butt :P


    I so wanted for Big E Langston and Katilyn to be a couple. They were so cute!

    The United States championship match was super anti-climactic

    CM Punk actually put on a good match, I think I like him more now.

    • Brohoof 1
  14. Haven't been here in a little while, busy with work.


    So how is everybody doin on this Father's Day Sunday? :)

    I'm watching Payback today. Just waiting for it to start. Bought the 24 hour premium package on wrestling network so I can watch in he.

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