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Everything posted by DITR

  1. Sorry for the Necro Post, but there is an MLP RPG. It's called MLP RPG: FIghting The Unknown. It takes some getting used to but it's still really good. You can find it here http://darkkyshadow.com/about.html
  2. Meh, I've played it before and didn't think much of it. One pony flash game I do enjoy is Sweetie Bot's Pixel Trip, which you can find here. http://futzi01.deviantart.com/art/Sweetie-Bot-s-Pixel-Trip-356937359
  3. Any good fan games out there? The best ones I've been able to find are MLP RPG : FIghting The Unknown http://darkkyshadow.com/about.html and Pony Fantasy 6 http://pony-fantasy-6.com/ Most of the time when I find fan games they're just short little flash games but I am looking for something more.
  4. I also really liked "A tropical Octav3" I think my biggest problem with brony music though is the lack of variety, most of it is just dubstep
  5. Well, Pinkie Pie's an Earth Pony and she's one of the most popular characters so I don't really see your point. That being said earth ponies are pretty underrated in the OC department
  6. I've listened to Sim Gretina's stuff before and it's okay. I prefer music where you don't take a line from the show, add crappy dubstep, and call it music
  7. Am I the only one who generally doesn't enjoy brony music? I've heard time and time again that the music is the best part of the fandom but I just don't see it. Especially when something as bland and repetitive as ":Dubstep Dishwasher" gets over a million hits. The only songs I enjoy are No Strings Attatched: Octavia's battle theme and I Will RIse. Anyone else out there who shares my opinion?
  8. Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne is awesome!

  9. Speaking of plushies I actually found one of Luna one Etsy that cost $450 dollars. I still can't believe it got sold. Either to an obsessive fan or a spoiled kid
  10. I think your profile pic is the scariest thing I've ever seen . But in actuality the scariest thing I've ever seen was a commercial for ice cream of all things. It's really hard to describe why it's scary but if you want to see it, look up "Ice cream, this is a special time."
  11. I really enjoy LPS. It certainly isn't as good a MLP, which is my favorite cartoon ( favorite live-action show is doctor who) My favorite characters are Zoe, Sunil, and Pepper
  12. I commissioned a Fluffle Puff plushie for some younger girls I know. At the moment a friend of mine is making me a plushie so I'm covered. That being said the 4DE plushies are really amazing
  13. With the show being as popular as it is, I'm sure more than enough little girls will watch the show to keep the ratings afloat. That being said I don't think bronies should feel obligated to watch it in theaters if they weren't originally planning on it. I think buying merchandise is enough support as it is, especially with how big some people's collections get
  14. Every single nanosecond of Just For Sidekicks I wanted to say "Hey, quit being such a dick weed to Spike!" Even Granny Smith of all ponies, who is nice to bees so their honey will taste better, manipulates him into giving him one of his gemstones. And then at the end of the episode Corey Powell, who was my new favorite writer after Sleepless in Ponyville, has the nerve to make all the hard work Spike put into taking care of the pets for naught. Powell, what happened to ya' man, you used to be cool but you've changed
  15. Only if a brony did something REALLY stupid like kill someone in the name of (insert pony here) So until then, I'm stickin' around
  16. The way I see it, you just buy like you would buy anything else. If you want a cheap easy excuse just say your buying it for your little sister or your cousin. If you're really insecure just order online. I personally order online so that way I can find the stuff I need more easily.
  17. I didn't make the game I just found it. It's made on RPG maker so you can't change the format unfortunately. Yes you have to play as twilight but you can pick 3 other ponies to take with you.
  18. Am I the only one who's opinion was impacted negatively by the second trailer? Admittedly the screen shots were interesting and the design of Sunset Shimmer's new form was really cool, this trailer seemed about as forced and contrived as the first one.
  19. - An episode describing Discord's role in Ponyville now that he's reformed - King Sombra's return and/or some backstory for him - A Celestia focused episode - More development in Diamond Tiara and/or Silver Spoon - The Equestria Games - Positive character development for Angel Bunny - The Cake family - To see Gilda again
  20. The website I use is Toywiz; They have a wide selection of other items but they also have a great MLP section. You can get plushies, blind bags, comics, and even the Rainbow Dash energy drink! Check it out
  21. We got a snowball's chance of that happening. As much as I would like to meet other bronies in real-life. Besides, it would just give haters and dailydot writers more fuel
  22. Yes and I will try to avoid them. I remember how disappointed I was when I found out the huge twist in the second arc of the comics.
  23. DITR

    Here I am

    This is the first time I have ever made myself known on a My Little Pony site of any kind. I don't know any bronies in real life so I figured this would be a good way to meet some. My name is DITR(Diamond in The Rough). Information Favorite Pony: Rarity Favorite Princess: Celestia Favorite CMC: Sweetie Belle Favorite Background Pony: Lyra Favorite Pet: Gummy Favorite Supporting Pony: Cheerilee Favorite One-Shot Pony: Saphire Shores Favorite Episode: Don't really have one
  24. I'll see it; I gave Glee a chance, I loved it. I gave My Little Pony a chance, I loved it. I gave the movie kick-ass a chance, and I loved it. I probably won't be able to see it in theaters though. My parents probably won't feel like driving me 2 and a half hours away to see a movie
  25. I found an awesome game, it's called MLP RPG: Fighting The Unknown You can find it here http://darkkyshadow.com/Download.html Note that there are a few things about this game you should be aware of however. 1. It's hard as hell. Don't be surprised if you die on the first encounter. The best strategy for that is to run away then pick up the level up candy you can find on the field. You will then get a skill perfect for killing all enemies. 2. You need a beta key to play. What this means is that on the same page where you can download the game, you also need to get a code which you will need to enter every time you play the game. Access the page by clicking "request beta access code" on the download page. 3. Don't be surprised if you find a bug. On the same page where you got the beta key you can send bug reports to the creator. If you have any other questions e-mail me at squareman11@yahoo.com
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