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Posts posted by Astrobrony

  1. That movie was gooooood!


    A few points that I could think of off the top of my head...


    1.  The High School tropes were there, but they didn't overshadow the story like I thought it would.  


    2.  I couldn't help to think that human Rainbow Dash could have been introduced a bit earlier.  It would have been interesting to have the fight scene in the classroom with all 5 of them at each others throats.  Actually, they could have played the animosity a bit more, but it was fine as is.


    3.  Was I the only one who thought that Sunset Shimmer should have recruited Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara instead of Snips and Snails?


    4.  I never thought they could make Fluttershy any cuter.  Boy was I wrong!  If this keeps up, Fluttershy could start to make her case as best EVERYTHING!!!


    5.  I really liked how Principle Celestia was portrayed as opposed to Principle Celestia.  Really subtle way to illustrate the underlying differences between the two worlds.


    6.  I can't believe there was such a uproar over Flash Sentry when he wound up being kind of a let down in the movie.  IMHO, he was only there for the whole girl meets guy thing in high school shows/movies and nothing else.  Seems like a waste of a character to me.  :-/


    7.  The designs grew on me.  I was a surprisingly a bit disappointed when Twilight turned back to normal in the end. 


    Those are just a few of my thoughts on what was, IMO, a very awesome movie!  /)^3^(\

    • Brohoof 1
  2. Granny Smith?  Die?  Why should she?  She's as young and spry as ever!




    There!  See?




    Seriously though, if the show really wants to address death and coping with loss, they should just make an episode where Applejack finally comes to terms with the loss of her parents.  As for dear old Granny Smith, I don't think they should kill her off the show.  It's nice to have an elder pony around the show.  Besides, I think Tabitha has way too much fun playing her anyway.

    • Brohoof 1
  3. From what I'm gathering, it didn't really go anywhere and it didn't really add anything to the story beyond lampshading the whole new girl meets nice guy trope that exists in shows/movies set in high school.


    It seems like kinda of a waste of time, but it's not even a major plot point of the movie by the looks of things, so I'll let it slide.  No harm, no foul.

  4. I do not think that was what human Pinkie meant. This was the first time she met her, and only asked on a hunch if she had a twin.


    But back on topic, I hope that, for the S4 premiere, they give Twilight's pony friends compensation for being substituted by their human counterparts. Perhaps, it'll be about Twilight thinking that as an alicorn, her magic received a dramatic boost. She tries to save the world on her own as a result, but fails because she realizes that her magical output is still the same, despite her becoming an alicorn. Then, when all hope seems lost, her friends arrive to rescue her, as well as teach her that even as an alicorn, she wouldn't be as powerful alone as she would be with her friends.


    I hope to holy Celestia that becomes a plotline for the S4 premiere, because I would've been disappointed if it doesn't.

    Ok, I think you're over thinking all this. For starters, the Pony 5 were NOT replaced. If Twilight became friends with anyone else, maybe. But nope, she became friends with Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie. Not only that, but she fixed the human 5's friendship after they stopped talking to one another. If anything, the pony 5 would be sad knowing that they had drifted apart in the human world like that and would most likely thank Twilight for getting their human selves back together.


    Secondly, like I noted before, the movie itself would have become too needlessly complicated if all of them crossed over, because then you'll need to spend too much time on how everypony is adjusting to the human world, and that's not the point of the movie. The point of the movie is that friendship never changes and the best way to do that in this new, bizzare world was to go back to the beginning, the pony/human 5 coming together to help out the newcomer Twilight Sparkle. The twist is that while the pony 5 might have been friends before Twilight came to town, the human 5 were on icy terms before Twilight crossed over. However, in both cases, their friendship wound up saving the day. In Twilight's case in fact, her magic would probably be stronger now after seeing for herself that the magic of friendship is everywhere.


    TL;DR - the pony 5 won't get upset with Twilight for making friends with their human counterparts and getting them back together. Besides, the movie was just fine with Twilight and Spike making the jump. No need to complicated it more by having the other 5 in the human world too.

    • Brohoof 2
  5. Except the Human 5 were not Twilight's friends. They may look and act like them, and even share the same names as them. But, there is no way in Hell they are Twilight's friends.


    It's like in Bleach's Soul Society arc, where Ichigo's friends, including Chad, Orihime, and Uryu, are all deliberately replaced with Soul Reapers such as Renji Abarai, Toshiro Hitsugaya, and Kenpachi Zaraki, even though I don't care about any of those characters at all. It's like DBZ, where anyone who wasn't a saiyan were dead weight. I could go on, but you get my point.


    It could've been Twilight's real friends who helped her save the day, not their cheap knock-off human counterparts. In fact, when I saw the last thirteen minutes of the movie, I was surprised the other five main ponies didn't instantly feel like they were replaced by their human doubles, almost the same way Rarity felt replaced in the comics' second story-arc!

    I think you're missing an important point here. The human 5 ARE Twilight's friends, only a different version of them. It really wouldn't make much sense if the Pony 5 felt left out since the human 5 is really just themselves on two legs. Why would Rarity be worried like she was in the comic over the prospect of being replaced by... Rarity? Hands or hooves, it's still Rarity. So the comic comparison doesn't really work here IMHO

  6. But it also created an unintended side-effect, namely that her friends become the equivalent of the original supporting cast of Dragon Ball during the events of DBZ, or Chad, Orihime, and Uryu from Bleach during the Soul Society arc: Useless dead-weight who are there for the sake of it.


    I like it when the companion characters help the hero fulfill whatever task is given to him. But when they can't help him and end up becoming dead weight, you easily become confused as to why they were even introduced in the first place.

    Twilight's friends won't ever become "dead weight" IMHO. After all, Twilight knows she needs her friends to beat their best for her to be at her best. Twilight gets the center stage because she is the "spark" that's needed in the harmony of friendship. However, without the other elements, the spark means nothing.


    Don't over think things because Twilight had to travel alone. Besides, even then she wouldn't have succeeded anyway without the Human 5 version of her friends.

    • Brohoof 4
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