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Everything posted by Hemlock_Conium

  1. >hardly respected >rabid hatedom Are you seriously saying that one of the most POPULAR ask a pony tumblrs is """""""hardly respected""""""?
  2. are you sERIOUS RIGHT NOW YOU'RE PRACTICALLY WRITING OFF A CHARACTER WHO ACTIVELY RAPES AND SEXUALLY HARASSES OTHER PASTEL COLORED PONIES AS "A JOKE" DWM blog is most likely a joke. In fact, it's mocking the actual supporters. To make it worse, JJ immediately issued a comic ridiculing the supporters themselves.
  3. Oh, but I'm sure you can! The DWM movement is just now taking off, so join while you can. Even the smallest contribution helps. OuO
  4. Personally, I think that Molestia is simply awful and the DWM supporters should be heard, but other people are shrieking garbage about how "IT'S NOT RAPE" and "SHE'S JUST FLIRTY" Ugh. Clock in your opinions while I draw DWM art.
  6. In fact, I'm almost positive Twi's wings are permanent... Why would they make toys of her with wings if they were going to take them away directly after the episode?
  7. "Don't worry, Someday you will find that person who is perfect for you. They can't hide forever. We have satellites." -Night Vale podcast

  8. Why am I trying to sing the Luna version of Lullaby for a Princess when my throat feels like sandpaper

  9. Am I allowed to post multiple times? -Texas is now on my blacklist -So is Justin Bieber -Along with Taylor Swift -Also people on instagram That's fine! As long as you don't commit hate crimes against homosexuals, I'm not going to shout you down or anything. That'd be silly.
  10. Off to somewhere North of here I go!! Seriously. Tennessee- Where it's either sweltering hot or blistering cold and we have the most toothed mammal in North America!!
  11. Crest Fallen, Gloomy Skies, Under the Weather (or just Weather for short), Raincloud, Stormwings, or Morose Medley/Melody. (I have too many names and I need to give them to other people before I make an OC out of them) Or Blue Moon! (Blue = Sad, her coat reminds me of the moon)
  12. I have literally been dancing to Marina and the Diamonds - Girls for the last four minutes

  13. http://seaquence.org/g6hg I'm having a stupid amount of fun with this
    1. Zerrodo


      All of my wut.

    2. Hemlock_Conium


      @Zerrodo TRY ITTTTTT

  14. Terrible dresses? TERRIBLE DRESSES?! TERRIBLE DRESSES?!? *ominous rumbling in the distance* Her friends were being hella picky! SHE MADE AND REMADE THE DRESSES SIMPLY BECAUSE THEY DIDN'T LIKE THEM IN FULL!!
  15. If we're going to count up the dresses Rarity made for no cost, it'd be, well, 19. Six for the gala, six altered for her friends, and then six again when they realized they shouldn't have changed it. Plus one for Twilight. For the record, Applejack SOLD apple treats. Rarity took so much time out of her usual day to GENEROUSLY MAKE HUGE CHANGES ON THE DRESSES SHE OFFERED FOR FREE.
  16. Rarity just gets a little antsy and jealous or discorded when she's greedy. Spike? He ruins most of Ponyville and puts lives at risk.
  17. Every time someone calls Rarity ungenerous and selfish, a puppy gets sneezed on.

  18. -Rainbow Dash ditched celebrating with her friends for the Wonderbolts -Pinkie Pie went insane and refused to go along with Rainbow Dash to a party meant for her only because her friends didn't want to go to a party that was scheduled directly after another -Applejack lied on multiple occasions and refused to talk with her sister after a little vicious gossip -Twilight Sparkle could have used her magic to solve problems many times and when batshit insane when she couldn't reach a due date. She created a problem that nearly tore apart a town. -Fluttershy was reckless and horrible to animals at the Grand Galloping Gala and even set a trap just to meet one of the animals, and completely destroyed the gala with a stampede running away from her. -Rarity went to the elusive Canterlot Garden party (ON A TRIP SCHEDULED BY) instead of her friend's birthday party, but she did make Twilight a dress despite her extreme lack of time and exhaustion. She created 18 CUSTOM dresses in a period within at most 3 days. (6 original, 6 altered, back to six original.) While she has used Spike and Sweetie Belle for labor, she had always repaid them. Rarity went to the Sister Hooves Social even after she had expressed extreme discomfort and resistance to such a competition. In "A dog and pony how", she gave Spike one of the biggest, prettiest gems of the whole bunch while she could have just kept it for Sapphire Shores' outfit. And not sure if you've noticed, Sweetie Belle and Rarity act like actual sisters to eachother instead of picture perfect babies made in heaven that are complete lambs to eachother. Sure, she's not generous at allll and the only one who's ever betrayed her element.
  19. Scree I want to take requests but at the same time I'm backlogged with four other time-consuming projects.

  20. Banned for ban ban ban ban BANNED FROM THE STAND
  21. This is a simple concept really. I will post a picture, the next person will give a picture of what destroys mine. One two three, GO!!
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